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I can’t watch it anymore. There’s the bad booking, 3 hours etc but it’s Renee Young putting me over the edge. 

I can’t listen to her. Her fake enthusiasm, laugh and “OHHHHHH” anytime anything happens is honestly unbearable. She’s up there with the worst announcers they’ve ever had. 

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11 hours ago, TheGoon said:

I can’t watch it anymore. There’s the bad booking, 3 hours etc but it’s Renee Young putting me over the edge. 

I can’t listen to her. Her fake enthusiasm, laugh and “OHHHHHH” anytime anything happens is honestly unbearable. She’s up there with the worst announcers they’ve ever had. 

Have to say, starting to agree on that.  She was brilliant in the role they had her in before, shown even more so by how robotic and wooden Coachman is in the same role.  But in this one she just seems so stilted.  Wonder if she's struggling to cope with a yapping voice in her ear every 2 minutes, because it's hard to imagine how a comfortable, charismatic figure like her can turn into the "OOOOOOOOH" machine she is now.

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I'm reading fans were chanting "one more time" for Lesnar to do Rollins again.
Are fans just being generally disruptive here, or have Rollins and Lesnar seen a ridiculous switcheroo considering where they both were going in to Mania a few months ago?

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Not sure there's much other than just people like seeing someone get the shit kicked out of them.  Lesnar's supposed to be the heel, but they've never really managed to treat him as one.  They got close with the stuff around him and Reigns, but even then he's not an out-and-out heel.  Now he's up against someone who hasn't been a particularly good face.  If that was a face Daniel Bryan in there, you might get a better reaction, but seeing Lesnar in full flow is still fun.  When he cares, watching him throw people like javelins is good to watch.  I'm not surprised people wanted to see more.

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I mean I'd cheer Lesnar in that situation as if you get to see Lesnar trap live, you want to see him f**k someone - anyone - up, and he usually stands there looking like a big goofy tool.

So to actually see him doing something menacing and look like a vicious b*****d doing so was great fun.

Plus Rollins as a face is a victim of his promos coming off stinted, unnatural and honestly not that interesting. This, coupled with the 'put him with Becky because real life' thing and it makes him really, really hard to get behind for a lot of folk despite the fact that he should be the most natural babyface on the roster.

Edited by djchapsticks
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Rollins is incredibly talented, but incredibly arrogant and comes away with some amount of shite at the expense of others. I wouldn't be surprised to see fans turn on him. I think he's better as a heel in any case. It's more natural for him.

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