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Monday Night Raw Live


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The first hour of Monday's show garnered 4,147,000 viewers, with hour two slightly dropping 4,126,000. The third hour, however, suffered its sharpest decline since the program was lengthened to three hours in July, dropping to 3,488,000 viewers. It marked as the fifteenth consecutive week and eighteenth week out of nineteen weeks where viewership dropped off during the third hour.

Not surprising to hear, it does feel a bit too long. The problem is that even with that 15% drop, Raw will be one of their most successful shows so it's not likely to change unless they move networks or something radical happens.

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Starting to like Ryback a bit more as he actually gets on the mic and tells that boot Vickie to shut up!

Daniel Bryan has gone downhill a bit with the storylines given to him which is a bit gutting as I think he is a brilliant wrestler and good on the mic, but his beard must itch like hell constantly!

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Just caught up the ending and I have to agree that Ambrose looks great without doing very much - he just has that arrogant "I'm the man" look about him.

Shield/Punk/Ryback story is going well to be fair, I wasn't really keen at the start.

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Ambrose does look like he could be the next big heel WWE will have. He definitely has that 'look'.

From what i've seen of Rollins on NXT and now Raw, i haven't been that impressed tbh. Don't get why people are fawning over him.

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I don't know a lot about Ambrose apart from the Foley stuff. But whatever 'it' is, it seems the he has it in spades. Even from a 5 minute segment where he said very little, his expressions, his demeanour gave him an air of menace that makes him believable as a dangerous b*****d. Strange comparison, but sort of in a way Heath Ledger played the Joker in the Dark Knight, you know from his character that Ambrose isn't one to be fucked with.

I'm hoping they have the belief in the guy and he's good in the ring as he could be something pretty big if he is and they do.

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I don't know a lot about Ambrose apart from the Foley stuff. But whatever 'it' is, it seems the he has it in spades. Even from a 5 minute segment where he said very little, his expressions, his demeanour gave him an air of menace that makes him believable as a dangerous b*****d. Strange comparison, but sort of in a way Heath Ledger played the Joker in the Dark Knight, you know from his character that Ambrose isn't one to be fucked with.

I'm hoping they have the belief in the guy and he's good in the ring as he could be something pretty big if he is and they do.

He was on the indies as Jon Moxley. If you look on youtube there should be a good number of promos. He does have a rather mental air about him. As I said before, I'd imagine they've kept him off the TV while Linda's campaign was going on. Hopefully they don't try to pin him down too much and let him rip on the crowds.

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He was on the indies as Jon Moxley. If you look on youtube there should be a good number of promos. He does have a rather mental air about him. As I said before, I'd imagine they've kept him off the TV while Linda's campaign was going on. Hopefully they don't try to pin him down too much and let him rip on the crowds.

Yeah, I had a look about YouTube yesterday for some of his stuff and it's pretty menacing at times. Excellent stuff though.

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It's all just so predictable and banal right now. Don't the writers ever think that if the majority of the audience can figure out exactly what is going to happen based on who is involved at what time, then they ought to think outside the box a little?

Miz's awkward couple of promos were really(really.... really...) bad television(I remember reading an interview with a former WWE writer who said they didn't like Bryan being face because his natural promo style always puts emphasis on the things a heel should emphasise, well babyface Miz is like that but x100). Punk's attempt at dragging him into a shoot promo which Miz wasn't biting for was also pish.

Liking Ryback just now though. On another note, it just struck me that I met him at Stansted airport in 2010. Was with a few of the other NXT guys and some British guy who'd apparently just signed(couldn't ever figure out who he went on to be); nice guy.

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