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Like you said, votes probably don't even count. That match was always happening and you could see the ending miles off.

Major predictable pish raw so far unfortunately.

Who knows, it's either that or they are prepared for all of those matches and they all have the same ending anyway.

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Aye, all this "best" pish is leading me to think HHH is going to include himself.

Batista returning the week before the rumble probably means he will make the save for Bryan or someone and team at the Rumble.

Can see Lesnar coming out saying nobody can match him and out comes Seamus or Henry.


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So where does that put Cena if he wins RR if its they 2 v each other for title??

I meant Cena wins the title match at RR and defends against Lesnar at the PPV before Mania. Batista to win the Rumble at fight Lesnar for it at WM.

Looking more likely Cena v Undertaker for me. Punk/Bryan v HHH HBK could happen too.


Who can stop Lesnar? Undertaker at WM.

Edited by Colgan
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But you said to unify the IC and US title? You can't have two singles titles for the entire male roster (ie the WWE World Heavyweight and whatever they unify those titles into).

Three is pushing it as it is.

I would unify them as they are too similar and perhaps promote the NXT title to Smackdown.

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I would unify them as they are too similar and perhaps promote the NXT title to Smackdown.

What did the NXT title do to deserve that sort of punishment? Leave NXT where it is, it's comfortably the best thing in WWE.

The problem isn't they're too similar, it's that Creative isn't good enough to sustain both. Unifying them doesn't solve that issue, it's just trying to work around it. Ambrose should either be defending it or he should drop it but again, that's Creative not knowing to drop it before he gets involved in this Punk feud.

If they're going to bring a new title in then they'd be better bringing back the cruiserweight division as they're accruing a nice pool of guys who'd suit that.

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