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Is Stephanie McMahon having a match at Summerslam?! Who actually wants to see her wrestle? She's shite in the ring.

So are a lot of people that they put in there. Steph's probably had one better match than many of them as well

This smacks of ego. Is that really going to make more folk buy Summerslam and/or subscribe to the Network?!.

Again, how many wrestlers can you actually say this for? Do you look at guys like Curtis Axel and think "f**k, this guy makes me want to pay money"? Of course not.

Or will people realise it's 2014 and she has no place in the ring (not like she ever did) and not bother with the Network if they're going to get that sort of shit (any new subscriber will be buying it on the basis of the current product as the hardcore fans who will watch the older stuff will already be subscribers).

Who is anyone to decide if she has any place in the ring? Do YOU know how much training she's had? Because you'd know a hell of a lot more than... say... 100% of people not involved with WWE.

Summerslam as a whole looks decent but it'll just di the same sort of numbers it usually does. It won't have loads more people buying it. What will they do then? Say Brock/Cena can't draw and demote them to the bottom of the upper card or top of the mid card? Somehow I don't think so

Brock/Cena CAN draw though. That's why they're doing it again. Because it's a proven draw. If Triple H vs. Roman Reigns is on there too, they're sorted. They could put on seven Sandow vs. Rose matches after that and do well.

That said, all they need to do is put a solid undercard out after Cena vs. Brock and they'll be fine. Stephanie vs. Brie or Nikki will be some midcard fodder on the show. And I'd wager some people might actually get into it. If they keep doing stuff like the arrest angle and the ending of the first Brie/Steph thing on RAW, I'd be happy to see it too.

I'll sum it up by saying this. You don't want to see it. Fine. Don't use it as some sort of reasoning for some sort of failings on WWE's part just because you don't want to see it.

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At least The Miz had the potential to go much further. Even two nights ago he had a better match than 99% of what Sandow has ever done. The reason Damien Sandow all of a sudden got the praise wasn't because of what he was doing. It was because he lost the case in a match to Cena, and he essentially became a martyr. The Miz got the praise because he was working hard as f**k to get to the top and to prove many wrong. He lost that praise because WWE completely bottled it with him in the middle of his second major push, in which he even managed to help to get R-TRUTH over. After that he half arsed it for a good while. He appears to be finding his groove a bit again.

Also, Cody Rhodes has made a name being in two of the best tag teams in recent times in WWE, those being the Rhodes Brothers and his team with the fucking horrendous Ted Dibiase. Naw much going for him in singles, but I feel that won't be an issue for him anymore.

Damien Sandow cuts some pretty excellent promos. But his initial gimmick was comedy midcard at best. So it's no real surprise that now, he's a comedy midcarder. Essentially all three of these guys have ended up where they should be. The Miz being up and down again, primarily an upper midcarder. Cody Rhodes as a main stay in the tag team division. And Damien Sandow as the primary comedy midcarder.

Edited by NewDomDom
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This isn't going to make sense at all, but who was the manager of a tag-team who had initial(s) for his name and I think he wore a bluetooth, may have been the Prime Time players' manager, and he would pull them out the ring during matches? It's really annoying me.

Edit: It was A.W

Edited by Adrian Madaschi
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TBH I think worst has been said, especially in the Zeb Colter anti-immigration promos and I think Cena made a similar comment aswell. I thought he was class with Titus, speaking of which, would love to see him in this Nation of Domination II thing if they are going with it.

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Nah, ECW was good. It's essentially the same thing as what stuff like Superstars and Main Event is now. Couple of long matches, many of 'em good, and a segment or short midcard thing. Ye knew what ye were getting with them, and it was usually not bad at worst.

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Bo Dallas is amazing haha, from the moment he pins someone to the end of his run around the ring I have a smile on my face throughout.

Hopefully see him with a belt soon!

My Bo Dallas highlight was from a couple of weeks ago when, during his victory lap, he clattered into El Torito outside the ring and sent him flying.

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Was along the lines of 'he's like kobe Bryant in an LA hotel room. Unstoppable!'

One of the funniest lines I've ever heard in wwe.

There's been far worse things said and done on WWE TV. It was pretty funny. WWE though seems to be under uber scrutiny at times from some of the US media and has to be extra careful about things.

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There's been far worse things said and done on WWE TV. It was pretty funny. WWE though seems to be under uber scrutiny at times from some of the US media and has to be extra careful about things.

They're a bit inconsistent about how they deal with things though. The Emma example. She was brought back in, probably rightly in the circumstances.

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