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HIAC and Cage matches just seem a bit stupid in the PG era. The whole point of them, IMO, is to end long standing, keyfabe personal fueds with a bit o blood, some run in's and somecunt coming up though the ring.

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HIAC and Cage matches just seem a bit stupid in the PG era. The whole point of them, IMO, is to end long standing, keyfabe personal fueds with a bit o blood, some run in's and somecunt coming up though the ring.

To have an entire PPV based around such a gimmick as HIAC shows how shit the 'creative' team in WWE are (and have been for years).

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It was pretty surreal - I'd more or less tuned out and was fannying about online, then I heard IF YA SMELL come on and tuned right back in to RAW.

Not sure how the programme is going to go, but as always being a Rock mark I'm fairly excited. Unless we get Thrice in a Lifetime, which can f**k right off. Cena and Rock should steer well clear of each other - I think the WWE have something different planned, though, and it depends how long Rock is around for with this run.

His promo was very, very good - didn't come across as being overexcited to be back the way he did last time, and he had the crowd eating out the palm of his hands.

I'd like them to go full on Rocky vs. Ivan Drago with this - montages of Rock training outdoors while Eye of the Tiger or Hearts on Fire plays in the background, Rusev training while Lana screams encouragement at him, all the wrestlers vanquished by Rusev so far giving jingoistic encouragement to Rock in backstage (Mark Henry in particular would be pretty awesome for this, geeing up The Rock, maybe get Bo Dallas giving him some patronising encouragement), Rusev crushing jobbers in the build up to a clash with Rocky...

Incidentally - hard not to get Stone Cold vibes from Ambrose these days. For all the talk that CM Punk could have been the next Austin after the pipe bomb, Ambrose is looking the most like a "next Stone Cold" that WWE have had in a long while edit: since, well, Stone Cold himself! Pretty deliberate on the part of the WWE with the way he's been booked, of course, but Ambrose has carried it out brilliantly and is pretty over with the crowd. He might very well end up being a real star with some good booking, he's got the talent to make it work.

Sandow deserves some credit for being given shit and turning it into diamonds.

Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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How shite is the WWE these days?

What is that skinny boy with the half bleached heed, ridiculous beard and a dented briefcase all about? Is this the best that they can turn out these days?

They need to get back to having matches with the big names against, as Gorilla Monsoon put it "ham and eggers" like in the days of Wrestling Challenge and Superstars. You hardly ever see the proper big names like Hogan and the Warrior until the big events which built a bit of anticipation. The big events now are just like a regular episode of Raw or Smackdoon. The same boys are matched against each other roughly all the time at these and the PPV events. The only buck in the trend is Brock Lesnar.

And who came up with Adam Rose and his crowd or Bo Dallas?

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Adam Rose and Bo Dallas is good for a glorified indy promotion like NXT, but things like that always fall flat in the big league. I do like Bo Dallas mind you, but it's obvious he has a limited shelf life.

Really like Dallas but he is floundering at the moment I think mainly due to the WWE's recurring problem of the past few years of not being able to book wrestlers properly who are more over with the fans than management expected or probably would like them to be.

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