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Jinder Mahal is one of the best prospects WWE have had in yonks, and he has been utterly and completely fucked by WWE.

I've always thought this as well.

Despite being a Candian of Indian heritage, he was somehow landed with ye olde evil Arab heel gimmick. Sometimes I'm convinced Vince thinks ethnic minorities are just there for him to have a chuckle at.

Drew is a good wrestler, but he is dull as dishwater as well as having a terrible World of Sport era haircut. The antics of his now ex wife certainly didn't help him much either.

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I've always thought this as well.

Despite being a Candian of Indian heritage, he was somehow landed with ye olde evil Arab heel gimmick. Sometimes I'm convinced Vince thinks ethnic minorities are just there for him to have a chuckle at.

Drew is a good wrestler, but he is dull as dishwater as well as having a terrible World of Sport era haircut. The antics of his now ex wife certainly didn't help him much either.

Sometimes?! Almost everyone who isn't American is given the gimmick of national stereotype. I said almost, not all.

Was discussing this today and realised something, they could've used this to debut Ambrose. I mean, he did have a small spat with Foley around Mania, didn't he?

He did! It seems Ambrose has been lost since then, unless of course he makes an appearance at SS to cost Foley?

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He did! It seems Ambrose has been lost since then, unless of course he makes an appearance at SS to cost Foley?

I think he's been doing dark matches (not sure if Raw or Smackdown) but I don't think he's even been on NXT.

Hopefully they plan on removing Del Rio or Miz, or the hand of God strikes one of them.

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Foley isn't wrestling and if he was nobody knows/cares who Dean Ambrose is.

But they would if he was involved in some kind of altercation with Foley during the match (I assume Foley will be ringside) surely?

I think he's been doing dark matches (not sure if Raw or Smackdown) but I don't think he's even been on NXT.

Hopefully they plan on removing Del Rio or Miz, or the hand of God strikes one of them.

He's done a lot of house shows I believe. No idea if he's on NXT or not, as I don't watch it.

On the topic of NXT, there are guys who have been there for over two years, like Seth Rollins, whereas guys like Antonio Cesaro breezed through it in a matter of weeks. What's that all about? From alkl accounts there are plenty of great guys in NXT ready to step up. They surely can't be worse than a lot of the shit on the main roster? At the very least they'd be something fresh.

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On the topic of NXT, there are guys who have been there for over two years, like Seth Rollins, whereas guys like Antonio Cesaro breezed through it in a matter of weeks. What's that all about? From alkl accounts there are plenty of great guys in NXT ready to step up. They surely can't be worse than a lot of the shit on the main roster? At the very least they'd be something fresh.

Have you seen Seth Rollins? Everyone knows Vince loves people who have "the look" and Cesaro fits that.

Having said that, it's clear that Cesaro both has the look and is fantastic in the ring.

I agree though, they're giving people like Slater and Drew this new sorta push and people like Darren Young and Zack Ryder airtime when they're all pretty gash with NXT full of decent guys. It's not like any of them have any redeeming qualities over the NXT guys.

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I think Seth Rollins is getting the Daniel Bryan and Kaval treatment for daring to win the ROH title before entering the WWE. Although the fact that Cesaro held titles in ROH would suggest that perhaps that may not be quite so accurate.

Is Darren Young still employed by WWE?! f**k sake, he's just utterly dire.

I've just had a look at the NXT roster. I recognise some of the guys, others I have no idea about (Memo Montenegro?! Haha, who the f**k is this?!), but there are plenty of them. They surely can't be worse than the likes of:

Alex Riley


Brodus Clay

Curt Hawkins

Darren Young

David Otunga

Drew McIntyre

Ezekiel Jackson

Great Khali

Heath Slater


Jack Swagger

Jinder Mahal

Johnny Curtis


Justin Gabriel

Mason Ryan

Michael Migilicutty

Mark Henry




Titus O'Neil

Trent Baretta

Yoshi Tatsu

They really should just fire all of the above and promote the NXT roster in their place.

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Is Darren Young still employed by WWE?! f**k sake, he's just utterly dire.

Him and Titus O'Neil are a tag team, The Prime Time Players. They were watchable because they had AW as their manager but he made some "inappropriate" comments while he was on the mic and got fired. Since then, they've been shown up to be boring as f**k.

I've just had a look at the NXT roster. I recognise some of the guys, others I have no idea about (Memo Montenegro?! Haha, who the f**k is this?!), but there are plenty of them. They surely can't be worse than the likes of:

They really should just fire all of the above and promote the NXT roster in their place.

I'd agree with you. I'd keep Otunga, Gabriel and Ryback though. Otunga is a pretty decent character, he should never wrestle unless it's just to be squashed. Gabriel has shown in the past month or so that he can go in the ring, I'm still not sold on his promo skills but he's decent midcard fodder. Ryback is great in the ring, he's awful on the mic though (catchphrases not withstanding). They need to "Heyman him"(trademark forehead7) to mask up that particular weakness.

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Memo Montenegro is Alberto Del Rio's younger brother. Apparently he is dire.

With a name like that, he's pretty much being set up to fail, unless they bring in a character called Sori Serbia to feud with him.

Him and Titus O'Neil are a tag team, The Prime Time Players. They were watchable because they had AW as their manager but he made some "inappropriate" comments while he was on the mic and got fired. Since then, they've been shown up to be boring as f**k.

I'd agree with you. I'd keep Otunga, Gabriel and Ryback though. Otunga is a pretty decent character, he should never wrestle unless it's just to be squashed. Gabriel has shown in the past month or so that he can go in the ring, I'm still not sold on his promo skills but he's decent midcard fodder. Ryback is great in the ring, he's awful on the mic though (catchphrases not withstanding). They need to "Heyman him"(trademark forehead7) to mask up that particular weakness.

I had forgotten about the Prime Time Players. Aye, just shows how much they miss AW.

I haven't really seen enough from Otunga and Gabriel to keep them, and I simply don't like Ryback, even though he's clearly quite over at the moment!

This just shows how much I skip when I catch up with Raw online, which shows how shit the product currently is.

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JTG is still employed by WWE?! :lol:

I think WWE need to start cutting their roster of some of these guys first before introducing those from NXT. Trim the roster down and work on the characters of the ones who are left rather than have X amount of jobbers.

There's a fair few from that list that I would keep but almost all of them would have to change or develop their characters.









Ryback (doesn't really fall into this category just now tbh)

Those are the ones I would keep but they'd probably need a lot of work done to salvage them.

Edited by Big River
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Ryback (doesn't really fall into this category just now tbh)

Those are the ones I would keep but they'd probably need a lot of work done to salvage them.

I was at the house show in Nottingham last night and Ryback is an awful awful wrestler. His match with Punk went 18 minutes. 6 minutes was Punks entrance, 6 minutes of stalling and 6 minutes of Punk bumping around the ring to make the big useless lump look as though hes not a useless big lump who was knackered by the end despite doingnext to nothing.

Worryingly though the kids in the crowd went crazy for him. Despite this I dont see success long term. Right gimmick, right time, wrong guy.

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