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CM Punk undergoing emergency knee surgery.

Hope this doesn't mean his title reign is over, although i'm having my doubts that it will last much longer. :unsure:

Noooooo. I thought that Cena/Ziggler for the MITB case might've meant Cena was moving over to the other title which would've probably meant Punk/Rock for the Rumble and maybe Mania as well. Probably not now.

It'll be fucking Cena/Rock and someone shite like Orton in the other one sad.gif

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I can see Cena retaining the championship now as Vickie announced that he will be facing Ziggler for his MITB. I think it is expected that Ryback is to beat Punk and Cena will either cash in on the same night or arrange a match like he usually does when he has the briefcase.

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From WWE.com

3:30 p.m. UPDATE

WWE.com has confirmed that Dr. Andrews completed a scope of CM Punk’s left knee. Andrews successfully trimmed a cartilage tear in Punk’s knee.

“CM Punk underwent knee surgery today to remove a piece of torn meniscus that had locked up his knee,” said Andrews’ colleague, WWE physician Dr. Chris Amann. “The surgery, performed by Dr. James Andrews, went smoothly and CM Punk is expected to make a full recovery.”

2:08 p.m.

WWE.com has learned WWE Champion CM Punk is currently undergoing surgery on his left knee in Pensacola, Fla.

Last night, after Ryback drove him through a table, The Straight Edge Superstar took a late night flight to Florida for an emergency consultation with Dr. James Andrews. A review of his condition resulted in the WWE Champion’s immediate surgery today. (PHOTOS FROM RAW)

WWE.com will continue to report on Punk’s condition as more details become available.


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I can see Cena retaining the championship now as Vickie announced that he will be facing Ziggler for his MITB. I think it is expected that Ryback is to beat Punk and Cena will either cash in on the same night or arrange a match like he usually does when he has the briefcase.

At this point, I think Cena can cash in that briefcase for the WWE title since it's the Smackdown case. If Ryback beats Punk at TLC then it would be Ryback vs Rock at the Royal Rumble, there's also Punk's rematch which would need to have on a Raw (I suppose they could have Punk win the rematch so it's still Punk/Rock at RR)

Not sure what they'll do with Punk's surgery, I think it's a lot less serious than they thought since it's just some cartilage taken out. Not sure if he'll be good for TLC in 12 days, but hopefully he'll be good for the Rumble. They could get around him not having to defend at TLC, maybe a swerve with The Shield beating Punk up pre-match.

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They could just say that Ryback injured Punk meaning there's no title match at TLC? Therefore you can have Bryan, Kane & Ryback against The Shield at the PPV instead, with Punk hopefully recovered in time to face Rock at the Rumble.

I really don't want to see Ryback as WWE Champion, yet i know it's inevitable at some point. However now is not the right time, espcially since his next opponent would be The Rock. He would get absolutely (and rightly) murdered by the crowd, which makes no sense since they're building him up as a big face.

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They could just say that Ryback injured Punk meaning there's no title match at TLC? Therefore you can have Bryan, Kane & Ryback against The Shield at the PPV instead, with Punk hopefully recovered in time to face Rock at the Rumble.

I really don't want to see Ryback as WWE Champion, yet i know it's inevitable at some point. However now is not the right time, espcially since his next opponent would be The Rock. He would get absolutely (and rightly) murdered by the crowd, which makes no sense since they're building him up as a big face.

Yeah, it's definitely workable. They're probably planning Kane, Bryan and Miz against The Shield so Ryback for Miz is an easy enough solution.

Possibly, but it shouldn't happen until after Mania and I'm not sure he'll still have this momentum in 4/5 months time. He would get slaughtered by them if he was facing Rock. It'd be quite funny actually.

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This PPV's took a bit of a turn for the worse. Was shaping up quite nicely before then.

I'd like to see Sheamus-Big Show annihilate each other. Ziggler cashes in and defeats the winner, declaring that his match with Cena doesn't have to take place as he has cashed in the briefcase. He's then forced to defend the title against Cena instead. Maybe the Shield will get involved as they'll see it as an "injustice".

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I think this may be a work to be honest. Wouldn't surprise me to see Punk getting involved in the finish.

Can't see it myself. Just can't see them going into a PPV without their WWE Champion being advertised to be in a big match unless they have to, especially given the hurried changes to the Survivor Series pay-per-view when he was only going to be involved in an elimination tag match.

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