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What does that matter? Heels can attack heels, they're bad guys, they don't run by a code like a face should. Cena's a babyface, he's all about hustle, loyalty and respect yet he breaks up a MITB cash in? Pretty villainous thing to do.

I know, I'm so angry right now

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Preparing to get shot down... But...

I've actually quite enjoyed Raw tonight. It's the sick, weird part of me that made it impossible to turn off. The words 'car-crash' sum it up perfectly, but that's when WWE is at it's best.

We all knew the voting would be rigged (hence why the voting switched from Twitter to the WWE App) so that didn't bother me at all. It's always good to have a few cameos every so often, it can remind you that sometimes, what we've got right now isn't actually too bad at times.

Dolph not being able to successfully cash-in is hardly a surprise, but still relatively annoying as I can't stand Big Show as WHC. If this is WWE's attempt at turning Cena diet-heel then it's not very good IMO. He needs to do something truly shocking. Attack Lawler or turn on the WWE Universe. But they'll never truly turn him heel as Vince worries too much about the lost income. Even Vince can surely see the reaction guys like Ziggler, Punk, Bryan etc are getting shows they can offset things so Cena is no longer the main face.

I know personally, I'm sticking with the WWE for the same reason I've stuck with the U.S. Office. I've invested far too much time in it to give up now. With things so tentatively close to changing I'm wary about giving up completely. I sincerely hope that the WWE realises how close they are to losing an entire generation of fans for good...

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I fully agree with you on tonight's RAW, I can't remember the last time I've watched every minute of the show, it had just about everything, most of which was done well. Even stuff that was messed up due to it being live was enough to hook you into waiting for more.

Best show in a long time, and hopefully a sign of the next 6 months with Rock and Taker still to come back - along with Lesnar.

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I fucking hated Raw tonight. Slammy shows are always shit and I get that, they need to take up a good portion of the time (probably about half when you factor in all the promotions for it and whatnot) but the other half was woeful. Too many matches like Sandow and Rhodes' two matches against Rey and Sin Cara, Kofi and Tensai, Cesaro vs Ryback were all very short. Too short when you've got dross like Otunga/Khali and JTG/Brodus. The 3MB match got a ridiculous amount of time considering no one gives a shit about them.

It's the first time I've felt like the adverts were a lot more frequent too. I'll need to check tomorrow when it gets uploaded to site for the running time without adverts but it felt like they were trying to make up for tomorrow night's ad-free Smackdown.

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There isn't a Smackdown thread so I thought I'd post in here.

This Ryblacks finisher is, well, it's worse than Rybacks. I don't even understand what pain it's supposed to be inflicting? Doesn't make any sense to me.

Brad Maddox in Smackdown? Yeh, that'll make me watch every Friday night.

Luckily, Rhodescholars are here to save the day.

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