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Am I the only one intrigued by the idea of Mark Henry vs. Ryback? I'm gonna guess that I am.

That could be a very good big man match. Being in the ring with an old pro like Henry is exactly what Ryback needs at his first Mania. It would be a great moment if he is able to hit a Shellshock on Henry.

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That could be a very good big man match.

Mark Henry has become one of the most solid big men around. He didn't know how to wrestle for YEARS. Sort of sorted it in the mid 00s but was always injured. Took him a while to shake his tag of being shite when he eventually got his run in ECW, but he's winning a lot of people over I reckon.

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It would be a great moment if he is able to hit a Shellshock on Henry.

I don't think he'll be able to and it'll be a horrible failure if he attempts to.

Ric Flair would be more suited to being Ziggler's manager.

I'd cream myself if there's a Flair heel turn here.

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