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What on earth gave you that vibe?

If anything Cena came out of that looking like a desperate man who will find any way to beat The Rock.

The Rock using the whole "I will beat you....again" thing just seemed a little like they could be going down a cocky heel route. Like ai said I'd be amazed if they actually did.

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The Rock using the whole "I will beat you....again" thing just seemed a little like they could be going down a cocky heel route. Like ai said I'd be amazed if they actually did.

Not sure if that's heelish, as he did tell Punk that he would end his title reign.

Rock is always going to get cheered over Cena so that would be a ridiculous move by the WWE to make.

Add in the fact that Cena's going to be around for the rest of the year, he's most likely to turn heel if anyone will.

It would make a much more exciting product if he did turn otherwise we'll end up going back to the old happy go lucky Cena as Champion programme again. <_<

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