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I heard that the Undetaker pished in Paul Heymans slippers and that sent Brock over the edge. Still a rumour at this point.

I actually want that to happens now

"What the? My slippers!? BROCK! BROCK! BROCK!"

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I heard that Brock is set to win every title tonight. Including the Divas. And the Hardcore, European, WCW, ECW, TNA, ROH and ICW title. Grado will win it from him at Mania XXXI.

Have the 'Punk is in New Orleans tonight!' rumours started yet?

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I heard that Brock is set to win every title tonight. Including the Divas. And the Hardcore, European, WCW, ECW, TNA, ROH and ICW title. Grado will win it from him at Mania XXXI.

Have the 'Punk is in New Orleans tonight!' rumours started yet?

A rumour? Get the f**k outta here! That shit has no place here.

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This isn't actually a rumour. Huge news released today is that Ezekial Jackson has left the WWE.

Thoughts everyone?

JTG still holding strong

Devastated that we'll never get to watch him do the same body slam 25 times in every single match again.

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