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Sheamus by the looks of it. Not only is he smashing through everything USA has to offer, but to take the US title from Sheamus.... Can you imagine the seethe?!?! :lol::thumsup2

They've been talking about that for a while to be honest. It would add prestige to the us title plus adding a lot of heat on Rusev at the same time

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That suggestion of a Rusev/USA Title storyline is 100 times better than anything they've been churning out for months.

Exactly, no way would they have the intelligence to do it

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Exactly, no way would they have the intelligence to do it

Disagree, WWE love going down the boring and safe route but on the same hand, they love playing the 'naughty foreigner' card whilst thinking they're being risqué. Sometimes they pull it off others they Muhammed Hassan it.

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Ludo *1, on 29 Oct 2014 - 23:41, said:

Disagree, WWE love going down the boring and safe route but on the same hand, they love playing the 'naughty foreigner' card whilst thinking they're being risqué. Sometimes they pull it off others they Muhammed Hassan it.

Aye, they decided to go full pelt after the plane incident which was a pleasant surprise, if a little silly. I can see them really pushing on with a US Title thing.

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I've never really got why there was such a furore over the Muhammed Hassan thing. We're told all the time that wrestling 'isn't real' yet suddenly it got too real. For me there's no real difference in terms of it being a fictional episodic TV show (Raw I mean) and something like 24 which has had a lot 'worse' in it's storylines and is also an episodic fictional TV show.

It's a bit like crying and being offended over the Nazis in Band Of Brothers

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I don't mind admitting I liked Ryback during his push when he first appeared on the scene and I actually think there is maybe room for him right now to make another decent impact of the crowd get behind him like they did the other night.

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