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Smackdown Thread

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Aye think I'm the only one that watches it .

Damian Sandows debut was class! Good on the mic and got loads of heat for his debut

esp when they started the 'what' chant and then he shut then upwith one line .

pretty awkward timing friday night and that

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Aye think I'm the only one that watches it .

Damian Sandows debut was class! Good on the mic and got loads of heat for his debut

esp when they started the 'what' chant and then he shut then upwith one line .

Am I right in saying Damian Sandow was Aaron Idol or Idol Stevens? I always get it mixed up.

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Don't like the way Seamus is 'stealing' the yes chants. Dilutes the beauty of it's effect with Daniel Bryan.

Any show with AJ, Layla, Eve and Aksana to look at is well worth a watch. Kaitlin? Yeah why not as well. Natalya not so much (wouldn't boot her out of bed though - uless her farting gimmick is still going.)

Sandow's 'debut' was fun. Followed by another Ryback squash. Not sure i'm liking the sqash a diddy trend that's creeping in. Get some real matches going.

Tag division heating up. Smackdown's the perfect place for it, gives Smackdown an extra hook. Hope they continue it well.

Seamus' brogue kick missed by a mile! Good ending though. Thought Bryan was going to get it due to the injury setting up a title v title match at Over the Limit


Not enough big Johnny on the show for my liking but the sexy secretary look for Eve - I LIKE!

Riccardo's cross body was one of the best things i've seen in wrestling in ages - absolute perfection!

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Don't like the way Seamus is 'stealing' the yes chants. Dilutes the beauty of it's effect with Daniel Bryan.

Any show with AJ, Layla, Eve and Aksana to look at is well worth a watch. Kaitlin? Yeah why not as well. Natalya not so much (wouldn't boot her out of bed though - uless her farting gimmick is still going.)

Sandow's 'debut' was fun. Followed by another Ryback squash. Not sure i'm liking the sqash a diddy trend that's creeping in. Get some real matches going.

Tag division heating up. Smackdown's the perfect place for it, gives Smackdown an extra hook. Hope they continue it well.

Seamus' brogue kick missed by a mile! Good ending though. Thought Bryan was going to get it due to the injury setting up a title v title match at Over the Limit


Not enough big Johnny on the show for my liking but the sexy secretary look for Eve - I LIKE!

Riccardo's cross body was one of the best things i've seen in wrestling in ages - absolute perfection!

A good summary. I think SD is slowly changing for the better.

The tag division is certainly an interesting one as it something they always seem to start 'reintroducing' but then gets shat on. I see Kofi/Truth are looking for a tag team name on twitter so hopefully they will be set as a proper team.

Actual Tag Teams:







They could really do with another face team, there have been random pairings lately of Brodus/Swoggle, Santino/Ryder etc

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The tag division is certainly an interesting one as it something they always seem to start 'reintroducing' but then gets shat on. I see Kofi/Truth are looking for a tag team name on twitter so hopefully they will be set as a proper team.

Actual Tag Teams:







They could really do with another face team, there have been random pairings lately of Brodus/Swoggle, Santino/Ryder etc

Is it me or do they all seem incredibly boring? Kofi is the only one there that I'd really like to watch and would probably be able to hold down a spot on the mid-upper card and it not be ridiculous but the rest aren't good enough(maybe Truth since he was in the main event for Survivor Series but he's not good enough in the ring to be there)

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To be honest - its hard to say as very rarely do two tag teams get any length of time to put on a match or any kind of storyline so I'm only basing this on what I have seen of them in ring on Smackdown/Superstars/NXT etc

Kofi Kingston/R-Truth

Everyone knows about their in ring abilities and faults. Kofi is decent in the ring but sh*te on a promo. Truth was a very good heel and a very average wrestler, now he is back to being a face he has kind of lost it again. But if they get a tag team name/same intro music etc then I could believe them as a worthy enough tag team.


For obvious reasons, they are the most natural tag team about at the moment. I think they are solid enough in the ring and have a wee bit of personality, never heard them on the mic, only in backstage segments but they appaear a bit dull when speaking. They had a really good run of matches against Slater/Gabriel at the end of last year


I enjoy watching them in the ring, I think they are both technically ok wrestlers. Was looking forward to see them come out of their shell when they won the tag championships but we barely seen them. I think given enough time, they could put on some really good matches.

Titus O'Neil/Darren Young

As a tag team, I haven't seen a great deal of them as they aren't long together actually. In the ring, I think both are very raw. However both seem to be a good match for each other especially in any back stage segments/promos I have seen. They both have such weird personalities that they are actualy very entertaining to watch outside of the ring. Hope the in ring stuff comes with time as well


Yesterdays match was only the second time I have seen these two as a tag team. I think they 'look' like a tag team in the sense they have the same image/clothes/music etc. Hunico's in ring stuff is very good I think, Camacho I'm not sure. I would like to see more out of ring stuff from both and more in ring from Camacho to be fully convinced.


Personality wise these two are tremendous, bags of entertainment and remind me very much of Edge and Christian in that sense. In the ring Hawkins is decent enough and Reks is...well a bit sh1t. I'm not sure what has happened to them of late, I know Regal 'fired' them both from NXT so I had expected them to show up perhaps on Smackdown in the last month.

In summary - I think there is potential there in the division for both producing good in ring matches and for the out of ring stuff. But unless WWE properly invests in the matches and gives them a decent amount of time for matches and for storylines then it will just fall apart again and appear boring without allowing their charcters and in ring styles to develop

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Anyone else scream out "AHHH RICCARDOOOOOOOO" when he did that cross body? Would like to see Ryback in an actual fight rather than just squashing - same with Clay who's just getting ridiculously boring.

Agreed - far too many squash matches going on these days.

Clay has been back for nearly 6 months now and is still doing squash matches. I don't get it

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