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Walking Down The Halbeath Road

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Pars fans are not being shown any respect by those in the know. There is far too much secrecy with the top men ready to take money from genuine fans but refusing to divulge the full facts about the financial situation. Even the auction is being held in secret!

I wonder if millionaire Bob Purvis knows the full financial picture. Surely the lecky bill is chicken feed to him and could have been settled without the begging bowl being put out.

Firstly, just to clarify. DAFC's Board did not ask for any donation last night; not for an electricity bill, to pay the players, HMRC etc etc. However, that doesn't mean they weren't hoping for money. For that, only Gavin Masterton will know. But, what I can say is, the reason the money is going to the club is due to the vote which took place - an unplanned vote. This was due to the fact someone raised the point about helping pay the Electricity Bill and the majority of the vote agreed. I believe it's 50% being paid, so £6k is being handed over.

Furthermore, to the point in bold, without having any inside knowledge or personel friendships with Bob Purvis, or any other DAFC related person, I cannot tell you if he knows the full facts - except Masterton and Yorkston, does anyone? But, what I would say is - he must know how bad it is due to the fact he hasn't actually "officially" joined the Board. I'm sure all Pars supporters will agree with me however, the contribution from the 3 or 4 who are now voluntarily helping is greatly appreciated and if we survive, they'll deserve as much credit as anyone for helping out. Apparently, they are covering the USH issues - buying in the oil, and paying for it to be used (from what I've read, this is what I believe to be happening. I may have misunderstood though!). Also, I'm led to believe they covered the Gas/Electricity Bill last month.

I'm hopeful DAFC can overcome this problem and come out the other end a stronger, and a much more viable, club. I think many teams will go through this in years to come - Motherwell, Dundee, Livingston and Rangers have all suffered recently, with Hearts and ourselves currently struggling. This theme will be recurring in the months and years to come, I'm positive of that. I just pray and hope ALL teams can come out the other side - it's horrible to see any teams' fans go through something like this and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

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Firstly, just to clarify. DAFC's Board did not ask for any donation last night; not for an electricity bill, to pay the players, HMRC etc etc. However, that doesn't mean they weren't hoping for money. For that, only Gavin Masterton will know. But, what I can say is, the reason the money is going to the club is due to the vote which took place - an unplanned vote. This was due to the fact someone raised the point about helping pay the Electricity Bill and the majority of the vote agreed. I believe it's 50% being paid, so £6k is being handed over.

Furthermore, to the point in bold, without having any inside knowledge or personel friendships with Bob Purvis, or any other DAFC related person, I cannot tell you if he knows the full facts - except Masterton and Yorkston, does anyone? But, what I would say is - he must know how bad it is due to the fact he hasn't actually "officially" joined the Board. I'm sure all Pars supporters will agree with me however, the contribution from the 3 or 4 who are now voluntarily helping is greatly appreciated and if we survive, they'll deserve as much credit as anyone for helping out. Apparently, they are covering the USH issues - buying in the oil, and paying for it to be used (from what I've read, this is what I believe to be happening. I may have misunderstood though!). Also, I'm led to believe they covered the Gas/Electricity Bill last month.

I'm hopeful DAFC can overcome this problem and come out the other end a stronger, and a much more viable, club. I think many teams will go through this in years to come - Motherwell, Dundee, Livingston and Rangers have all suffered recently, with Hearts and ourselves currently struggling. This theme will be recurring in the months and years to come, I'm positive of that. I just pray and hope ALL teams can come out the other side - it's horrible to see any teams' fans go through something like this and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

I would, but only old firm fans.

Anyway, more ridiculous ideas are appearing. Someone has suggested we install solar panels on the roof of the main stand. Whilst the idea itself is actually a decent one, the suggestion of it now, when we can't even pay an electricity bill, just shows that some people somehow still don't get it. Also there's suggestions that games be moved to 12 so we can save on power on floodlights. f**k that. Also there's no guarantee that floodlights wouldn't be needed at that time anyway. And it's pretty shitty to fans, both home and away.

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Cheaper just to give the ball boys, linemen and ref a torch each

Or have the players be equipped with head torches! That would liven up the game, and would make headers interesting. The ref could have one too, but also a red light and a yellow light to signal red and yellow cards. Also a striker could turn his light off to evade a defender or the defense could use them to really execute the offside trap perfectly. It would be glorious.

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This isn't funny anymore, you guys are well and truly fucked, this is just drip feeding the inevitable, hope its just administration, liquidation would be something none of us would like to see. Shortly you are going to have to swallow the "bitter pill" Having been through it to a much "wee-er" extent I wish you guys well, if the big L word becomes. A Reality you should be getting a fighting fund together to restructure some sort of club and hopefully at sfl level. I fear giving this mob anything is a waste of future funds.

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This isn't funny anymore, you guys are well and truly fucked, this is just drip feeding the inevitable, hope its just administration, liquidation would be something none of us would like to see. Shortly you are going to have to swallow the "bitter pill" Having been through it to a much "wee-er" extent I wish you guys well, if the big L word becomes. A Reality you should be getting a fighting fund together to restructure some sort of club and hopefully at sfl level. I fear giving this mob anything is a waste of future funds.

to enter then exit admin is the pars only hope imo. As the sevco 3rd div option will never happen for anyone else. It will be up to another creditor to put them in admin i would think as i cant see masterton taking that route

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This may be an absolutely ridiculous suggestion, but couldn't the club do a bit of research into how Dundee and Hearts managed to attract huge crowds and raise loads of much-needed £££?

Show your support Saturday (Dumbarton game) obviously didn't attract a bumper crowd, so what is it that Dundee and Hearts did that achieved this?

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The longer the BOD provarocate over this mess, the worse its going to get!! Stating the obvious I know, but there still seems to be an attitude that they will spend money they dont have to get into SPL!!!!

They need to start being brutal and start cutting some of the fat away from the meat.

There seems to be an air of desparation from BOD and they are flailing about trying to raise money without any strategy.

Yes, it will be painful, but better doing it now before there isnt a Dunfermline Athletic FC to support.

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The longer the BOD provarocate over this mess, the worse its going to get!! Stating the obvious I know, but there still seems to be an attitude that they will spend money they dont have to get into SPL!!!!

They need to start being brutal and start cutting some of the fat away from the meat.

There seems to be an air of desparation from BOD and they are flailing about trying to raise money without any strategy.

Yes, it will be painful, but better doing it now before there isnt a Dunfermline Athletic FC to support.

Agree completely with this. Just get enough money to get to April/May and hope we win the league and go far in the cup. Complete negligence.

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