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Walking Down The Halbeath Road

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Just as critical and just as quiet? It's not just been this season. It's been that way for years. Obviously for most of last season there wasn't as much negativity but at most games I was at there wasn't much vocal support.

Pars fans are great at singing on buses and in bars but are anonymous where it really matters.

Also I don't recall anyone saying the fans of other teams aren't crap. But that doesn't matter a bit. I don't care about how other fans support their team.

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One thing i have never understood are fans who applaud players who get sent off. Just doesn't make any sense to me at all.

It depends on the station IMO, how they have played up to the red, how late the game it is and wether or not I feel it was the right decision from the ref.

That does mean 90% of the time applauding is wrong, but if somebody has been brilliant for 89 mins, we are leading 3-0 and they are sent off harshly then I may well applaud.

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Booing doesn't help. Our team are fucking shite though. I'm more baffled at people still going to games. I mean, I'm happy they do as we would be in a even worse state with low crowds but why on Earth are you paying £15 to moan like f**k as we play pish? I'm guessing the folk left are the ST holders who have already paid their money maybe?

People like to hit us with "I thought you were just happy to have a club?" which is an awful argument. We said that when we thought we were going to be left with a part-time club, with a squad full of the youth players that other teams didn't want. I'm not happy to just survive when we are full-time with probably the largest budget in the league. This season has been utterly abysmal and everyone involved should be embarrassed with their contribution.

Especially Ross Millen.

Edited by Poet of the Macabre
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Just reading another thread, the teams above us brought 10 and 50 fans to Airdrie.

This is what is ahead of us, how on earth can that be satisfactory?

Maybe when the players look up and see 10 fans there they might have a reason to be upset. They're lucky there's any fans there at all.

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You talk utter shite and attack pars fans all the time.

You're the embarrassment you utter cockwomble.

Utterly pish retort. Pinching pet names from the big boys forum.....go you!

A whole page & you haven't mentioned Darren Dods or defending from set pieces yet. Are you feeling ok?

Edited by da_no_1
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.......fans should be allowed to express their opinion online and at the game without ridicule or in some cases physical attacks. I heard someone was punched in the North stand on sat which is sad. Especially after everything the club went through and how the fans pulled together.

There does seem to be an group of fans who want others to follow their example of applauding and supporting regardless of form, opposite quality or performance. Most fans, like me, just sit in silence when it gets bad. I have to admit if I didn't have a season ticket atm I wouldn't be going every second week unless to watch one of the top sides.

Has anyone thought that maybe people shout and swear because they are frustrated and because they care?

I utterly utterly disagree with someone like you. I reserve the right to confront someone like you (in a non-aggressive manner) & question someone like you at the game if consistently talking utter pish & abusing the team for no reason. That is my right. There's no way I would sit in the vicinity of someone that constantly abuses players & talks pish. I'm not paying £15 to sit in the company of an absolute twat who has no clue whatsoever about football or getting behind the team.

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What on earth are you talking about?

So I've abused the team now have I?

Pattern went as follows.

Me - I don't rate Martin is he better than Page?

Others - you don't have a clue - you don't know about football.

Martin then makes basic errors that lead to goals.

1. Poor defensive header across the box, you cannot say this didn't lead to the goal.

2. Bumps into Barrowman blocking his run on his marker.

3. Also at fault for the 1vs1 on Scully. This is not shown on the highlights.

Me - Martin was at fault today, like I said I don't rate him.

Others - You don't know what you're talking about - you're not a real fan.


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Serious question - why do you actually bother going to watch the Pars? You seem to have no grasp on where we are as a club. Probably best if you pick another team as, quite frankly, you seem close to a breakdown of sorts.

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I think it's the other way around. Most of the people on dot net represent a very small clique who are all pals and are in total denial about the mess our club is in since Masterton left and fail to see just how unprofessional we are on the pitch. Just because I fail to tow the line or don't want to kiss the arses of people on there to curry favour or to get brownie points doesn't mean I don't care about the club.

It was this type of closed shop mentality that resulted in Masterton getting away with it for so long. Isn't it weird how one of the guys protecting him recently was given a nice wee number behind the scenes? Others who criticised this closed shop mindset are now attacking or ganging up on anyone who doesn't just accept total failure and waste of resources.

It's not really hard to click on your name look on facebook and see several posters you keep backing up on your friends list is it?

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I think it's the other way around. Most of the people on dot net represent a very small clique who are all pals and are in total denial about the mess our club is in since Masterton left and fail to see just how unprofessional we are on the pitch. Just because I fail to tow the line or don't want to kiss the arses of people on there to curry favour or to get brownie points doesn't mean I don't care about the club.

It was this type of closed shop mentality that resulted in Masterton getting away with it for so long. Isn't it weird how one of the guys protecting him recently was given a nice wee number behind the scenes? Others who criticised this closed shop mindset are now attacking or ganging up on anyone who doesn't just accept total failure and waste of resources.

It's not really hard to click on your name look on facebook and see several posters you keep backing up on your friends list is it?

Aside from the fact that I have absolutely nothing to hide, "curry favour" with no-one & have absolutely nothing to do with the running of the club, I find your "chip-on-the-shoulder" mentality quite frightening. I used to work with Jason Barber and work with a guy who is good friends with Billy George (Honk) so have been in his company a few times up town after games. I would count neither as "close friends" but I do treat what they have to say about the club with higher regard than someone like you. I have had run-ins with both in the past on .net but don't take it too seriously. It's a discussion forum after all. Thanks for checking out my Facebook profile though. Any other friends of mine you wish to pass comment on, just let me know. I would do the same with you but can't seem to find your name anywhere and I've no doubt you'll have another username on .net..........

Personally, as an outsider, I don't see our club as being in a total mess but then I don't know enough about the internal running of the club to be able to judge. I'm sure you'll come up with a bullet-point list of "facts" to prove your point but can I ask how you know so much about our "mess of a club"? Have you ever offered your services (whatever they may be) to help improve things? I'm sure the club would welcome your input.

Do you intend to go to next months' "meet the manager night" to voice your concerns to JP face-to-face about how "unprofessional we are on the pitch"? Or just come on P&B and bump your gums about Darren Dods being better than Lewis Martin? Oh and how we're shite at set pieces. And how shite Ross Millen is. And how our fans are great & should sit back & be entertained with goals goals goals then get behind the team.

Na? Didn't think so.

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I think it's the other way around. Most of the people on dot net represent a very small clique who are all pals and are in total denial about the mess our club is in since Masterton left and fail to see just how unprofessional we are on the pitch. Just because I fail to tow the line or don't want to kiss the arses of people on there to curry favour or to get brownie points doesn't mean I don't care about the club.

It was this type of closed shop mentality that resulted in Masterton getting away with it for so long. Isn't it weird how one of the guys protecting him recently was given a nice wee number behind the scenes? Others who criticised this closed shop mindset are now attacking or ganging up on anyone who doesn't just accept total failure and waste of resources.

It's not really hard to click on your name look on facebook and see several posters you keep backing up on your friends list is it?

Tbh looking people up on Facebook is creepy behaviour.

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