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Watch Dogs


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Any word on how the 360/PS3 versions compare to the new gen ones? This is one of the games I had my eye on for when I upgrade to XB1/PS4, but I might be tempted to go for the PS3 version if it compares favourably.

apparently not much difference other than weather effects and the decryption game mode is only available on next gen
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I watched the Giant Bomb quick look and other than the graphics, it looked like a fairly ordinary GTA clone. I'm a sucker for open world action games though, so I'll still definitely get it at some point.

Hopefully we aren't too far away from a next gen Rockstar/Just Cause/Sleeping Dogs game.

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I have started playing and I like it,only problem is the driving. I don't know what way to go to get to the hotel or to shake off the police after getting out of the baseball ground?

Edit. How do I just wander around the city without doing missions? Cheers.

Edited by saints1884
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Played it a bit more and it's growing on me. Still pretty disappointed though.

pretty much this, the graphics are average esp when you compare it to infamous for example but what were people expecting? it's been made for 360 and ps3 too so it's not going to be a massive leap between both gens unfortunately. That's not a big gripe for me though, what is is the hacking it's very basic and really not massively needed in gameplay terms, it seems more like a reason for the story to progress and the gunfights for me just aren't very interesting. Love the voice acting though and the storys not bad If not a little (lot) cliche.

Oh and the driving is just atrocious. I know people hate when you compare it to GTA but it is (to me) a poor man's GTA V. It's not terrible by any means but I am dissappointed after such big hype

Edited by killie_lad
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having finally got through the ludicrous ubisoft DRM activation problems, I have to say it's a pretty good game.

So far it isn't groundbreaking but it seems to be something I'll spend many hours on.

It's worth getting but for the money it isn't worth getting until you've got a few other open world games first, on PC at least. I paid £45 for the deluxe edition on steam. For that money I could probably have got far cry 3, just cause 2, GTA4, sleeping dogs AND skyrim.

I do have those though, and a few more open world games besides so for me it's worth the money.

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been playing this a bit and I quite Enjoy it. try to do the stealthy hacking (difficult way) stuff in missions all though if I cant I just go in all guns blazing (easy way). I am just happy for another ps4 game to be out as I have been playing very little recently.

I have not really looked in to the multiplayer but do you just try and hack other people in game? seems limited and not particularly exciting, especially when it wouldn't have been difficult to get some car races on the go or gun fights with some added hacking element.

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Think I might get myself a copy once I've renewed my season ticket. I have PS4 and the only games I have are Fifa 14 and CoD: Ghosts. Played Ghosts once, maybe twice. Which leaves me only playing Fifa, repetitive and boring. I need something else to get stuck into and this could be the game. I've seen decent enough reviews and I've seen trailers, which have convinced me this will be a good buy.

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I've only been able to give it an hour or so so far, and have to say that it isn't the revolution it seemed to be yet. It has potential though. The hacking elements seem a bit simplistic so far, but I imagine it'll get better.

The one massive minus is the driving. I'm hoping it's just a matter of getting used to it, but it feels dated. Collisions in cars are a bit baws as well.

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I have started playing and I like it,only problem is the driving. I don't know what way to go to get to the hotel or to shake off the police after getting out of the baseball ground?

Edit. How do I just wander around the city without doing missions? Cheers.

I don't know if you've completed the mission yet, but just incase you haven't; To escape is just like GTA in that you avoid the Polis and try and get out of view. I think I just drove around and avoided any on the radar and soon they called off the search. If that is becoming tricky then try going into a back alley and press O to hide in your car. It won't work in a busy street this. The hotel will be on your radar. Again I can't remember which, but it will either be a yellow circle or yellow arrows.

Yes, after this mission you can free roam.

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I don't know if you've completed the mission yet, but just incase you haven't; To escape is just like GTA in that you avoid the Polis and try and get out of view. I think I just drove around and avoided any on the radar and soon they called off the search. If that is becoming tricky then try going into a back alley and press O to hide in your car. It won't work in a busy street this. The hotel will be on your radar. Again I can't remember which, but it will either be a yellow circle or yellow arrows.

Yes, after this mission you can free roam.

Thanks for the reply. I have done the first mission,well I got the other half to do the driving.

The problem for me is the driving! I'm really bad at it,I'm alright at reversing,but driving,watching the radar and the road is a bit hard! I'll just have to keep practising my driving.

I love the hacking part when your walking around and there is an alert for criminal activity,and stealing their money. It's a putty you can't go into any of the shops though.

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