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Evil Neighbours Thread

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Some of these replies :lol:
Anyway I got in touch with the sister, she was pretty sound and thanked me for getting in touch with her. She said the guy's mental and physical health has been poor and the fact that he doesn't appear to be looking after himself or the flat properly seems to reinforce that. She said she'll keep an eye on him and have a word about the bins.

So it all appears to have been sorted amicably, expect to hear news of my dismembered corpse turning up in a bin store in the next few days.

Would still advocate setting fire to his house, tbh.
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Some of these replies [emoji38]
Anyway I got in touch with the sister, she was pretty sound and thanked me for getting in touch with her. She said the guy's mental and physical health has been poor and the fact that he doesn't appear to be looking after himself or the flat properly seems to reinforce that. She said she'll keep an eye on him and have a word about the bins.

So it all appears to have been sorted amicably, expect to hear news of my dismembered corpse turning up in a bin store in the next few days.
Still going to need those "paedo" posters. Just to be on the safe side
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11 hours ago, Busta Nut said:

Certainly. I was warned the guys next door can be p***ks and to watch myself. I was just saying I can be a bigger p***k. All is fine though. They are just weird.

I'm quite dubious about this. 

How did you know that you could be a bigger p***k, if you didn't know the extent of the neighbours p***kitude?

What was the maximum level of p***k you were willing to occupy?

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26 minutes ago, Estragon said:

I'm quite dubious about this. 

How did you know that you could be a bigger p***k, if you didn't know the extent of the neighbours p***kitude?

What was the maximum level of p***k you were willing to occupy?

I understand your doubt, I am just confident in my p***kness.

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Some of these replies [emoji38]
Anyway I got in touch with the sister, she was pretty sound and thanked me for getting in touch with her. She said the guy's mental and physical health has been poor and the fact that he doesn't appear to be looking after himself or the flat properly seems to reinforce that. She said she'll keep an eye on him and have a word about the bins.

So it all appears to have been sorted amicably, expect to hear news of my dismembered corpse turning up in a bin store in the next few days.
Yeah but has anyone seen Jenkins recently?
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  • 8 months later...

Three a.m. the doorbell rings. It's the cops, an anonymous call has reported screaming and shouting, with the phrase "get back in the silent room" being reported. Cops thinking it's some kind of Fritzl/Wolf Creek scenario. Turns out to be the crazy neighbour made the call. She's previously stalked my daughter and last Christmas day she was walking around naked in the front yard.

Should I ensure that she gets the psychiatric help she needs or should I kick her in the pie?

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11 minutes ago, Arabdownunder said:

Three a.m. the doorbell rings. It's the cops, an anonymous call has reported screaming and shouting, with the phrase "get back in the silent room" being reported. Cops thinking it's some kind of Fritzl/Wolf Creek scenario. Turns out to be the crazy neighbour made the call. She's previously stalked my daughter and last Christmas day she was walking around naked in the front yard.

Should I ensure that she gets the psychiatric help she needs or should I kick her in the pie?

Rules FFS, rules.

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1 hour ago, Arabdownunder said:

Three a.m. the doorbell rings. It's the cops, an anonymous call has reported screaming and shouting, with the phrase "get back in the silent room" being reported. Cops thinking it's some kind of Fritzl/Wolf Creek scenario. Turns out to be the crazy neighbour made the call. She's previously stalked my daughter and last Christmas day she was walking around naked in the front yard.

Should I ensure that she gets the psychiatric help she needs or should I kick her in the pie?

Regardless of the question, a boot in the pie is ALWAYS the correct answer.

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2 hours ago, Arabdownunder said:

Three a.m. the doorbell rings. It's the cops, an anonymous call has reported screaming and shouting, with the phrase "get back in the silent room" being reported. Cops thinking it's some kind of Fritzl/Wolf Creek scenario. Turns out to be the crazy neighbour made the call. She's previously stalked my daughter and last Christmas day she was walking around naked in the front yard.

Should I ensure that she gets the psychiatric help she needs or should I kick her in the pie?

Out of interest, what was the police response to the accusation of Fritzl-time?  Were the extremely thorough?

Asking for a friend.

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I suppose I'll tell my (mum's) tale, given that I've just become aware of this thread.

When I lived with my mum, they stayed next to a family of four. Mum, dad, son (my age) and daughter a couple of years younger than me. I hung about with the son when I was a kid, he was a bit of a roaster and we stopped hanging about when I hit about 14 or so. My folks and his folks got on ok, even though his dad was a bit weird (aloof). I moved out about 15 years ago, and their son did the same not long after, he didn't get on with the dad.

About ten years ago, my step-dad was on night-shift and couldn't sleep because of the neighbour's daughter's music. She was sitting in in back garden with the windows and doors open and the speakers at the windows. It was so loud that you could hear it at the end of the street. Her folk were away on holiday so she was clearly using the freedom to some use. My steo-dad got pretty pissed off about the racket and so jumped the fence which separates the back garden and gave her an earful.

Later on in the evening she is at the front door wanting their phone number so that the dad can given them a call from Spain (or whatever, who cares, it isn't important). My mum, being the polite kind soul that she is, duly hands over the phone number and awaits the phonecall. Cue argument down the phone with the neighbours. Neighbours come home a few days later and there's some frostiness from then on with neither set of parents talking to the other.

The male neighbour then dies of cancer. Since then, the daughter and the son (when he is around) have been utter c***s. This has involved incredibly loud music when the mother isn't about, vandalism of the garden, late night shouting from the garden,  and it all came to a head a few months back when my mum's brand new motor got all of her tyres slashed and the bodywork keyed too.  My mum didn't notice the damage as it was pitch black when she left for work, only realised when all the (runflat) tyre warnings came on down the road. The daughter's boyfriend was seen checking out the handiwork by another neighbour the next day, before he should have known anything about it. Cost well over a grand to get he car fixed.

Polis were phoned and came out a few weeks later to take some statements but nothing was ever done about it, other than my mum installing CCTV. The daughter's car was mysteriously damaged soon after.

The neighbours have also had a massive run in with the neighbours on the other side of them. Bit daft considering that the other neighbour is ex-polis.

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5 hours ago, mathematics said:

Also, used to live in a block of flats - worst neighbours were the Chinese - inconsiderate arseholes who didn't know how to shut a door quietly, especially at 2am, or how to manage their rubbish.


^ Father Ted...


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at one point i suppose i could have been considered an evil neighbour.

when i was 19 i moved into a flat and in order to find out an acceptable noise level i blasted the stereo and went to my neighbours and asked if she could hear it. i continued to nip back and forth turning the stereo up inbetween untill she could hear it. after that i always assumed 5 steps below what she couul hear was the acceptable level.

old bitch called the police everytime i had folk round, includinng a few times it was just me and a lady visitor, even when there was no music on.

there was a few times things got out of hand but i was only young!

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