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Jesus wept, what a film! The Taken of comic book films, that's how much ass Karl Urban kicks. It's essentially Max Payne dressed in Batman armour, starring in a futuristic and dystopian Die Hard shot in cool-as-f**k 3D and slow-mo. 9/10, I'm thinking.

Sitting here with a raging stauner half an hour after seeing it. Awesome!

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Cool story bro,

if only there was a thread that was already talking about the movie..........:rolleyes:

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it was a bit of a boring, mundane, run-of-the-mill action film with little plot and cheesy one-liners.

Nope, I'm not accepting that. If you were bored during this film then you've clearly went to see the wrong film. Go and watch something else

Especially the end,

If he was to just blow up the entire Peach Trees, however daft that sounds, that was the only thing that could've saved the film. As if he was some sort of hyperfascist adherent of the law that morality didn't even come into the equation. Then again, I suppose that would completely conflict with the comics. The ending was just piss poor in my opinion.

You answer your own question, that's completely daft. Him and the other (non-corrupt) Judges are upholders of the law. So he's just gonna blow up a block holding thousands of innocents? blink.gif No.

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It was a typical action film, nothing special. Get over it.

He plays a strict authoritarian crusader with complete disregard for morality for the entire film, to be fair it would've made the ending bearable instead of well, just a bit shite. Did you not understand the message it was trying to convey at the end, the rookie not joining alongside the Judges? Neither side was correct and Dredd came across as a bit of a p***k. Load of disguised hoorah American shite.

You said you were bored and it was mundane. If you're bored by action packed films then you're a fucking idiot for going to see this. The only similar film to this is The Raid, given the initial plots are very similar.

He only has no morality for those who break the law. He gives a shit about those who obey the law, hence why he saved the hostage at the start.

The rookie DID join them. She assumed she'd failed the test because she lost her primary weapon (stated as an automatic fail by Dredd at the start) but then when Dredd's boss asks him, he tells her that she passed. He shows feeling right there.

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Just home from seeing this in 3D.


Ok, its not going to win any Oscars but it looks excellent and it rockets along. Performances are all good and Avon Fucking Barksdale is in it! As has been said, the one liners can be a bit comic booky but I didn’t really expect any less and they are pretty few and far between.

Also, I cant believe nobody has mentioned the soundtrack!

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The 2D prints have been pulled by the production company, oddly for once its not the cinemas looking to screw over the paying punter.

Bloody ridiculous!! Not everyone can see in 3D and are therefore missing out. Looks like I'll be waiting until it's out on DVD.

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  • 2 weeks later...

FINALLY got to see this last night. Absolutely loved it!! They got so much spot on and I really hope it does well enough to get a sequel. Urban is perfect as Dredd.

I noticed a few wee nods to the comics as well. Off the top of my head:

Judge Hershey's name appears on one of the comm screens we see early on.

One of the corrupt Judges is Alvarez, who Dredd executes in the comics.

Kenny Who? graffiti in Peach Trees.

One of the Mega Blocks was called Ezquzerra

AND JUDGE FUCKING DEATH hanging from the rear view mirror of the van at the start!!!

I'd give the movie 8/10

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Current box office just $20million worldwide and it dropped out of the US top ten after one week, chances of a sequel are slim.

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It was a good start for the Dredd films, as with many of a franchise the origin and introduction to the character and surroundings. If its true they have pulled all 2D showings of Dredd that probably wont help as people wont go and see films in 3D and may have an impact on the sales. Would of much rather seen Dredd in IMAX than Total Recall

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I really hope it does well enough to get a sequel. Urban is perfect as Dredd.

Current box office just $20million worldwide and it dropped out of the US top ten after one week, chances of a sequel are slim.

I read somewhere that if it reached a certain number (I think it was $50 million) then they'd make a couple of sequels and I'm sure I read a tv show as well.

Hopefully the comic geeks will be out in force for the dvd release, I'd love to see more of that Dredd universe.

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