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Does anyone here think this man is a good manager. I havent come across anyone that thinks he is. Went to the Newcastle forum and these are some of the birthday wishes posted on Friday for him:

"Best Wishes Graeme on your 52nd birthday. May this next year be better than your last. I believe it will be."

"So do us a favour Souey, as a birthday present to us, go sack yourself. And we'll all hope you life happily ever after."

"Happy birthday.

As a birthday present, i'll give you a letter of resignation. All you have to do is to sign it."

"i hope FS's birthday to him is a gunshot"

"I've come to wish you an unhappy birthday

I've come to wish you an unhappy birthday

because you're evil

and you lie

and if you should die

I may feel slightly sad

but I won't cry"


Another year closer to DEATH"

"I hope you choke on your Birthday cake you useless p***k!"

"i was hoping the pillock would choke on a candle or have an allergy to the ingredients in his cake.

Sadly this wasnt to be"

Some harsh comments there, but I think it sums up the feeling down in Newcastle at the moment.

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Guest Geordie_Elvis

The fans want the best for the club and they demand success, not a chance with that useless pr*ck.

He is the only manager Newcastle have had for 12 years that I have never heard the fans sing about, that includes Dalgish and Gullit.

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The sooner the clown leaves the better. Unfortunatly he will be spending £25 million in the summer on shite. Then he will be sacked and the new manager will have no money to spend. The new Leeds? :(

I fear, unless he is forced out by the fans in the next few weeks, then he will ruin the club.

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Guest BRFC_Fan

ah you were gettin on robsons back just before he left newcastle fans turn on managers very quickly when its your arsehole players who are out of control. Gettin on robson fans was the mistake you ended up with souey not quite as funny as sunderland endin up with howard wilkison but amusing none the less. come to think of it if you get your way you might get him in be carful what you wish for

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I thought it was time for Robson to go. This doesnt mean I was wishing for Souness. There were loads of other better managers available. Its the manager who has to control the players. If the players are out of control the buck stops with the manager.

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The fans want the best for the club and they demand success, not a chance with that useless pr*ck.

He is the only manager Newcastle have had for 12 years that I have never heard the fans sing about, that includes Dalgish and Gullit.


He's not a great manager, vastly over-rated, but he's certainly much better than Gullit or Dalglish, who have failed everywhere. ;)

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I thought it was time for Robson to go. This doesnt mean I was wishing for Souness. There were loads of other better managers available. Its the manager who has to control the players. If the players are out of control the buck stops with the manager.


He has tried to sort it out, has got rid of Bellamy and takes the hard line with players, which they seem to need. The Newcastle players, in particular Shearer, have controlled the club for years. THat is why you are struggling, not a manager who has had half a season.

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Players shouldnt be aloud to control a club. Its Souness fault if they do. Have to agree about Shearer though, but that just deflects the focus away from the way performances have been under Souness.

He causes player unrest. Look at the way he handled the Bellamy situation!! He has fallen out with more players than any otherr manager and is a coward. He uses his position as manager in the wrong way and should be sacked now!! He should have been sacked as soon as he smacked Bellamy back in October

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Guest BRFC_Fan

there are too many arseholes at newcastle but they are loved by certin sections of the crowd who blame the manager in situations dyer should have been sold a long time ago the lad is just trouble and is not that good unless its coming up to an england squad bein picked.

I find it hard to belive you are defending bellamy if a manager picks you to play anywhere you don't refuse and you do not call your boss a liar in front of tv cameras anyone would have got rid of bellend for that not just souness tho i think he is a rubbish manager he has been right with bellamy all the way newcastle fans forgive the arse players far to easy look at dyer at the start of the season acts like an arse plays well for a bit you all love him again till next time.

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Guest D20H
Does anyone here think this man is a good manager

Anyone care about this diddy club?!

Found their level if you ask me!

He's not a great manager, vastly over-rated, but he's certainly much better than Gullit or Dalglish, who have failed everywhere.

Where'd you get that one from? Dalglish has won the premiership with 2 different clubs, and didn't get a fair crack of the whip at Newcastle. Gullit done a good job at Chelsea, admittedly terrible at Newcastle, and alright at Feyenoord. Souness has been awful just about everywhere he's been, Rangers apart.

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The man is a legend. Shite manager, but a great player. ;)

He is much maligned for his time at Anfield though. Dalglish left him with a squad that was too old and with no real youth policy which he sorted out, you may have heard of some of the youngsters that have come through since Souness started the new policy at the club. ;)

He has an impossible task at the moment, he has taken on a squad rotten to the care with wasters, but is slowly weeding them out while trying to at least recoup some money for them.

I cant see him being given the time to finish the job he has started to be honest.

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I cant see him being given the time to finish the job he has started to be honest.


Nope, hte Newcastle fans will be on his back too much, and the players will not play for him. Remember it is not Souness who let things get the way they are at the club, you have to give him atleast next season.

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Graeme Souness is a horrible, horrible man.

The tackle on Siggi Johnson in the Scotland v Iceland game.

The fact he openly admits he wished he had have been born in England so he couldve played for a better international team.

His part in the downfall of Scottish Football by starting the policy of bringing in foreigners to the Scottish game on a wide scale.

The moustache

The fact he's now employed by Newcastle :lol:

The Celtic fans had a perfect name for him......The Beast.

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Souness was an absolutely fantastic player ..... but he is an awful manager. He has never achieved anything as a manager (except for a few trophies with us after spending bag loads of money). He will get Newcastle into relegation trouble if he is still with them next season imo.

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Nope, hte Newcastle fans will be on his back too much, and the players will not play for him. Remember it is not Souness who let things get the way they are at the club, you have to give him atleast next season.


Well who else has plunged the club from 5th to 12th?


I wasnt talking about when Bellamy called him a lier. I was talking about in October when he smacked Bellamy to the floor. He should have been sacked for that, but oh no, he is the hardman so it is alright. Fuckin p***k!!! I would sack Souness and take Bellamy back now if i could.

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