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Lets All Laugh At Rangers Thread

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New CEO at Ibrox seeking meetings with SFA & SPL in order to have, an open and frank discussion on fostering better relations. Ok, SFA I can understand but surely the response from the SPL should be along the lines of:-

Sorry, but as your club is not currently a member of our organisation, we can see no ethical reason for having such a meeting. Just as we do not feel the need to have, such 'open and frank discussions' with Clyde, Queens Park or Stirling Albion. So Fk off. :lol:

Edited by Apache Don
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We're restricted in what earn from tv revenue for 3 years :rolleyes:

I've lost count of how many one off out goings we had this season, ofcourse there was a loss :rolleyes:

Advertising yes but that will be offset by a higher wage bill :rolleyes:

If Rangers are bumped up the leagues then it's not for our benefit.

Just what are you basing these mythical figures on?

FFS Benny you were starting to get the picture then you lost momentum at,it's not in Rangers benefit.

Take the phrase that's been punted "who needs who the most" does the SPL need Rangers more than Rangers need the SPL ?.

The SPL will still be going strong if it stays as it does in it's current format even without Rangers,but TV revenues may take a hit but it's a fucking paltry amount they give to the SPL in the first place and clubs won't miss out on much prize money,and SKY won't pull out either for filling out their program schedule with anything other than showing feck all or a lesser sport with lower viewers watching.

Rangers on the other hand are haemorrhaging money of a reputed £1 million a month there about.And like you say lack of TV money coupled with lower sponsorship because they are not in the SPL because there are more fans in the SPL to advertise to.If that goes on for another two years Benny then Rangers could be up to £10 million in debt plus easily as the fans pressure the board to bring in better players or they won't buy season tickets or will abstain from watching shite on the park.

They are rushing reconstruction in no matter what this season or Rangers will go bust if it goes by it's own merit unless Rangers find someone to spunk at least another £10 million till they reach the SPL.

It's Rangers who need the SPL Benny not the other way round if you can take your head out your arse and add up everything you actually know yourself.

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Well spotted.

When this St.Mirren supporter was asked; Should your club applud Celtic onto the pitch?

His reply was: Any team which wins a national or continental trophy should be formed a guard of honour at their next game.

Aye ok then.


Typical neanderthal Sevco mentality, anybody who criticises us must be one of them. :1eye

How exactly does my post you have noted excuse me from being a Buddie? :blink:

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