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Charles Green's share issue

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and the price dropped by.............................0.5p

Shares get bought and sold, shocker, your prediction was 9p after one day, zero credibitly on shares 8)

and you did bring up the disaster, sick point scoring excersise, scumbag.

No Tedster, I didn't. Did I go into 'why' or 'how' it happened? Nope. I brought up the Ibrox Boards lying about it in a Court of Law under Oath to try and save their club.

So, it is a no go area if you are of a green persuasion it seems, but if it helps you get your Rage on for today, crack on

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No there was no point scoring. FFS, Youngsy, you are acting as if was a ''look people died, ha ha ha'' post, done for kicks and giggles. I think I have been pretty consistent in that Rangers died. there is no Old Firm etc etc. There is nobody to score points with. The tit for tat is done, and though tits remain, the tat has gone.

It was, as stated, to show the Ibrox mentality even to Board level, and how far they are prepared to go to save their club. Which is very very relevant to the current situation.

In answer to your other post re 'discredited Phil', I didn't c+p 'cos his site doesn't let you, so here is a pic......... Whether the Asian part is correct or not, the interesting bit is the funds must be in by end of Jan, which I assume is a stock market rule after floatation.


I'll start with McGllivan first of all. I personally did not quote McGillivan,he's a proven bigot,a scumbag and terrorist supporter that i wish everything that is bad in this world to happen to. As for your tirade aginst the board of the earlyy seventies,explain how that is any anyway related to the events of the past year.

Or let's take it further,would you like to relate the events at your club and the deceit by your board of the late sixties/early seventies to the events of the last year where lies and cover ups' were apparent also. Or maybe you should just shut up where the Ibrox Disater is concerned instead of playing to a gallery on this forum. As i say,if you want to go back in time over the actions of any board of directors you carry on,after all your own club isn't exactly whiter than white are they. Also is there any chance that you can pay the charity bet that you agreed on a few months ago or are you going to renege on that by quoting it was the PLC that you were referring to.

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I'll start with McGllivan first of all. I personally did not quote McGillivan,he's a proven bigot,a scumbag and terrorist supporter that i wish everything that is bad in this world to happen to. As for your tirade aginst the board of the earlyy seventies,explain how that is any anyway related to the events of the past year.

Or let's take it further,would you like to relate the events at your club and the deceit by your board of the late sixties/early seventies to the events of the last year where lies and cover ups' were apparent also. Or maybe you should just shut up where the Ibrox Disater is concerned instead of playing to a gallery on this forum. As i say,if you want to go back in time over the actions of any board of directors you carry on,after all your own club isn't exactly whiter than white are they. Also is there any chance that you can pay the charity bet that you agreed on a few months ago or are you going to renege on that by quoting it was the PLC that you were referring to.

The Charity bet stands as agreed as far as I am concerned.

Re Directors..... Sound , fire up a thread and I may/may not comment on it. I don't comment on every thread and barely go into Celtic v Rangers forum anymore.

I would be surprised if Celtic, in fact if all clubs, haven't had Directors of a dodgy past/ liars/ cheats/murderers etc. I did post it specificaly in this thread because I thought it was relevant. Green has misinformed/deflected to a hooooooge level to affect the Share Price, and I have no doubt that he would lie under Oath to protect his financial interest

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The Charity bet stands as agreed as far as I am concerned.

Re Directors..... Sound , fire up a thread and I may/may not comment on it. I don't comment on every thread and barely go into Celtic v Rangers forum anymore.

I would be surprised if Celtic, in fact if all clubs, haven't had Directors of a dodgy past/ liars/ cheats/murderers etc. I did post it specificaly in this thread because I thought it was relevant. Green has misinformed/deflected to a hooooooge level to affect the Share Price, and I have no doubt that he would lie under Oath to protect his financial interest

In what way is the events of the early seventies relevant to what has happened at Rangers over the past year or so?

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In what way is the events of the early seventies relevant to what has happened at Rangers over the past year or so?

The attitude of the people in Power remains the same. No change in behaviour despite a change in personnel.

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The attitude of the people in Power remains the same. No change in behaviour despite a change in personnel.

There is no relevance whatsoever with the findings of the early seveties and today. You're posting a load of nonsense for point scoring on a football forum,nothing else. Perhaps you should look closer to home for deceit by a board of directors. After all there must have been a lot of deceit going around Glasgow at that particular time.

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There is no relevance whatsoever with the findings of the early seveties and today. You're posting a load of nonsense for point scoring on a football forum,nothing else. Perhaps you should look closer to home for deceit by a board of directors. After all there must have been a lot of deceit going around Glasgow at that particular time.

Probably, but that is hardly relevant to this dodgy share issue. The attitude of the Ibrox Boardroom is.

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Your childish deid club company argument has nothing to do with my post, point is your club has a scum element, not as bad as it once was but still alive and well in individuals like yourself as you have clearly demonstrated on this thread, everytime you post anything I will be there to remind you how after being laughed at for posting daily shite about Rangers shares (a subject which obviously know absolutely f**k all about) you ended up bringing a 40 year old disaster where many people lost their lives in to some sick point scoring exersise.

You are as I said earlier a snake.

:blink: Oh dear lord ! your club has a scum element and it is getting far worse every day that cloned club of yours still lives.

As for your threat of reminding someone that you will be there after they post anything :1eye everybody on P&B remind you daily except the clueless cluck clan ? even hourly ? no every fecking minute you post shite :lol:

Well done Benny you've taught this clown well in the art of destroying a decent debate by being anything but debatable ! you should be proud getting right up his rear end to help shove that shite right out of his gub and straight onto his keyboard :)

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It's not criticising any club for not winning the league.

Well, when you said: "what it is doing is showing up the poor quality in the Scottish game at SPL level when it's accepted that there will not be a relevant challenge to Celtic until Rangers are back in the top league,that's the reality of the situation", then that's exactly how it sounded.

This belief you seem to have that the OF title race we've had for the last fifteen years is of any interest to anyone other than the two of them, is totally flawed. I can assure you that this year's one horse race is of identical interest to me as is the two horse variety we're in the habit of getting.

As for Wunfellaff's tangent, let's not overreact. Any connection to what's happening now is indeed tenuous, but he was hardly mocking what happened that day. Maybe he was ill-advised in bringing it up, but as fans we should be capable of discussing such issues without creating total tabboos around them. I understand the charge of point scoring and that's maybe why it was ill-advised. Let's retain some perspective though.

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Well, when you said: "what it is doing is showing up the poor quality in the Scottish game at SPL level when it's accepted that there will not be a relevant challenge to Celtic until Rangers are back in the top league,that's the reality of the situation", then that's exactly how it sounded.

This belief you seem to have that the OF title race we've had for the last fifteen years is of any interest to anyone other than the two of them, is totally flawed. I can assure you that this year's one horse race is of identical interest to me as is the two horse variety we're in the habit of getting.

As for Wunfellaff's tangent, let's not overreact. Any connection to what's happening now is indeed tenuous, but he was hardly mocking what happened that day. Maybe he was ill-advised in bringing it up, but as fans we should be capable of discussing such issues without creating total tabboos around them. I understand the charge of point scoring and that's maybe why it was ill-advised. Let's retain some perspective though.

You'll have to show where i said that a two horse league race was of any interest to anyone other than Rangers or Celtic fans. The whole point i'm making that with either out of the picture there isn't a league title competition in as much as the league title race is not in any way competitive.

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They have done more in the game than both oldco and newco Rangers.

winning 2 european trophies ain't easy

As i asked you previously,does this mean that under your yardstick does this opinion of yours apply to Celtic also.

Talking about the 3rd division? ;)

I'm speaking of the SPL but to help you then yes the third division this season has the same non-competitiveness due to Rangers running away with it,irrespective of how they have been playing.

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As i asked you previously,does this mean that under your yardstick does this opinion of yours apply to Celtic also.

I'm speaking of the SPL but to help you then yes the third division this season has the same non-competitiveness due to Rangers running away with it,irrespective of how they have been playing.

Nope, they never won the big one. ;)

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