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Why are people ruling out Bisping here? It's probably the biggest fight that's out there now. Champ vs champ would be a fitting fight for them to make. Only problem would be a 205 fight at two days notice, but if Bisping is up for it, and Cormier is up for it, then it's probably the right fight to make. Especially since a loss wouldn't really do much harm to Bisping.

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Cormier would go into the fight around 220, Bisping would be giving up around 30lbs I'd imagine. Against Daniel Cormier. Besides, no way is the UFC going to risk Bisping's profile right now.

So who believes Jones' tears were for his innocence rather than him realising he's fucked up big time, again? I'm skeptical.

Edited by banana
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If those tears were fake then that's some seriously good acting. Assuming he's getting popped for PED's, in the grand scheme of things that's not bad seeing as every fighter and his trainer is on them. However I think with such a lengthy rap sheet it's never gonna look good and especially fucking up this close to an event.

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2 minutes ago, mrcat1990 said:

If those tears were fake then that's some seriously good acting.

I'm not suggesting they're fake, I'm questioning what they're for.

If this B test comes back positive, he's fucked. Two year ban.

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I'm not suggesting they're fake, I'm questioning what they're for.

If this B test comes back positive, he's fucked. Two year ban.

Wasn't insinuating that you were man. Alot of people are though.

Be a disappointing end to his career really. When at his best he's up there as one of the best ever to watch.
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If he failed for Coke, or something similarly recreational and illegal, I'd assume he'd be in breach of his parole and would be even more fucked than just an MMA ban?

Confirmed the out of competition testing doesn't check for recreational drugs so won't be that.
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Confirmed the out of competition testing doesn't check for recreational drugs so won't be that.

Ah right, been busy at work so haven't had a chance to see anything other than what was released first thing. At least he likely won't be going to prison then...for this at least.
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Anderson Silva being reported as the new fight on some Brazilian mma site!!!

That would be fucking amazing.

Someone hold me.

Dana saying it's not Silva, but rumours abound it is.
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