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J_Stewart last won the day on November 16 2021

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About J_Stewart

  • Birthday 11/09/1985

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  1. Surprised there wasn’t any chat on Rebirth. Just finished playing it now, an absolutely fantastic game. Combat seemed an improvement on remake and the character development and main story were excellent. There are A LOT of side quests, but they never get too boring or imposing and the relationship building adds to the game. Queen’s Blood is also a great mini game, like triple triad from FF8. Massive game, but really, really enjoyed it.
  2. J_Stewart

    The Boys

    I've just rewatched it all from the start and finished everything last night, and I would thoroughly disagree with this. I wouldn't say he was a purely stupid character (like Deep, say), but he's impetuous, easily manipulated and arrogant, and has many, many, many moments of abject stupidity throughout the 3 seasons before this one, and just because he's gotten away with it (the plane, being recorded killing collateral damage civillians while taking out a supe terrorist, murdering the guy in public that throws the bottle at Ryan, etc). Listening to and believing Sage until she disappointed him and then having a tantrum was completely on brand as well, it was even explained in the episode where he went back "home". He craves approval and adulation, and will do basically anything to get it. The Sage stuff seemed fairly obvious to me as well, she doesn't have a high-flying job, etc because she's a p***k. She's more intelligent than everyone else, knows it, and ensures everyone else does to, and it's referenced throughout the season that she fucked up opportunities because she couldn't keep her mouth shut. She also doesn't care about material possessions, etc. She's basically a nihilist. I didn't think there was any difference in the quality of the writing or any loss of subtlety between this season and the other three. The backdrop of the season is almost entirely political, so it may have been more prevalent than previous when there were other things going on, but the tone of the show hasn't changed a bit. Homelander and Vought have always been portrayed as sociopathic monsters and that capitalism has played a huge part in that. The public at the Vought conferences or theme parks, Homelander fans, etc have always been portrayed as gullible imbeciles and bigots, lapping up any old slop just because it has Vought on it or Homelander tells them, that's been consistent all the way through, and its never been subtle. How do you possibly subtly satirise what's going on in US politics just now? Hulk Hogan introduced the Republican Presidential nominee with a promo last night, ffs. My only gripe is that we now have to wait until 2026 for the final season. Fucking diabolical.
  3. Imagine, just imagine someone predicting this 10 years ago. Straight jacket and padded room stuff Cannot stress enough that this is HULK HOGAN doing a wrestling entrance and a promo at a POLITICAL PARTY CONVENTION WHERE THEY’RE NAMING THEIR PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE We absolutely, 100% live in the stupidest, and probably funniest, timeline.
  4. I'm a simple man, I don't ask for much in life, roof over my head, some food in my belly, safety of my loved ones, but... I beg of whatever deity or higher power there may exist, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PLEASE let Schteve give a trademark "press conference in local accent" in his unveiling in Lagos. Also, not enough Neil Francis Lennon option in the poll.
  5. It doesn't even make sense. Why would you have a beer at the back of a furniture shop? His name's not "Kia Starmer" and no one says "I-kear". IT DOESN'T EVEN RHYME FFS!!!!
  6. “No time for losers” ringing out as ITV interview Southgate.
  7. “Spain are a really good team, we know that. You can’t let them play at their own pace, that’s changed now” as Spain stroll over the half way line with 11 English players behind the ball. Shearers an imbecile.
  8. Absolutely wild that Rice just rugby tackling boys isn’t even looked at by VAR. Brexit is the only stupider thing that something has imposed on itself.
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