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Sons' sorrow

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Strong words from the manager. Not going to allow the club to be held to ransom and be used as a safety net by those trying to get full time contracts elsewhere.

Hopefully the club is equally as forceful when dealing with the decision makers of the League Cup shambles.

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That's some bold, brave stuff from Stevie and it could either payoff or blow up in his face.


Saunders I'm not hugely bothered about, although it does make the decision to let Taggart go look a bit daft. If you were offered a full-time wage to play football at a Junior level with the bonus of a few European qualifiers we'd all probably take it. I can understand why it appeals to The Mantis .


The Nade situation is a bit different. He's crucial to us and Stevie's comment about planning for life without him could work in two ways. It either convinces the big man that we'll have to move on without him, and withdraw our deal, which could make him think he'll stick with us where he knows he'll play, be loved and I know he enjoys working under the Stevies. Or he could take it badly, tell them to stick it and move on to (presumably) a divisional rival.


He's a massive loss, and whilst Thommo looks like a cracking signing I don't want us to be heavily reliant on just 1 striker as we were last season.


Good news about Buchanan and McCallum - the former most definitely, but I'm slightly concerned that pre-season is almost 2 weeks away and we have 9(?) players. 


Osei-Obengo shouldn't even be considered. Surely he won't be? If our replacement for a talismanic, experienced striker is a lad who has never played professional football before then that's not a good sign. It's the sort of signing Alloa made last season...but worse.


As always, Patience is the Key. But I can't help but feel that perhaps this patient approach (of seeing what players can't get f/t deals) may backfire badly this time around.

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That's some bold, brave stuff from Stevie and it could either payoff or blow up in his face.


Saunders I'm not hugely bothered about, although it does make the decision to let Taggart go look a bit daft. If you were offered a full-time wage to play football at a Junior level with the bonus of a few European qualifiers we'd all probably take it. I can understand why it appeals to The Mantis .


The Nade situation is a bit different. He's crucial to us and Stevie's comment about planning for life without him could work in two ways. It either convinces the big man that we'll have to move on without him, and withdraw our deal, which could make him think he'll stick with us where he knows he'll play, be loved and I know he enjoys working under the Stevies. Or he could take it badly, tell them to stick it and move on to (presumably) a divisional rival.


He's a massive loss, and whilst Thommo looks like a cracking signing I don't want us to be heavily reliant on just 1 striker as we were last season.


Good news about Buchanan and McCallum - the former most definitely, but I'm slightly concerned that pre-season is almost 2 weeks away and we have 9(?) players. 


Osei-Obengo shouldn't even be considered. Surely he won't be? If our replacement for a talismanic, experienced striker is a lad who has never played professional football before then that's not a good sign. It's the sort of signing Alloa made last season...but worse.


As always, Patience is the Key. But I can't help but feel that perhaps this patient approach (of seeing what players can't get f/t deals) may backfire badly this time around.


Disappointing we couldn't get a deal done with Nade. The big man had seen his best goals return in a sons shirt, runs a business outside of football and was clearly enjoying his football. If there are any positives to take from this, he was injury prone and a decent wage will now be freed up. 


Upwards and onwards...

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Can somebody mock up a slightly camp DFC photoshop thing with "fabulous" all round it.



Christ only knows what was going through my head when I thought of this. But I gave it a shot. Mon Dieu it ain't. My Ryan Stevenson Elton John worked surprisingly well.



Edited by Sonsteam of 08
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Only one of they four are currently on our books, hopeful much?

To be honest when I heard we were getting signing news they were the first 3 that popped into my head. Nae point putting a player who's already signed on it - then it wouldn't be a 'fabulous Friday'.


I couldn't think of any other new players we were linked with other than Stevenson, Sparky loves the bantz, so he had to go on. Buchanan will be the one announced today I reckon, so he had to go on.


There's method in my utterly bizarre creation you see.

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Jamie Ewings


Craig Pettigrew Gregor Buchanan Frazer Wright ????


???? Darren Barr Garry Fleming Andy Stirling


???? Robert Thomson


Two weeks tomorrow pre-season starts....so hopefully we'll find out some more signing news soon. I'm desperate for a new signing!

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