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Battlefield 4

Mr Hahn

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Another solution is to delete the game entirely and go back to playing BF3, which is infinitely better.

Having recently gone back to play BF3, as it stands, I'm inclined to agree with you.

The controls feel infinitely snappier and the hit registration, even though I used to think it was severly lacking in BF3, is way way better than BF4.

Vehicle combat is also way more fun in BF3 imo.

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Played this for the first time in a week having been playing Titanfall and BF3 and I have to say it's made me realise what a broken mess this game is.

The "netcode" i.e. connection, hit reg etc is absolutely appalling in BF4. I actually just started to laugh when I'm getting one hit killed about 5 feet round a corner by an assault player apparently using the Airblast support gadget. Which also points out how broken the kill cams are.

Think I might stick to Titanfall for the next month or so or until I hear anything along the lines that they've actually fixed this monstrocity.

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Just ordered this for £14 off ebay for 360, kind of wish I'd looked at this thread now.

Am I as well sticking with BF3?

I've got the game for the 360 and I've not encountered any "bugs" and much prefer it to BF3.

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Just ordered this for £14 off ebay for 360, kind of wish I'd looked at this thread now.

Am I as well sticking with BF3?

For £14 I wouldn't worry, it's worth that. Although I've not tried it on previous gen hardware.

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I've got the game for the 360 and I've not encountered any "bugs" and much prefer it to BF3.

It's not so much bugs that are the problem so to speak. The foundations of the game are flawed i.e. hit reg, vehicle balance, map balance.

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Naval strike delayed indefinitely apparently to fix issues that have arisen with it.

Dice really are having a shitemare with this game. Fair play to them for delaying it if there are issues but things just seem to be going from back to worse for them.

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What a total disaster. I wonder if they will manage to release all the DLC for it, I am beginning to have my doubts.

Well they'd have to with the amount of people who've bought premium but the state of the game does make you wonder. As far as I'm concerned the more they keep adding to the game, the worse they're going to make the problems. I think they should postpone all DLC, even if it means they're spread out over 3 or 4 years and just concentrate on making the foundation game solid. I think the Battlefield community are such dedicated fans that they'd come back to the game no matter how long it took them to get it right.

Just picked up the China Rising DLC off Ebay for this. Is it as fucked as I've heard?

China Rising wasn't that fun a DLC imo. Guilin Peaks is a good map I guess. You can have fun with the game but be prepared to encounter bullshit from time to time.

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Just had my first play session on Naval Strike. Maps look nice and seem designed fairly well but what's the point?

The game is so fundamentally broken that, in my opinion, it's unplayable. I wasn't even getting pissed off when I was playing, I was just feeling so desperately disappointed that this is how the game is. I'm sure someone can quote some dire game with worse hit reg but of all the big titles and popular shooter games I've played, Battlefield 4 has the worst hit reg of any of them. If you're getting shot at, you're dead because bullets essentially are still hitting you after you've gotten to cover.

I had one gun fight with an engineer. He shot an rpg at me, I then proceeded to fire several shots WHICH GOT HIT MARKERS, before the game told me I'd died to the rpg shot only to show the player reloading his rpg. It's not good enough and I do feel like a bit of a fool for getting premium so early on.

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  • 1 month later...

Does anyone play this anymore? I hopped on for a little bit tonight and a few days ago after a pretty long break from it.

Whilst I did have a couple of rounds of enjoyment it's nothing compared to the fun I had playing BF3 or Bad Company 2.

I definitely would get pissed off from time to time playing those games but it's nothing compared to BF4. Every time I play I usually end up stopping because I'm starting to get angry. It's such an infuriating experience.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Does anyone play this anymore? I hopped on for a little bit tonight and a few days ago after a pretty long break from it.

Whilst I did have a couple of rounds of enjoyment it's nothing compared to the fun I had playing BF3 or Bad Company 2.

I definitely would get pissed off from time to time playing those games but it's nothing compared to BF4. Every time I play I usually end up stopping because I'm starting to get angry. It's such an infuriating experience.

It's not as fun as BF3, but it's grown on me. I think it was rushed out sadly.

New update today with more fixes.


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  • 1 year later...

According to IGN Battlefield 5 is to be set in WW1. I am a newcomer to Battlefield having recently bought B4, and switching from COD. I find it much more enjoyable than Black Ops 3.


Anyway I would love it if the game was set in World War I, I hate it the way COD went with their futuristic pish. Give me beaches and trenches any day of the week.

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Silly question Serge, how easy was it too switch?

I really can't be arsed going back to being a total noob but the CoD series if completely dead to me now.

Fancy giving this a crack, tbh.


It takes a couple of hours of online play to get used to it but it is far more enjoyable than COD. The maps are much better, the squad games are much more tactical where as COD just seems to be chaotic, everyone just runs about blasting each other. 


Another big plus point is you start of on newbie servers and when you get to rank 13 or so you then get put into the official servers against the 'experts'. I think if your decent at COD you'll thrive in this game. 

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