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ICW deserves a thread on its own (have I missed it)


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Right, Dundee thoughts from the Magical Mystery Tour.

* Stevie Boy vs. BT Gunn is a REALLY good opening match. Fluid as f**k as I expected from these two guys. I won't be doing many ratings anymore, unless it goes over the 4* mark, and this one hits that mark on the button.

* Renfrew and Divers faced Damo and Joe Coffey next. I love what they have going with Big Damo right now. A proper big guy who wrestles in that way. Can barely shift him. Then you have Joe Coffey who is as good a technical wrestler as anyone in the UK. It's a fun tag match as they go double formula on us. Pretty sure I seen a guy swinging a Dundee scarf in the crowd during Coffey's big swing btw. That was funny.

* Mark Coffey vs. Darkside is the next match here. Darkside is definitely one of my absolute favourites in ICW. Everything from actual talent to crowd interaction is great. I was surprised at the brawling start. They sort of go for a more technical style longer into it though which is more what I expected. Slightly disappointing match this, but it's still a worthwhile wee midcard battle.

* Wolfgang vs. Drew Galloway. These two guys had a total scorcher back in the day for BCW. They're both completely different wrestlers now to what they were then. As always, Galloway gets a massive reception from the audience. Hot crowd and good action make this a worthy first half main event. Would have been a worthy second half main event as well actually. Love the building of the intensity from both guys. Especially Galloway who seems to get more and more pissed off. ****1/4

* Liam Thomson vs. Joe Hendry vs. Noam Dar. A bit of a mess at times this. There's loads of nice spots and sequences between the three, and if you take it as a spotfest, you should get a fair bit of enjoyment out of it. I did expect better from three guys of this quality though.

* Kid Fite vs. Kenny Williams for the Zero G title. Title matches in ICW usually deliver. Really good match this as well. Not incredible or anything, but it works really well. Kid Fite brings a good mix of fun and seriousness and doesn't let the latter overcome things too much. Also, they know each other a lot and it shows. Not QUITE hitting the 4* level this, but not far away.

* Grado vs. Jack Jester is your main event, and I have no idea what to make of this one, especially when Grado attacks before the bell, which goes well against type, but also shows what the title means. This match wasn't as good as Galloway vs. Wolfgang from earlier, but I'll be damned if it wasn't a fine and worthy main event. The fans completely bought Grado as a potential champ and that made this more interesting. It felt like an epic challenge for the gold, and yet another worthy Jester title main event. ****

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The Liverpool show on the On Demand service is solid as f**k. Only the Jester/Sloan vs. Polo Promotions tag match falls a wee bit short. And then the BT Gunn vs. Drew Galloway main event is absolutely tremendous as you'd expect from two of the very best in the country.

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