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ICW deserves a thread on its own (have I missed it)


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Thing is the cards for this weekend genuinely look great and I can't wait for them but as I said before this has just been a head scratcher from the get go. I'm praying that they see sense and just have Cobb absolute steamroller him. Maybe put some heat on himself in the process. Otherwise it's just gonna be pish. I get that the ICW crew seem weirdly super defensive of echo but he doesn't have it for me. A lot of people pointed to his match with Jodie Fleisch as some kind of coming out party for him but it was bang average and every good moment in it was squarely down to Fleisch.

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They don't have imports win first time out so there's no way Cobb comes away with the win. I thought the Fleisch match was a really good showing for Echo, but the problem is that it really should have propelled him to bigger things, and the reason it didn't is that he's not really got the charisma that a lot of guys have.

They seem to be taking a second shot at it, despite not even booking him that strongly before now. He'll win against Cobb obviously, but what do they do after that? Probably the same as last time. Which is throw him back into the midcard.

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Very good point but the Polos were going through a bit of a "will they split up?" deal at the time so the loss made sense. The only sense an Echo loss would make is just having him lose for the sake of it being Jeff Cobb, which is entirely different.

I don't see ICW breaking that habit, unless there's interference or something. It's just such an odd match to make.

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The sad thing was that when they made the match Mikey Whiplash was sitting idle that night. Imagine how good Whiplash Vs Cobb would be! 

ETA-although I suspect the match Whiplash got for night one will be even better.

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10 hours ago, Mayor Wilkins III said:

I'm taking the plunge and doing both nights. First full weekend I've had off for a while so f**k it.

To be fair, it should be pretty excellent, the good matches are spread out well.  Only going for one of them, there would be a murder in my house if I attempted a full weekender.

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Overall not a bad show, noteworthy end and a couple of belting matches (wild/fleisch, tag match and storm/davie). Waaay too much filler though. On another note am I the only one who hates watching viper. She constantly looks on the verge of badly hurting her opponents?

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