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ICW deserves a thread on its own (have I missed it)


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Gonna stick my Brum mate's ICW Birmingham review email to me in here, give folks an idea of what went down...

"missed the start of the first match, Stevie Boy vs Joe Hendry. this was alright but nowt special, never heard of either but Joe Hendry's gimmick seems to be to shout "JOE HENDRY" before hitting moves/while on the ramp/whenever his opponent is prone. this is quite amusing. he loses.

Next was London and Kendrick defending against the NAK (Chris Renfrew, BT Gunn with Dickie Divers). After Divers got involved once too often the promoter came out, called them all c***s, said the match was no longer for the titles and would be a six man now including Wolfgang. the match really picked up from that point to be honest, he's an impressive guy and previously the americans had just been taking it in turns to play Ricky Morton and hit hot tags while the heels got in all the offence. Wolfgang got the pin off a swanton.

then was Noam Dar vs Liam Thompson. This was the comedy match of the night believe it or not, albeit most of the comedy being of the "heel hits his valet with a devastating move by accident" type. Dar (and the crowd) was such a b*****d to Thompson that i actually started feeling sorry for him. Dar won but i don't think we got the best of him.

next up was Jackie Polo and Mark Coffey vs Kenny Williams and Grado. ok i suppose this was the actual comedy match but apart from Grado none of the others were really working too obviously in that style. Polo works a heel Mr Perfect gimmick, complete with foam neckbrace which he takes off and puts on throughout the match. not sure why he was carrying a croquet mallet but ok. Coffey plays the more serious heel, all business. they make a nice team and get the win after Coffey hits Grado with a pump handle slam. Grado is incredibly over and i have to say his entrance is fucking great but i'm not convinced he's got any chance of making it. he's got the basics down fine but beyond that he's obviously out of shape (not just fat but actually quite unfit). there was one spot where he and Williams (who is great btw, skinny high flyer with bags of charisma) hit stereo elbows on Coffey. Williams kips up, no problem. Grado tries to kip up, abject failure. tries three or four more times, still nowhere near. Williams grabs his hand and he tries again, still no, tries again, nope, by which time Coffey is back up and just smashes them. Now that would be fine if it's setting up for a spot later where Grado successfully does a kip up, but it didn't. so while it was quite amusing, all it did was draw attention to his lack of athleticism. still, good fun.

after the break, "iron Man" Joe Coffey vs Kid Fite (what a great name for a Ned gimmick). Coffey is built a lot like Rusev and has one half of his face painted like a robot (or iron man, i suppose). they have an enjoyable brawl. nothing very memorable.

penultimate match was my favourite, Mastiff vs Big Damo, the Beast of Belfast. big man vs big man matches are often boring but this was non-stop, shoulder tackle segments which made the room shake, really impressive big boots from both guys, power moves, german suplexes, drop kicks - at one point Damo caught Mastiff going for a cross-body and just threw him to the floor. Damo got the win but it didn't really matter, the real winner was WRESTLING

main event was Jack Jester vs Jimmy Havoc. This was the only match with blood. it wasn't explicitly clear but it seemed all the other matches were essentially no-DQ and involved chairs at times, but this one had staple guns, barbed wire and barbed wire boards, giant corkskrews and a plastic bag (nice touch) of thumb tacks (which Jester introduced to the match by pouring over his head). Once they came through the barricades out to the bar area and had a couple of irish whips into a wall but that was it. Not a fan of this sort of garbage any more but Havoc is a great heel.All in all an enjoyable show but would think twice about going again"

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Every match is No DQ, but if every match was some blood infested thing, then when someone DOES bleed, it means f**k all. ICW is the same as any promotion in the "something for everyone" sense. If your mate wants more blood, I'd suggest that he goes and watches a shitehawk promotion like IWAMS or something.

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Every match is No DQ, but if every match was some blood infested thing, then when someone DOES bleed, it means f**k all. ICW is the same as any promotion in the "something for everyone" sense. If your mate wants more blood, I'd suggest that he goes and watches a shitehawk promotion like IWAMS or something.

Quite the opposite, he's a strong-style/puro enthusiast. Think what he's trying to say is he's NOT into the hardcore element. Each to their own though, and good to hear a different perspective and new eyes on something we're all used to seeing, while not neccesarily agreeing with all he says.

Edited by Christophe
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I think they have the smaller ring due to it fitting in most of the venues they play. A larger ring wouldn't fit in those venues and would take up more space that could be filled by paying folk.

They should have one for bigger shows in bigger venues mind

Edited by DA Baracus
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I think they have the smaller ring due to it fitting in most of the venues they play. A larger ring wouldn't fit in those venues and would take up more space that could be filled by paying folk.

They should have one for bigger shows in bigger venues mind

They should at the very least make it a bit lower so you can see what's going on on the mat from further back.

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In all honesty, I like the small ring. If a feud is really hot then I find a smaller ring is perfect.

I hear what you're saying and have heard that argument before. I just think it makes them look more amateur, especially when they are touring the product down south and going into places where other companies are running much better looking set-ups even though they have an often inferior product.

Also it might actually be a poor long term decision, audience wise, even though i get what DA Baracus is saying about not wanting to give up capacity size when they are selling buildings out up here in the present. Should always be looking forward.

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And man I dunno if it aids hot matches you know, you just can't get your stuff timed right. I've seen American and Japanese guys come over here and have to think really hard how to get certain spots in in the smaller rings down south (and those are bigger still than ICW). Not the same size difference, but Kevin Nash said the smaller WCW ring was a reason he went back, less work to do the smaller the space.

Edited by Christophe
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Kendrick and London are confirmed to appear at Fear and Lothian on the 16th of November. I imagine they’ll defend the tag belts against the winners of NAK and SDS who meet at Fear and Loathing.

Just confirmed for Fear Loathing; Kenny Williams to defend the Zero G title against Damo, Kid Fite and Joe Hendry in a 4 way.

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