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Consider your applications accepted m9s. Now, head to the bar, the mojitos and #DECEbombs are on me. That goes for the rest of you #topboiz as well. It's ok, I'm J_Stewart and I can afford it.


ThanQ M8, I owe you guys a couple of rounds of DECEbombs to make up for lost time. It's ok I'm Sloop John B and I can afford it.


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I know we're all gutted, but we need to remember how far we've come.

When this all started it was a collection of top bois, and we were a minority. In the end we were two votes from winning, that's incredible progress.

One day, when we're old and grey, and the new generations are even more DECE than we are, this place will be all kinds of Dece. BUH-LEEV!

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I know we're all gutted, but we need to remember how far we've come.

When this all started it was a collection of top bois, and we were a minority. In the end we were two votes from winning, that's incredible progress.

One day, when we're old and grey, and the new generations are even more DECE than we are, this place will be all kinds of Dece. BUH-LEEV!

We just have to shake it off.

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"When we meet real tragedy in life, we can react in two ways - either by losing hope and falling into doss habits, or by using the challenge to find our inner dece"

Dece lama. 2014.

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I was momentarily down, but then I stepped back and considered my path to Deceness and where it all began.

At school, I was an average kid. I had lots of good friends and was v.v.v.v intelligent, but nothing special. Certainly not Dece. I'd got off with girls who weren't from up my gran's bit (honestly, I wasn't a VL) but was a little shy around attractive girls as most of us were at that age. I was yet to feel the sweet embrace of a #9.

When I was 16, I went to Falkirk's premuim night club, Rosie O'Grady's. I got chatting to a v.v.v.v attractive girl from my year at school and for the first time had pulled a solid 9. It was a warm summer evening and we decided to leave early and chat on the 3 mile walk back to glorious Stenhousemuir. The walk was punctuated with bouts of passionate kissing and heavy petting. We stopped beside a bus stop where we were due to split and go out seperate ways. She rewarded me with my first blowjob.

I swaggered the remainder of the 20 minute walk home, Dale Carrick gif facing every 3 seconds. I was revelling in the feeling of Dece for the first time. Not having an alcoholic beverage to hand (what with it being 3.30am) but wanting to increase the feeling of dece induced euphoria coarsing through my veins, I put in my earphones and swicthed on my MP3 player (which was always set on shuffle/random). The song that played first is a personal fave and always reminds me of that moment. The first time I was a #deceboi4lyf

Edited by Fudge
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I was momentarily down, but then I stepped back and considered my path to Deceness and where it all began.

At school, I was an average kid. I had lots of good friends and was v.v.v.v intelligent, but nothing special. Certainly not Dece. I'd got off with girls who weren't from up my gran's bit (honestly, I wasn't a VL) but was a little shy around attractive girls as most of us were at that age. I was yet to feel the sweet embrace of a #9.

When I was 16, I went to Falkirk's premuim night club, Rosie O'Grady's. I got chatting to a v.v.v.v attractive girl from my year at school and for the first time had pulled a solid 9. It was a warm summer evening and we decided to leave early and chat on the 3 mile walk back to glorious Stenhousemuir. The walk was punctuated with bouts of passionate kissing and heavy petting. We stopped beside a bus stop where we were due to split and go out seperate ways. She rewarded me with my first blowjob.

I swaggered the remainder of the 20 minute walk home, Dale Carrick gif facing every 3 seconds. I was revelling in the feeling of Dece for the first time. Not having an alcoholic beverage to hand (what with it being 3.30am) but wanting to increase the feeling of dece induced euphoria coarsing through my veins, I put in my earphones and swicthed on my MP3 player (which was always set on shuffle/random). The song that played first is a personal fave and always reminds me of that moment. The first time I was a #deceboi4lyf

Great post mayne, I cried from all three eyes.

DECE Party - As much as I like to wind you's up with horrific patter, it is all just in jest...

Surprisingly intelligent and formidable opponents. Hold your heads up high and walk proud. ;)

However, may I be the first of The FUN Party to apologise for leaving the #6's to you bois, whilst the masses of #solid9's make their way to the FUN Party tour bus for champagne and hard sex.

Cheers. Don't worry about it, I'm in the mood for #6's tonight.

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Like our workouts, we just have to keep making those #gainz and surely we can convince two people in the future like Robert the DECE in the cave with the spider and the solid 8s. Tomorrow I'm going to celebrate my new found DECEness by going for an arms session. #curls4thegurls #aDENCHionplease #pumppumppump

However, may I be the first of The FUN Party to apologise for leaving the #6's to you bois, whilst the masses of #solid9's make their way to the FUN Party tour bus for champagne and hard sex.

#6ualhealing #alrightfacecrackingchat #iwanna6youup

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