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Orange Walk / Scottish Cricket thread


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Video just popped up on my twitter there of a carriage full of men on the Glasgow subway in blue/white and red scarfs and orange blue and white scarfs singing 'we fucking hate Roman Catholics'

In this day and age


Thursday night?

Ten minute sash bash on the train we got on.

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One just marched by. About 20 people in total, including the folk playing the instruments. All the folk in the fancy dress were old white men. Think there were about 5 folk following it. Absolutely no one was giving a f**k. They're such an irrelevance that there were only about 5 police officers (one who was on a bike). It seemed the marchers just do it to provoke a reaction but, at least around here as far as I could see, no one cares.

What a sad, pathetic bunch of bitter irrelevant fools.

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One just marched by. About 20 people in total, including the folk playing the instruments. All the folk in the fancy dress were old white men. Think there were about 5 folk following it. Absolutely no one was giving a f**k. They're such an irrelevance that there were only about 5 police officers (one who was on a bike). It seemed the marchers just do it to provoke a reaction but, at least around here as far as I could see, no one cares.

What a sad, pathetic bunch of bitter irrelevant fools.

It's attention seeking.

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The COS is legally responsible for RE in all Non Dom schools in Scotland. Why do these non elected god botherers have so much say in our schools?

No idea why anyone would even think this. Religious and Moral Education is the responsibility of Education Scotland.

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Think the role of the CoS (there is one that is in the relevant legislation) is to inspect the standard of RE in non-denom schools or something like that. The legislation that is in place is almost a century old and reflects a very different Scotland from today's secular post-Christian society.

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If you are being taught in RE that the world came about through creationism how is this reconciled with being taught in Science about evolution? I know RC schools where there is absolutely no way a child would be allowed to write a discursive essay on for example the subject of abortion- I don't believe educational establishments should prohibit what a child can and cant write about. I don't claim this is official policy across al schools, but it has been the case in the only 2 where I know teachers.
If you are being taught in RE that the world came about through creationism how is this reconciled with being taught in Science about evolution? I know RC schools where there is absolutely no way a child would be allowed to write a discursive essay on for example the subject of abortion- I don't believe educational establishments should prohibit what a child can and cant write about. I don't claim this is official policy across al schools, but it has been the case in the only 2 where I know teachers.
Wit the fuk are u rabbling about?!!!Why would RC school be teaching creationism when Catholics don't believe in it?!!
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No idea why anyone would even think this. Religious and Moral Education is the responsibility of Education Scotland.

Wrong. The COS is responsible for RO in Non Dom schools.

COS website....

.Education issues fall under the remit of the Church and Society Council, and include religious observance in schools, social and moral education and sexual health strategies in education.

Edited by THE KING
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Meanwhile for those in contact with reality, there is no God up in the sky looking down on us and the differing brands of the Jesus myth continue to be used cynically by some at least as an excuse to keep the proles in the west of Scotland divided. At some point those of a progressive disposition might question whether schemes like Easterhouse and Drumchapel would be the way they are and whether something closer to a Scandinavian social democracy could not have been achieved instead out of all these years of Labour municipal dominance if there wasn't a tribal schism in working class Scottish society and the left hadn't compromised its principles and ditched core socialist notions of secularism to stay on the good side of the RC spiritual hierarchy.

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Wrong. The COS is responsible for RO in Non Dom schools.

COS website....

.Education issues fall under the remit of the Church and Society Council, and include religious observance in schools, social and moral education and sexual health strategies in education.

I would suggest that means the Church and Society Council is consulted on these matters, rather than setting the curriculum.

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The COS is legally responsible for RE in all Non Dom schools in Scotland. Why do these non elected god botherers have so much say in our schools?

No idea why anyone would even think this. Religious and Moral Education is the responsibility of Education Scotland.

Wrong. The COS is responsible for RO in Non Dom schools.

COS website....

.Education issues fall under the remit of the Church and Society Council, and include religious observance in schools, social and moral education and sexual health strategies in education.

OK now you're going from mildly to confused to deliberately obfuscating.

Religious and Morel Education (RME) is part of the Curriculum for Excellence and is absolutely within the control of Education Scotland.

Religious Observation (RO) is, again, the responsibility of Education Scotland. They issue guidelines to schools - link to here:


They suggest school can use chaplains to help with RO, some of whom may well be CoS ministers. There is, though, no requirement to do so.

The CoS, of course, want to maintain/increase their presence in schools/education and may well have a department responsible for education. However, your statements were:

  • The COS is legally responsible for RE in all Non Dom schools in Scotland;
  • The COS is responsible for RO in Non Dom schools.

You are wrong on both counts.. Both are the responsibility of Education Scotland

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Yes, but the law in this country forbids it. Do you agree with that?

The rest regarding schools is nonsense as I know a non Catholic teacher who teaches at a Catholic school.

There's no real issue getting a job as a non-Catholic at an RC secondary. It's promotion that is denied. Purely anecdotal, but my atheist mate worked his arse off for 5 years to get experience to be a guidance teacher at n RC school in Lanarkshire. He then finally got an acting post on the understanding that he would require approval from the diocese. It turns out that you can't get approval unless you are RC so the door was shut in his face and the post withdrawn. His school must have known this all along yet let him waste 5 years of his career. Incidentally, his children are all being brought up RC.

Getting approval is basically a PC way of saying you must be RC

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OK now you're going from mildly to confused to deliberately obfuscating.

Religious and Morel Education (RME) is part of the Curriculum for Excellence and is absolutely within the control of Education Scotland.

Religious Observation (RO) is, again, the responsibility of Education Scotland. They issue guidelines to schools - link to here:


They suggest school can use chaplains to help with RO, some of whom may well be CoS ministers. There is, though, no requirement to do so.

The CoS, of course, want to maintain/increase their presence in schools/education and may well have a department responsible for education. However, your statements were:

  • The COS is legally responsible for RE in all Non Dom schools in Scotland;
  • The COS is responsible for RO in Non Dom schools.

You are wrong on both counts.. Both are the responsibility of Education Scotland

Since the state assumed responsibility for the provision of school education in 1872 the Church of Scotland has been granted a statutory role as part of the education authority of the day. This privileged position reflects the historical link between schooling and the church. For that reason, if for no other, it is important for church representation on local authority committees with a responsibility for education, to ensure a respected presence across Scotland


statutory what does that mean?

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I would suggest that means the Church and Society Council is consulted on these matters, rather than setting the curriculum.

Wrong..they have a massive say in the religous curriculum, their powers have been weakened over the years though

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Having attended non-denom schools (admittedly 30 to 45 years ago) my response to that would be what religious curriculum? Any RE I ever got was token at best with a strong hint from the teachers that only looneys actually believed any of it. Any residual role of the CoS should definitely be completely eliminated, but the people who make the most noise about this are usually trying to justify ongoing tribal division in a way that bears little or no correlation with what actually happens in practice.

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Having attended non-denom schools (admittedly 30 to 45 years ago) my response to that would be what religious curriculum? Any RE I ever got was token at best with a strong hint from the teachers that only looneys actually believed any of it. Any residual role of the CoS should definitely be completely eliminated, but the people who make the most noise about this are usually trying to justify ongoing tribal division in a way that bears little or no correlation with what actually happens in practice.

True..its all bullshit but only last year the COS was fighting agaisnt collective worship...they want to stay in control if it.


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Wrong..they have a massive say in the religous curriculum, their powers have been weakened over the years though

"A massive say" is not the same "as being responsible for ".

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