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Orange Walk / Scottish Cricket thread


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Including the republican ones on the other side?

Yup. I am no apologist, unlike some. I don't know much about the Ancient Order of the Hibernians or anything like that, presumably because they are a complete insignificance compared to the orange order, however I would wager a guess that their members are backward misfits trying to make up for their inadequacies by drawing some pride from being born to someone who was born on a certain patch of land.

I'd also guess that someone who takes that much pride in such things is probably predisposed to being a bigot.

Masons are weird wankers too but at least they have the decency to be secretive about their existence.

Edited by The OP
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That. in itself, I would agree with, but I would suggest that you re being disingenuous here? Posters on this board often use the vicissitudes of the OO or the paramilitaries as being representative of one side as a while, but I suspect you are intelligent enough to already know that?

Racist morons in the loyalist are no more representative of the wider community that the p***k at Parkhead with an IRA flag is representative of thousands of decent Celtic fans.

I personally think certain posters are too quick to get a perverse pleasure out of highlighting things which loyalists do wrong but on the other hand I also hate the OO's need to parade their triumphalism about my city all the fucking time and create havoc across the water in the name of cultchurr and tradishion.

I also think it's hard to dissociate the guys banging drums from the guys burning effigies and flying flegs because they all kick off at exactly the same time.

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I personally think certain posters are too quick to get a perverse pleasure out of highlighting things which loyalists do wrong but on the other hand I also hate the OO's need to parade their triumphalism about my city all the fucking time and create havoc across the water in the name of cultchurr and tradishion.

I also think it's hard to dissociate the guys banging drums from the guys burning effigies and flying flegs because they all kick off at exactly the same time.

Then I think we are in agreement, and I am going back to one of the best Twelfths I have ever had, even though I had forgotten what day it was until I logged on the P&B?

In my wee world a Rory Gallagher documentary followed by Jeff Beck live at Ronnie Scott's is the perfect way to celebrate any day, especially when you are full of beer. Particularly his superb version of "A Day In The Life".

Too all the morons who might think flying a Nazi fleg might in any way represent me, I'll say just one word. WRONG!

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I think the essence of some, "bigot apologists", on here is that that there seems to be a little group of posters who appear to jump all over anything the loyalist/unionisot/protestant community do while remaining defiantly silent about the "other" side, despite people openly condemning the vicissitudes of the morns in that community.

A textbook display of Old Firm paranoia and 'whut aboot them!' whataboutery there. It's clear to see why the groups get along so well.

The actions of a group of morons in one community does not make them representative of that community at large. To portray it as such is the very essence of bigotry,

Except for the rather inconvenient facts that paramilitary organisations, sectarian hate groups and the political parties linked in various ways to the former have been established, joined, funded, harboured and voted for in large numbers by the communities in question for decades. Which is something entirely different to the random actions of a "group of morons" and reflects the serious failings of the precious "community at large" within the failed statelet.

Edited by vikingTON
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The constant reference to "bigot apologist", © the Big Greenock Virgin, leads to me to ask who really is the bigot?


I'm not intolerant to any creed, belief traditions etc. other than my own; just the truly cretinous ones. Which just so happen to be found ten a penny in the failed statelet that you slithered from to come here.

Gutted for you.

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Sorry I was not aware of the comment as it seems to be from about 15 years ago , I would have ben 5-6 at the time so excuse my ignorance to the comment , however it was not exactly the call to arms or in the immediate run up to the yes campaign as I thought you were claiming it was to be, so aplogies , it does certainly come across as a stupid thing to say

Don't think you can get around me by being all reasonable and mature!

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Fud alert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cue clichéd nonsense about everyone being complicit, mixed with random inaccurate "facts".......................................................

Go get some spot cream.

^^^ sobbing uncontrollably

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Why even bother to respond to this guy? Anyone who genuinely believes that the Orange Order was going to morph into a paramilitary group in the event of a Yes vote last year or that Carrickfergus is a hotbed of neo-Nazism has a tenuous grip on reality.

Who said they believed that?

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A textbook display of Old Firm paranoia and 'whut aboot them!' whataboutery there. It's clear to see why the groups get along so well.

Oh f**k right off. The only OF fan on here is me.

Edited by The_Kincardine
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I'm not intolerant to any creed, belief traditions etc. other than my own; just the truly cretinous ones. Which just so happen to be found ten a penny in the failed statelet that you slithered from to come here.

Gutted for you.

This sort of intolerance of others is a sure sign of bigotry, or does our emeritus professor of history, (almost, but not quite), not recognise this?

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The conversation would probably come up in casual conversation about upbringing and childhood, again not really that strange

Can't say I have ever spoke about it with my mates. Can see why you would've considering what one half of my family are like, church going religion, not angry hateful pretendy orange Sevco supporting religion by the way.

That tower of pallets stacked up with Ireland flags ready to burn. What a fucking shambles of a place.

The West Coast :lol:

Northern Ireland :lol:

The Orange Order :lol:

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I went to collect 2 of our grand daughters, and came back to find 3 pages of mostly increasingly hysterical posts, interrupted by one or two reasonable exchanges, which are getting lost in the general nonsense.

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It wasn't a glorious 12th for my team as we lost a close game to a team whose captain liked like a mutant and had a Better Together sticker on his bat. I'll let them off as they did make a quality tea (the drink).

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