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Orange Walk / Scottish Cricket thread


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again i did not say he was lying. i implied that what he may have seen was a band practice or another walk i.e abod but i am sure they have similar rules however when walking with an orange walk bands cant play a certain area before or after a chapel.

my reason for debating is to simply go against the boring liberal view of everyone should be allowed to march... unless i find ot a wee bit offensive. hence the reason i used the example of a republican walk. i dont agree with it but i dont go out my way to be offended and demand it cancelled.

So they aren't allowed to play outside Catholic churches during a march? Why would they then go and practice there? Better acoustics?

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are they provacitive? if you chose to let it provoke you then aye. gay right marches could be seen as procative particularly to the groups of catholics. should they be banned aswell?

If I choose to let it provoke me? Whit? They march through the streets of my town, past any catholic institution they can get within a stones throw of and have the knuckle draggers of society following them around (literally) like a bad smell (goading folk as they march). That's not me allowing it to provoke me, that's a bunch of fucking idiots trying to provoke people.

I'm not even religious and I can see that these things are nothing more than a GIUY to Catholics. It fuels the sectarian problem in this country, as do people like yourself who are supposedly "the first to condemn" them and then spend the rest of the argument trying to condone them.

EDIT - Have there been many instances of gay rights marches rocking up outside a church and trying to get a reaction? Honest question as I've never heard of this happening but I'm happy to be proven wrong.

Edited by The Moonster
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If, say, the Pride march chooses to deliberately try and provoke folk, yes, I'd be all for seeing them stopped. They don't though. And if people are provoked by it as a result, with no reason to be, they are nothing more than filthy bigots and I have no sympathy for them.

Given this hilarious little bit though...

are they provacitive? if you chose to let it provoke you then aye.

...I'd suggest it's a word you need to stop using, because you have no idea what it means.

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and i would bet that most of the hangers on could not tell you what the orange order and walks are about.i said on here

about a year ago about me working in shotts.asked a young laddie,about 14/15 ish what all the flags were for.(red hands /union flags etc).

only to be informed its fur ra ranjurs supporters.

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If I choose to let it provoke me? Whit? They march through the streets of my town, past any catholic institution they can get within a stones throw of and have the knuckle draggers of society following them around (literally) like a bad smell (goading folk as they march). That's not me allowing it to provoke me, that's a bunch of fucking idiots trying to provoke people.

I'm not even religious and I can see that these things are nothing more than a GIUY to Catholics. It fuels the sectarian problem in this country, as do people like yourself who are supposedly "the first to condemn" them and then spend the rest of the argument trying to condone them.

EDIT - Have there been many instances of gay rights marches rocking up outside a church and trying to get a reaction? Honest question as I've never heard of this happening but I'm happy to be proven wrong.

i have not condoned the knuckle dragging neds who follow the walk once. please find proof of where i have. i have been trying to prove that these arseholes have nothing to do with the orange order. i was at last years avicci and emininem concerts and saw more mindless violence and drunkeness than any old firm game i have attended or orange walk i have seen. should we just stop concerts in the city aswell.

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and i would bet that most of the hangers on could not tell you what the orange order and walks are about.i said on here

about a year ago about me working in shotts.asked a young laddie,about 14/15 ish what all the flags were for.(red hands /union flags etc).

only to be informed its fur ra ranjurs supporters.


Bigoted small minded Rangers fans=stupid people. Stupid people+bandwagon=jumped on. Group of stupid people jumping on=bandwagon of rockets. Bandwagon of rockets= Orange Order.


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i have not condoned the knuckle dragging neds who follow the walk once. please find proof of where i have. i have been trying to prove that these arseholes have nothing to do with the orange order. i was at last years avicci and emininem concerts and saw more mindless violence and drunkeness than any old firm game i have attended or orange walk i have seen. should we just stop concerts in the city aswell.

I never said you did, you just came out with some total pish about "letting the marches provoke me" and I proved that isn't the case at all. Good to see you've jumped from a shite gay rights analogy to a shite musical analogy though, selling your point really well, IMO.

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i have not condoned the knuckle dragging neds who follow the walk once. please find proof of where i have. i have been trying to prove that these arseholes have nothing to do with the orange order. i was at last years avicci and emininem concerts and saw more mindless violence and drunkeness than any old firm game i have attended or orange walk i have seen. should we just stop concerts in the city aswell.

Just the Kafflik ones.

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i have not condoned the knuckle dragging neds who follow the walk once. please find proof of where i have. i have been trying to prove that these arseholes have nothing to do with the orange order. i was at last years avicci and emininem concerts and saw more mindless violence and drunkeness than any old firm game i have attended or orange walk i have seen. should we just stop concerts in the city aswell.

The point is 'celebrating your culture' is fine but why not do it in the house, pubs or Orange hall with like minded people?

Its purpose is to antagonise people and that's why it's done in public places in a 'look at me' fashion.

It's within their rights though and it isn't going away any time soon so people are better off ignoring it instead of giving them attention.

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The point is 'celebrating your culture' is fine but why not do it in the house, pubs or Orange hall with like minded people?

Its purpose is to antagonise people and that's why it's done in public places in a 'look at me' fashion.

It's within their rights though and it isn't going away any time soon so people are better off ignoring it instead of giving them attention.

I believe that over the coming months people in the vicinity of these walks who do not support sectarianism are being encouraged to turn their backs on the marchers as they pass.

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are they provacitive? if you chose to let it provoke you then aye. gay right marches could be seen as procative particularly to the groups of catholics. should they be banned aswell?

What's that's old saying they have

"our message is simple where our music is welcome we will play it loud where out music is challenged we will play it louder"

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i have not condoned the knuckle dragging neds who follow the walk once. please find proof of where i have. i have been trying to prove that these arseholes have nothing to do with the orange order. i was at last years avicci and emininem concerts and saw more mindless violence and drunkeness than any old firm game i have attended or orange walk i have seen. should we just stop concerts in the city aswell.

So again, why don't they simply rent out a public park or open space for the weekend, make it an all ticket affairs to keep out the "trouble makers" that way they can march and celebrate and the rest of us won't have to put up with the disturbance or hangers on causing bother?

Everybody wins

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lefties = sticking up for catholics on the 12th july yet mocking and lambasting them the rest of the year.

some extreme leftie views of catholocism are far more offensive than any orangemens.

You just given up trying to defend them now? What has political viewpoint got to do with it, or are you implying the OO and it's members are right wing?

You never did answer my question if you're a member of not

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