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Orange Walk / Scottish Cricket thread


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What's your definition of sectarian/sectarianism?

True, having to be a certain religion to join a fraternity isnt sectarian in itself . The difference with Protestant fraternities like the OO and other loyalists types is that they have to adhere to the principles of Orangeism , like anti Catholicism and Protestant Sumpremisy . That is why they are sectarian organisations and the aforementioned Catholic ones are not.

THE KING's definition of "sectarianism" = "protestant fraternal society".

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If its the OO or ABOD then yes it is, or are you saying organisations that adhere to Orangeism arent sectarian?

So Roman Catholic fraternities such as mentioned above, aren't sectarian?

Is that your stance?

I've already asked what your definition of "sectarian" is, I'm awaiting a reply.

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King having a mare here

3 days he's been going round and round in circles, despite half a dozen posters pulling him up on it, not all of whom, by any stretch of the imagination, could be termed "bigot apologists" to use vT's new pet phrase, and yet he still ploughs on regardless.

He's suffering badly from "A'body's oot o' step apairt fae oor Jock" syndrome.

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It's funny, I've lived on planet NI for over 20 years now and can't remember meeting anyone who openly admits to being in the Hibernians. :lol:

I don't know any either, but there must be some, because they borrow our big drum come St Patrick's Day and the 15th of August!

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Do these guys not count as a sectarian catholic fraternal organisation? Membership is only open to catholic men therefore making it sectarian?


And these fellows, again membership is only open to catholics of Irish descent?

I would disagree with classing the Knights of Saint Columba with the Ancient Order of Hibernians as one of the same. I've always felt the Hibs in Scotland and Ireland are different from the American branches, and it's a case of if you want to get involved with the Church you'd join the Knights, if you were a bigot, the Hibernians were your choice.

Men can join the Church of Scotland Guild, it also states clearly that people of any denomination can join and is therefore neither misogynistic or sectarian, unlike the two catholic organisations cited above which are restricted to men only and only members of the roman catholic religion.

"The Guild is open to anyone, women or men, who accept our aim: The Church of Scotland Guild is a movement within the Church of Scotland", from the Guilds official website. Whilst in my opinion there is nothing sectarian about that, if we are going down the route of groups looking for members within their respective Churches being classed as sectarian, then there is not a whole lot of difference between that and the Knights of Saint Columba.

True, having to be a certain religion to join a fraternity isnt sectarian in itself . The difference with Protestant fraternities like the OO and other loyalists types is that they have to adhere to the principles of Orangeism , like anti Catholicism and Protestant Sumpremisy . That is why they are sectarian organisations and the aforementioned Catholic ones are not.

The AOH is a sectarian organisation.

THE KING's definition of "sectarianism" = "protestant fraternal society".

Those Protestants, up to no good as usual. :rolleyes:

It's funny, I've lived on planet NI for over 20 years now and can't remember meeting anyone who openly admits to being in the Hibernians. :lol:

The Hibernians have thankfully all but died out in Scotland, I think Port Glasgow is the only place with an active AOH group, even their old strongholds of Coatbridge, Hamilton and Carfin have gave them up, and I think it's going the same way across in Ireland.

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3 days he's been going round and round in circles, despite half a dozen posters pulling him up on it, not all of whom, by any stretch of the imagination, could be termed "bigot apologists" to use vT's new pet phrase, and yet he still ploughs on regardless.

He's suffering badly from "A'body's oot o' step apairt fae oor Jock" syndrome.

He's missing fish in a barrel.

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True, having to be a certain religion to join a fraternity isnt sectarian in itself . The difference with Protestant fraternities like the OO and other loyalists types is that they have to adhere to the principles of Orangeism , like anti Catholicism and Protestant Sumpremisy . That is why they are sectarian organisations and the aforementioned Catholic ones are not.

Orange Order members adhere to Orangeism shocker.

Next week we bring you pro-female feminists and atheists who refuse to believe in God.

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Aye mate you're right poverty, inequality, domestic abuse, violence, horrendous standards of health aren't a patch on "Scotland's shame". Sectarianism is the most hyped up, media moral panic in existence. It is practically a non issue in Scottish society in terms of the impact it has on people's lives (Queue some link to a sectarian murder and outrage at my assertion) but its a convenient tool for politicans to claim the moral high ground and deflect from ore important issues that they have failed to deal with. It also sells papers.

You wouldn't be saying that if you had to walk through Bridgeton everyday.

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Explain how it is then? You must be immersed in it right enough staying in Arbroath a well known hot bed of sectarian tension....

One half of my family are from Glasgow...

And it's really pretty fucking obvious why it's such a problem

There'll be 50,000 people gathered in a football ground singing about Ireland's troubles tonight and another set of fannies out singing in support of the IRA come Celtics first game next season

Then if Rangers do go up I'm sure you'll see bother around every single pub and town in the country come the 1st match day, idiots stuck in the past fighting with each other because ones a proddie b*****d and the other ones a f***** b*****d

Fucking embarassing

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