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Uncharted 4


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There's a trophy for not playing for 30 seconds on the same chapter they demoed at e3 where the controller wasn't working. Its called stage fright :lol:

I just finished it today such a good game and really any one with a ps4 NEEDS to play this. Fantastic.

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Playing Crash Bandicoot as Nathan Drake?! Absolutely brilliant! I just didn't see it coming. Hearing the Playstation theme again brought back so many memories. Excellent touch by Naughty Dog :D


I've just got to this bit. Brilliant! 

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That's me completed "Among Thieves" now. Certainly a step up from the first one. In fact, the train sequence alone beats the entirety of "Drake's Fortune" put together.

There were a lot more weapons, larger variety of enemies, a better story, more vibrant environments and, at times, the level design would be applauded if it came out now. I've already mentioned the train sequence, but the shooting and jumping across moving cars and having a hotel crumble around you whilst you fight enemies were both great.

I still don't think it's quite as good as it's made out to be, but I certainly had a great time.

On a side note, it took me four months to complete "Drake's Fortune" and only around four days to complete "Among Thieves" despite the run times being 6 hours 48 minutes and 9 hours 45 minutes respectively.

Maybe this series might just grow on me enough I'll buy "A Thief's End" soon ;)

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On Chapter 9 now and really enjoying it. 


The graphics really are incredible. Seems like a good storyline too. 

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I told myself I wouldn't order this.


I've got the Fallout 4 Far Harbor DLC coming next week.

The Witcher 3 Blood & Wine DLC at the end of the month.

I was just given a loan of Ratchet & Clank, The Division and Rainbox Six.

No Man's Sky is out next month.


Then I watched a few reviews.  And ordered Uncharted 4 last night.

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Completed it. Loved the Crash Bandicoot Easter Eggs and the graphics the most.

Think there was too much cutscenes/climbing and not enough fighting.

Been a fan of the series since the start and I rate this in third place with the first game coming in last. A fitting ending to an incredible series. Would seriously suggest playing the first 3 before playing this if you haven't before otherwise you'll be disappointed.

Really excited to see where Naughty Dog go next. IMO the Last of Us is the best game they've ever produced but not so sure how a sequel could work if they venture back into that world and TBH I hope they leave the Last of Us as a stand alone and start a new series next. A Crash reboot is seriously doubtful as Activision still own the rights for it.

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Completed it. Loved the Crash Bandicoot Easter Eggs and the graphics the most.

Think there was too much cutscenes/climbing and not enough fighting.

Been a fan of the series since the start and I rate this in third place with the first game coming in last. A fitting ending to an incredible series. Would seriously suggest playing the first 3 before playing this if you haven't before otherwise you'll be disappointed.

Really excited to see where Naughty Dog go next. IMO the Last of Us is the best game they've ever produced but not so sure how a sequel could work if they venture back into that world and TBH I hope they leave the Last of Us as a stand alone and start a new series next. A Crash reboot is seriously doubtful as Activision still own the rights for it.


Rumour has it they're working on The Last Of Us 2.

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Just got this Mrs should be happy wont speak for days now :)


Late night last night due to not starting it to 10 pm sore eyes today.  Think I'm only on chapter 6.  But so far what a game graphically amazing.  story line seems not bad so far also.

naughty dog seem to have the knack of getting you hooked right into the game.

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Started this last night. Wonderful. Looks to be more in the vein of Uncharted 2.

Naughty Dog are probably my favourite developer of all time. The Jak & Daxter series, this and, arguably the greatest game of all time, The Last of Us.

Absolutely superb.

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Just turned it off for the night at chapter 18.

What a ludicrously good game this is.


It's fucking unbelievable, isn't it?


I don't think I've ever seen anything nicer with my own eyes than Libertalia.

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Wow. One game doesn't make a console, but that's exactly what PS4 owners have been waiting for!

I don't think I love, yes Love, a company more than Naughty Dog. I've yet to play a title of theirs that I've disliked. And The Last of Us is comfortably my all time favourite game. I didn't think I'd see a graphically better game than that but by f**k do they know how to push a console to the max. At times I GENUINELY forgot it was a game and I thought I was watching a film (cutscenes of course). The gameplay was extremely smooth as well. For me, what I really enjoyed was the fact they let you choose how you approached the enemy this time. Generally it was an all out shooter in the last titles. But this time they let you use stealth in a big way. Something I really love in games.

I'm absolutely gutted they aren't doing any more as I feel the franchise would only continue to improve with the PS4. On the bright side though, it can only mean they are working on other titles. I think I would pay close to £100 for a Naughty Dog title as you're guaranteed to enjoy it. I rarely (if at all) re-play a game, but I've re-played TLOU twice and this will absolutely be getting played again. For such a long long game (especially TLOU) it's pretty incredible that they somehow make you want to go back and play again :)

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Wow. One game doesn't make a console, but that's exactly what PS4 owners have been waiting for!

I don't think I love, yes Love, a company more than Naughty Dog. I've yet to play a title of theirs that I've disliked. And The Last of Us is comfortably my all time favourite game. I didn't think I'd see a graphically better game than that but by f**k do they know how to push a console to the max. At times I GENUINELY forgot it was a game and I thought I was watching a film (cutscenes of course). The gameplay was extremely smooth as well. For me, what I really enjoyed was the fact they let you choose how you approached the enemy this time. Generally it was an all out shooter in the last titles. But this time they let you use stealth in a big way. Something I really love in games.

I'm absolutely gutted they aren't doing any more as I feel the franchise would only continue to improve with the PS4. On the bright side though, it can only mean they are working on other titles. I think I would pay close to £100 for a Naughty Dog title as you're guaranteed to enjoy it. I rarely (if at all) re-play a game, but I've re-played TLOU twice and this will absolutely be getting played again. For such a long long game (especially TLOU) it's pretty incredible that they somehow make you want to go back and play again :)


I finished it last night.  After DAT PROLOGUE, I'd say they have a couple of options open to them for making another Uncharted game at some point in the future.


As for how the game looks, it's easily the best game I've ever seen.  Libertalia was just insanely good looking.  I've never just stopped so much in a game to take in the view.  There's one scene as well in Madagascar where you climb a watchttower and you can see down a sweeping vale to King's Bay.  I genuinely went "wow" when I saw that.

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The last thing I saw this beautiful in a game was some of the deserted landscapes in The Last of Us.

Anyone else playing online? Finding it comical how I need to shoot someone at point blank range in the chest 3 times with a shotgun to down them, yet I can use L1+square and punch someone out in one hit. :lol:

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  • 5 weeks later...

Uncharted 2 is one of the best games I've played, but I was struggling to get into this at first.
But, I'm really enjoying this now.  Great game.


I've just finished King's Bay and I'm now at the wee tropical island following the arrows.

I'm still highly suspicious that the brother will double-cross me and this is slightly detracting from the story a wee bit.  I'm anticipating a double-cross at each end-of-chapter.

The locations / graphics are amazing. I really enjoyed the Scotland level.

I assume this is the last in the series, so pretty intrigued to see how things finished up. Cracking game overall.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Completed the 4th one today. I didn't particularly like the first 3, but I think A Thief's End was excellent.
First of all, it didn't feel like everything resulted in a shoot-out with a whole load of conveniently-placed cover for you. Yes, there were a few tedious parts like that, but the addition of better stealth sections were a huge improvement.
The climbing and platforming parts were also a lot better; no longer did I find myself falling to my death because of shoddy camera work.
The shooting was pretty similar, and I really didn't like how imbalanced it was at times (far too many enemies, with snipers, grenade launchers and heavily-armoured guys all attacking you) - I certainly think this is the worst part of these games.
The grand set-pieces were, as per the series, very good to look at, but they were also beneficial to the gameplay (giving you a different challenge to face).
All in all, a fantastic game.

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