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Scottish Independence


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Well look at the chaos in Ukraine. Shouldn't we have a force larger than suitable for our nation? I know this is very unlikely but if a country tried to invade us then the more people we have the better. History shows us that we cannot fight as a seperate people, we need England and the rest of the UK just as much as they need us. Why are we intent on destroying what King James created anyway? No, I think we are making a big mistake here if we go down the path of Independence. United we stand, divided we fall, and all that.

Why should we have a force bigger than required for our nation unless we plan to invade anyone?

Not sure where your going with King James?

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Well look at the chaos in Ukraine. Shouldn't we have a force larger than suitable for our nation? I know this is very unlikely but if a country tried to invade us then the more people we have the better. History shows us that we cannot fight as a seperate people, we need England and the rest of the UK just as much as they need us. Why are we intent on destroying what King James created anyway? No, I think we are making a big mistake here if we go down the path of Independence. United we stand, divided we fall, and all that.

What did King James create? A version of the Bible. Vote no to preserve the King James Bible. Good idea :thumsup2

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First of all I am not a troll. Whatever your computer minded geekness may think, I am only posting my opinions on the current state of affairs. I wish I could share your optimism about no one ever to invade us. It was only 75 years ago that Germany invaded Poland and it sounds a long time but many older people remember it. It is within our generations. Yourself being a "sellick" fan would know about the war the "IRA" waged against the rest of the UK so my belief is that your argument about nobody invading or harming us is false.

King James united our countries for his own want of being King of both. He stayed in England most of the time and I think only once he came up to Scotland, at Scone, to be crowned King of Scotland. However, the people at the time accepted his rightful claim and hence, the UK was born. I am loyal to the throne. :)

Ah it's AWRA nuff said

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First of all I am not a troll. Whatever your computer minded geekness may think, I am only posting my opinions on the current state of affairs. I wish I could share your optimism about no one ever to invade us. It was only 75 years ago that Germany invaded Poland and it sounds a long time but many older people remember it. It is within our generations. Yourself being a "sellick" fan would know about the war the "IRA" waged against the rest of the UK so my belief is that your argument about nobody invading or harming us is false.

King James united our countries for his own want of being King of both. He stayed in England most of the time and I think only once he came up to Scotland, at Scone, to be crowned King of Scotland. However, the people at the time accepted his rightful claim and hence, the UK was born. I am loyal to the throne. :)

Piss off.
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"Our opposition to Trident and nuclear weapons is fundamental to the case for a Yes vote": @AlexSalmond tells #bbcsp #indyref #voteYes

I think we'll end up with plan C.

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Well look at the chaos in Ukraine. Shouldn't we have a force larger than suitable for our nation? I know this is very unlikely but if a country tried to invade us then the more people we have the better. History shows us that we cannot fight as a seperate people, we need England and the rest of the UK just as much as they need us. Why are we intent on destroying what King James created anyway? No, I think we are making a big mistake here if we go down the path of Independence. United we stand, divided we fall, and all that.

Pish. And all that.

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Nice to see that we haven't lost our use of vocabulary. Come on, surely you have more intellect and a basic knowledge of our language than to revert to insults. I don't know, maybe we should vote yes in order to provide a better education to our people. If this is the limit of our vocabulary then Scotland is in a seriously sorry state.

Pish is pish, Sonny.

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Prevention is better than cure. We need a large Defence force to defend Scotland if it all goes wrong. If the fire brigade or health service go on strike we need our forces to provide back up.

I hope that we will never be invaded again. Germany during WW2 tried to invade the UK and if we look at the reasons for various wars it usually boils down to money. When a country has a lot of wealth (e.g China) and all of a sudden its economy crashes (like Germany did) the citizens tend to blame other countries for their downfall. They kick up a stink and war results.

We must have a strong defence in large numbers to repel any thought of attack from enemies.

Oh dear.

Whose paying for it?

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Prevention is better than cure. We need a large Defence force to defend Scotland if it all goes wrong. If the fire brigade or health service go on strike we need our forces to provide back up.

I hope that we will never be invaded again. Germany during WW2 tried to invade the UK and if we look at the reasons for various wars it usually boils down to money. When a country has a lot of wealth (e.g China) and all of a sudden its economy crashes (like Germany did) the citizens tend to blame other countries for their downfall. They kick up a stink and war results.

We must have a strong defence in large numbers to repel any thought of attack from enemies.

Plenty in the White Paper about defence, here is a snippet;


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I think it was confirmed that elections can take place outwith the intended schedule.

Then can we expect the opposition to raise this? The conclusion was that it wasn't within the gift of the SG government to change election dates.

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