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Galloway v Sheridan has a certain rubbernecking quality to it....

there is no quality in this, not to be encouraged in any way, that is all

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It was down to the fact that buckled nat fucks didn't like it up them. 8)

And want to close down free speech.

Unfortunately this backfired on THEM as their dim attack dogs didn't seem to realise their own, bought and paid for by fat fucks from Troon just like everything else has been, advertising campaign was about to start.

Just as the yes support is made up of lifes unfortunates, it would seem that they can also add politically fucking dim to the mix as well.

They deserve be be trailing behind badly in the polling and on their way to a loss, mainly because they are lefty scheme goblin scum.

Awe yes Reytard, give me more.

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It was down to the fact that buckled nat fucks didn't like it up them. 8)

And want to close down free speech.

Unfortunately this backfired on THEM as their dim attack dogs didn't seem to realise their own, bought and paid for by fat fucks from Troon just like everything else has been, advertising campaign was about to start.

Just as the yes support is made up of lifes unfortunates, it would seem that they can also add politically fucking dim to the mix as well.

They deserve be be trailing behind badly in the polling and on their way to a loss, mainly because they are lefty scheme goblin scum.

:lol: Aye ok Grandad, think it's time for you warfarin, getting a little bit too excited there!!

Funny how the fat fucks from Troon get a free pass but the clown collective want to f**k over anyone else that happens to be middle class or better.

Anyone with a business mind should desert Scotland and leave the junkies, murderers, whores and beggars to sort it out amongst themselves.

Please, please Mr Reynard sir!! Found a new Daddy to cling onto, brainiac?

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Funny how the fat fucks from Troon get a free pass but the clown collective want to f**k over anyone else that happens to be middle class or better.

Anyone with a business mind should desert Scotland and leave the junkies, murderers, whores and beggars to sort it out amongst themselves.

Tut tut Ms Bairn.

Is this you or did Reytard make you do it?

So your not taking the family with you when you MIGRATE to London then?

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It may just be bad lick, but so far in my life every St Mirren fan I've met has turned out to be an angry tosser.

I have found most St Mirren fans quite jolly, but most Aberdeen fans have just been tossers, funny that

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Funny how the fat fucks from Troon get a free pass but the clown collective want to f**k over anyone else that happens to be middle class or better.

Anyone with a business mind should desert Scotland and leave the junkies, murderers, whores and beggars to sort it out amongst themselves.

Recycling Reynard's patter 3 minutes after he's posted it. cornette.png

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Funny how the fat fucks from Troon get a free pass but the clown collective want to f**k over anyone else that happens to be middle class or better.

Anyone with a business mind should desert Scotland and leave the junkies, murderers, whores and beggars to sort it out amongst themselves.

Except, of course, the SNP have been wildly popular with middle class voters because their polcies have been tailored to benefit them. Meanwhile, the White paper had only two serious fiscal promises, one of which was a regressive corporation tax freeze.

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Having a lower rate of corporation tax than your neighbour isn't necessarily regressive when said neighbour systematically doesn't bother collecting it.

> implying there will be no tax avoidance in Scotland.

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Having a lower rate of corporation tax than your neighbour isn't necessarily regressive when said neighbour systematically doesn't bother collecting it.

Sorry I got that wrong - it's a corporation tax cut, not a freeze.

The non-collection point is interetsing - the White Paper laid out the supposed economic benefits fot ehc ut in terms of jobs it could create. as well as revenue lost (close to £400m i believe)

it did niot, however, lay out how a Scottish treasury would be better or more effecient than at collecting tax.

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Having a lower rate of corporation tax than your neighbour isn't necessarily regressive when said neighbour systematically doesn't bother collecting it.

What does the SNP's economic adviser, the much lauded 'Nobel Laureate' Joseph Stiglitz make of the effect on social equality of decreasing Corporation Tax?

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Sorry I got that wrong - it's a corporation tax cut, not a freeze.

The non-collection point is interetsing - the White Paper laid out the supposed economic benefits fot ehc ut in terms of jobs it could create. as well as revenue lost (close to £400m i believe)

it did niot, however, lay out how a Scottish treasury would be better or more effecient than at collecting tax.

I don't particularly trust the SNP to create an all that progressive society. More than I trust Labour and the Conservatives obviously but still.

Hence the word necessarily. You're putting down having a lower corporation tax than the United Kingdom as fundamentally regressive but the Scottish rate could be quite dramatically lower and still be part of a more progressive society. Cutting £81bn from public expenditure over four years when you're letting half of that total slide every year in tax avoidance isn't progressive.

So whilst there's nothing to guarantee Scotland would be as progressive as we might like, the White Paper's tax plans in no way "promise" to be regressive on corporation tax.

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