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What does the SNP's economic adviser, the much lauded 'Nobel Laureate' Joseph Stiglitz make of the effect on social equality of decreasing Corporation Tax?

I have no idea. If it has any relevance to what I'm saying, please paste it here.

Or if it doesn't but you fancy a deflective whinge about the essenpee paste it anyway.

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You're putting down having a lower corporation tax than the United Kingdom as fundamentally regressive but the Scottish rate could be quite dramatically lower and still be part of a more progressive society.

You could say that about literally any tax cut.

If we cut the top rate of Income Tax to 30% would that be progressive or regressive?

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I have no idea. If it has any relevance to what I'm saying, please paste it here.

Or if it doesn't but you fancy a deflective whinge about the essenpee paste it anyway.


Alex Salmond has on many occasions in Parliament specifically named Professor Stiglitz, one of the SNP's key economic advisers, to back up the SNP's fiscal ideas.

On Corporation Tax :-

"Some of you have been told that lowering tax rates on corporations will lead to more investment. The fact is that’s not true. It is just a gift to the corporations increasing inequality in our society.”

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I don't particularly trust the SNP to create an all that progressive society. More than I trust Labour and the Conservatives obviously but still.


That's interesting. So you trust the SNP, who are economically much more right wing than Ed Miliband's Labour more in delivering a fairer society.

That will be the SNP, whose flagship economic policy has been described by one of their own advisers as one which is a gift to corporations and which increases inequality in society.


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We've seen this logic before - a cut in corpration tax doesn' necessarily mean that the entire tax policy will be regressive. I understand that, thing is the White Paper is silent on any progressive taxation from what i recall.

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That's interesting. So you trust the SNP, who are economically much more right wing than Ed Miliband's Labour more in delivering a fairer society.

That will be the SNP, whose flagship economic policy has been described by one of their own advisers as one which is a gift to corporations and which increases inequality in society.


That' a road we don' want to go down again. Incredible wilful blindness as to what miliband is saying nowadays.

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That's interesting. So you trust the SNP, who are economically much more right wing than Ed Miliband's Labour more in delivering a fairer society.

That will be the SNP, whose flagship economic policy has been described by one of their own advisers as one which is a gift to corporations and which increases inequality in society.


Please link to any evidence that the good Professor has made any comments on SNP policies, please.

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Please link to any evidence that the good Professor has made any comments on SNP policies, please.

Oh christ, I forgot about that one as well. Stiglitz is a long term critic of corpration tax cuts,except for the one the SNP are proposing. Obvs.

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I remember Brown and Blair saying similar things and gleefully hacking lumps off Corporation Tax rates.

Really? Did Blair and Brown promise to raise corpration tax, as Miliband currently is?

or promise to restore the 50p tax rate?

or reform the banking sector?

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Oh christ, I forgot about that one as well. Stiglitz is a long term critic of corpration tax cuts,except for the one the SNP are proposing. Obvs.

I think amongst all the many Nat fails on these threads, that has to rank down with the very worst.

"OK, so he said he was against murder, and that it was a really bad thing, but did he say anything specifically about murdering a 3 foot dwarf using a candlestick in the study? Well then, you can't say he was against that now can you?"

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You could say that about literally any tax cut.

If we cut the top rate of Income Tax to 30% would that be progressive or regressive?

No you really couldn't. Banterman is specifically (from what I can see anyway, apologies to you Banterman if I'm wrong) benchmarking the UK's rate of corporation tax by calling the 3% undercut 'regressive'. With the rate of non payment far, far more than 3% this is not NECESSARILY regressive.


That's interesting. So you trust the SNP, who are economically much more right wing than Ed Miliband's Labour more in delivering a fairer society.

That will be the SNP, whose flagship economic policy has been described by one of their own advisers as one which is a gift to corporations and which increases inequality in society.


We've been down this path with extreme tedium before. Yes I do trust the SNP to deliver a more progressive society than New Labour or the Tories but not nearly to the degree I would like.

Take all the utterly irrelevant and deliberately tedious hypothetical questions that you have already and are about to ask and answer them yourself how you think I would. Type out the conversation if you must.

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No you really couldn't. Banterman is specifically (from what I can see anyway, apologies to you Banterman if I'm wrong) benchmarking the UK's rate of corporation tax by calling the 3% undercut 'regressive'. With the rate of non payment far, far more than 3% this is not NECESSARILY regressive.

Not really - I'm more of the Stiglitz school of reducing Corp tax is probably regressive in most. if not all, contexts. I'm not saying the UK have struck some great figure.

but in terms of rUK,the whole point of the CT cut seems to be about undercutting rUK, which strikes me as a dangerous road to go down, and something which wouldn;t fly in a currency union.

I get you wider point about non-payment of CT, but the SG haven;t set out how they will be more effecient at collecting tax.

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That's interesting. So you trust the SNP, who are economically much more right wing than Ed Miliband's Labour more in delivering a fairer society.

Can you provide specific evidence that the SNP are "much" more economically right wing than Labour? Be very specific, as "much" signifies "a lot" more to the right.

How's Labour looking on austerity cuts, btw?

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No you really couldn't. Banterman is specifically (from what I can see anyway, apologies to you Banterman if I'm wrong) benchmarking the UK's rate of corporation tax by calling the 3% undercut 'regressive'. With the rate of non payment far, far more than 3% this is not NECESSARILY regressive.

We've been down this path with extreme tedium before. Yes I do trust the SNP to deliver a more progressive society than New Labour or the Tories but not nearly to the degree I would like.

Take all the utterly irrelevant and deliberately tedious hypothetical questions that you have already and are about to ask and answer them yourself how you think I would. Type out the conversation if you must.

Yes, a typical failure to address the substance. This post could have been summarised by "Uh, just cos right!"

I realise it's tedious to actually have to justify your position, and given how poor yours is, I understand your reluctance to do so.

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Just because you consult someone on economic policy doesn't mean you have to agree with everything they've ever said.

Very true. And the SNP's very right wing policy on a CT cut isn't necessarily a bad thing at all.

But unfortunately, if like the SNP, you specifically and repeatedly seek to use the cachet of "Nobel Prize Winning Economist Joseph Stiglitz" smugly when he agrees with you, you are going to look very stupid when he fundamentally disagrees with you.

Again, this is fine. The SNP have a flagship policy which will increase inequality in society. Given their appeal to middle class voters, this is no surprise. They are a very conservative party economically.

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And there's nothing wrong with the SNP being a centre right party, and trying to encourage a race to the bottom with our rUK neighbours.

Let's just not pretend they are this cuddly bunch of socialists, which is laughably untrue.

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