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Scottish Independence


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The independence referendum is not the most important vote Scotland has ever faced, according to Labour leader Johann Lamont.

Ms Lamont played down the September 18 vote in response to those who say it is the most important decision Scotland has faced in the last 300 years.

She made the comments in a debate alongside former Scottish Conservative leader Baroness Annabel Goldie and deputy first minister Nicola Sturgeon.

Ms Lamont told the audience: "People say this is the biggest political decision we have made in 300 years. I don't actually think that's true.

"I think when this country decided that we were in favour of universal suffrage, that we thought that women were equal to men, that we believed that slavery was an abhorrence, when we stood out against racism, when we stood up to fight fascists in the Second World War, when we decided to create the NHS and the welfare system, those were the big political decisions."

Baroness Goldie disagreed with the Labour leader, insisting it is the most important vote ordinary Scots will make.

She said: "It's probably up there amongst the very important things that have ever happened.

"I think it is probably the most important vote that any of you will ever cast."

She agreed with Ms Sturgeon that Scotland could be independent, but said it would be better remaining in the UK.

Ms Sturgeon said: "There is no doubt whatsoever that Scotland has got what it takes to be independent.

"But the question on the ballot paper is not 'Can Scotland be independent?'. It is 'Should Scotland be independent?'.

"It's not a magic wand. It doesn't take away Scotland's challenges overnight, but it puts us in charge of the decision that determine the kind of country that we want to be."

I CANNOT WAIT to see Lamont's arse collapse when we vote Yes.

She is a dreadful individual.

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The nats are probably sitting watching trooping the colour full of seethe and throwing their empty whisky bottles at the telly shouting freedom

It's an archaic tradition with no place or practicality in modern Britain and a waste of money. I'd be saying the same if I was voting no. Even if I was a unionist and after a no vote id still want a republic as unlikely as it is.

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It's an archaic tradition with no place or practicality in modern Britain and a waste of money. I'd be saying the same if I was voting no. Even if I was a unionist and after a no vote id still want a republic as unlikely as it is.

^^^^^ telly smasher

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It's an archaic tradition with no place or practicality in modern Britain and a waste of money. I'd be saying the same if I was voting no. Even if I was a unionist and after a no vote id still want a republic as unlikely as it is.

Much as I feel the monarchy has little relevance in todays world I also feel that there is a huge tendency by the BritNat happy clappers to confuse Nationalism with Republicanism.

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this conversation is chronically shite. can we end it now ?

Typical. Troll starts trolling, gets trolled and then asks for it to stop.

Much like the Unionists who dish out all sorts of personal abuse (yes Darling) and then when it gets fired back at them they shout "cybernat" and ask for it to stop.

Then, a fortnight later one of their esteemed pops up in an interview claiming the first minister is the epitomy of a genocidal power mad dictator.

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what are you actually havering on about?

Actually? Im actually saying that you actually quoted yourself then actually proffered a grovelling congratulations, presumably to yourself!

Actually I found your actions in this regard to be actually weird.

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Actually? Im actually saying that you actually quoted yourself then actually proffered a grovelling congratulations, presumably to yourself!

Actually I found your actions in this regard to be actually weird.

apologies i meant to quote you.

no need to get upset or anything...

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