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Update on the Rangers poll...

Yes - 48 votes (12.94%)

No - 304 votes (81.94%)

Undecided - 19 votes (5.12%)

Again its gone up! :)

Wouldn't expect less from a support that has such a high amount of bigoted retards. HOW CAN THE RANGERS BE LOYALISTS IF THEY HAVE NOTHING TO BE LOYAL TOO!!!!1111!!1 :lol: :lol: :lol:

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If 13% of Rangers fans are voting Yes then we are definitely winning this! There was even one pictured protesting outside the BBC yesterday.

I think we can safely say it's a skewed poll among their support. Given I can think of 3 Zombie mates who are voting yes.

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I think we can safely say it's a skewed poll among their support. Given I can think of 3 Zombie mates who are voting yes.

Good few of the Rangers fans I know in Arbroath are voting YES too.

I think it's more than safe to say of the Rangers support that the knuckledraggers and easily swayed will vote No, the progressive, forward thinkers will go Yes.

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Excellent up 4% in the poll that generally has the lowest yes.Looks like that momentum is still ongoing 8)

The latest poll is a complete and utter disaster for the yes lot.

I'll leave you utter clowns to work out why.


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The latest poll is a complete and utter disaster for the yes lot.

I'll leave you utter clowns to work out why.


Now I see you are why you're the way you are, Reyners. I told you spending the winter in your potting shed was bad news:


Bears take three weeks to wake up from hibernation

No wonder bears have sore heads – it takes them almost a month to wake up.

Scientists have discovered that it takes them three weeks to get back up to total speed after their hibernation.

The reason why they take so long to recover is that they have learnt to reduce their metabolism by as much as three-quarters while they are asleep.

This means they can conserve energy while they hibernate for up to six months and emerge from their dens in almost the same physical condition as when they went in.

But it also means that it takes them almost three weeks for their bodies to get back up to full running speed and in the mean time they are grumpy and sluggish.

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The latest poll is a complete and utter disaster for the yes lot.

I'll leave you utter clowns to work out why.


You look like you badly need a wash going by your Twitter picture :(

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A 4% increase in the yes vote ?

Was it really an "increase" in support for Yes?

It seems to still be a lower percentage than Yes has achieved on other polls.

Also, Salmond said in March to Andrew Marr that support for Yes polled an average of 38% in November, 42% in February and the most recent one (at that moment) was 45%.

So how can this most recent poll prove a 4% increase for Yes when its still lower than all those averages mentioned by Alex Salmond?

If anything its worse than what Yes was averaging as far back as November!

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Was it really an "increase" in support for Yes?

It seems to still be a lower percentage than Yes has achieved on other polls.

Also, Salmond said in March to Andrew Marr that support for Yes polled an average of 38% in November, 42% in February and the most recent one (at that moment) was 45%.

So how can this most recent poll prove a 4% increase for Yes when its still lower than all those averages mentioned by Alex Salmond?

If anything its worse than what Yes was averaging as far back as November!

It was a 4% increase from their last poll.

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It was a 4% increase from their last poll.

Okay, so its not an increase in support for Yes at all then.

It's one particular poll that had a higher percentage of support for Yes than their last poll, but still lower than what a Yes vote was polling on average back in November.

Edited by thepundit
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Okay, so its not an increase in support for Yes at all then.

It's one particular poll that had a higher percentage of support for Yes than their last poll, but still lower than what a Yes vote was polling on average back in November.

I was replying to Reynard's pish patter. Wasn't really concerned about the wording. I'll try again.

A 4% increase in the yes vote since the last poll ?

Happy ?

Edited by AUFC90
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