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The Economic Case for an Independent Scotland


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Who is saying the Scottish government was culpable for RBS?

The point is, they were advocating nothing different to Labour and indeed both Swinney and Salmond were preening about RBS's grand expansion plan.

As I said, if you are looking for a "third way" economically, don't look to incompetents like Salmond and Swinney.

Got any suggestions for an alternative?

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Love the headed note paper. Gives it the authentic look don't you think.

Every politician would have jumped on the same bandwagon. Pretty much the whole world made the same mistake with the banks. And boy has the world paid for it. However the clever countries learned from the mistakes.

Others like the UK continue in the same manner as before and at some point in the future another crash will happen.

What this referendum is about is looking forward not back. We can look back to all sorts of mistakes over the years but it surely is all about putting yourself in the best position to ride out the consequences. Unfortunately as part of the UK we will feel it substantially more as

a ) we are heavily dependent on the financial service sector and

b ) we will never recover from the current position we are in for decades. If at all. Will it happen before the next bust happens? Unlikely as they tend to come around once every ten years or so.

As an independent nation we will have the chance to recover.

I couldn't agree with you more.

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You dont need to be to have an opinion, remember the thread topic.

I'm not sure what your question is.

I assumed you meant an alternative to the FSA (now FCA).

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I'm not sure what your question is.

I assumed you meant an alternative to the FSA (now FCA).

No, for the "Third Way", do you think any of the guys who ran up the national debt would do any better? Maybe some of the current Westminster politicians?

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No, for the "Third Way", do you think any of the guys who ran up the national debt would do any better? Maybe some of the current Westminster politicians?

No, I doubt Labour or the SNP would make a better job of the economy.

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The UK civil service continue to make the most striking and convincing economic case for Scottish independence, in their meetings to discuss devolution.

...the orders of magnitude are sufficient to show that Scotland would have more cash on independence than under continued union.


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Off topic slightly but where do people think we'd be today and what would have happened if we had let the banks fail?

Probably better off now but we would have suffered more pain.

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Off topic slightly but where do people think we'd be today and what would have happened if we had let the banks fail?

I suppose it will go down as one of the great what ifs, but it never did Iceland any harm.Totally different beast I know.

Given the ridiculous amount of money the Fed and others loaned to the British Banking system at the time it was never really going to be an option.

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I suppose it will go down as one of the great what ifs, but it never did Iceland any harm.Totally different beast I know.

Given the ridiculous amount of money the Fed and others loaned to the British Banking system at the time it was never really going to be an option.

And the huge amounts of RBS that the British government had to purchase in the bail out after their disasterous mismanagement.

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And the huge amounts of RBS that the British government had to purchase in the bail out after their disasterous mismanagement.

What about them. The money that the UK govt ploughed into RBS and HBOS was a fraction of what other governments loaned the two named banks to keep them afloat. The opinion that I stated was that as our colonial masters ploughed that money in as loans, it was unlikely that Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling were ever going to do anything but save the banks.

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What about them. The money that the UK govt ploughed into RBS and HBOS was a fraction of what other governments loaned the two named banks to keep them afloat. The opinion that I stated was that as our colonial masters ploughed that money in as loans, it was unlikely that Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling were ever going to do anything but save the banks.

Got the figures there for that?

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Sorry, I asked for figures that support this claim :-

"The money that the UK govt ploughed into RBS and HBOS was a fraction of what other governments loaned the two named banks to keep them afloat."

Can you provide them please?

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I just have.

No you haven't. Unless you are suggesting "Barclays" is actually cunningly "RBS and HBOS"

Please provide me the figures which support this claim - "The money that the UK govt ploughed into RBS and HBOS was a fraction of what other governments loaned the two named banks to keep them afloat."

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Well believe it if you want. Don't if you want. All figures were obtained under a freedom of information request by the author after some digging, I've given you the article.

OK nice edit. Try reading to the bottom of the article

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