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George Galloway


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Wonder if Jake Burns will still be on stage belting out Wasted Life and Alternative Ulster when he's on a zimmer frame. Beyond that the news that George Galloway is on the No/Naw side is one of the very few things that makes me stop to ponder whether the Yes/Aye side might be the way to go after all. Suspect Better Together would rather he hadn't have bothered.

Better Together are doing a very fine job of fucking up a prospective No vote by themselves without George Galloway scrambling for relevance. 'No' couldn't possibly be represented by a worse group of morons/no-marks/has-beens.

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Galloway said: "I fully support independence for Scotland Ireland. Despite mistrusting the British government and campaigning against almost everything they stand for I fully believe they are best placed to look after Scotlands oil. I don't have any of it, you can check ma troosers! Anyhoo, I am Salmond is a puffed up, preening buffoon, full of his own importance. Vote No to independence, but if you vote Yes, gaunny let me be in charge? Galloway for First Minister I like the sound of that. ME-OW!"

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I agree with what Galloway is saying in terms of the rape allegations being trumped up charges, because surely the police from Sweden would have come over to the UK to interview him. After all, they did that with a murder suspect not so long ago.

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“@georgegalloway: I've received legal action in the ether from Frank Warren's solicitor. I'll make no further comment here. I'll do my speaking in parliament.”

That means he's protected by Parliamentary privilege, so he can say whatever he likes with no comeback.

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That means he's protected by Parliamentary privilege, so he can say whatever he likes with no comeback.

He can't say what he likes, he just can't be sued for libel.

Warren and Galloway are two detestable c***s.

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