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People who have changed from undecided/no to yes


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Aye baffles me as well, you would think it was a vote to make Salmond lord high emperor of Scotland for life. Best way to get rid of him would be to vote Yes he would probably retire after one term as Scotlands PM (assuming he won the first election) as he would of achieved his life's work and want to go out on a high.

And that's where their desire to vote no comes from.

They hate him more than they love their own Labour (it's mostly the hardcore ones, considering 37% of Labour voters are voting yes according to last polls) party and would rather vote No than see Salmond winning.

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And that's where their desire to vote no comes from.

They hate him more than they love their own Labour (it's mostly the hardcore ones, considering 37% of Labour voters are voting yes according to last polls) party and would rather vote No than see Salmond winning.

Scorched earth madness.

Whoever wins the 2015 election won't give a f**k. Ian Davidson et al will be coining it in and they'll be raising a glass to these morons in the (subsidised) commons bar by way of thanks.

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No it won't.

Imagine a voter total of 100.

To win, Yes would need 51 votes.

Now imagine instead that one voter decides not to vote.

That's a voter total of 99.

Now 50 Yes votes would be needed to win.

BUT perhaps 75% turnout is expected.

So that's only 75 voters in total.

Now Yes only need 38 votes to win.

Now scale that up to 3 million expected votes.

That 30000 lots of 100.

i.e. instead of Yes needing 2,000,001 votes to win (with 100% turnout of 4 million voters)

they actually only need 1,500,001. That's half a million fewer voters needed to win if all non voters are No people who choose not to vote.

No voters who don't vote swing the odds towards Yes.

And potentially massively so.

Don't tell him that.

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The "wee blue book" has convinced a workmate to jump from undecided to yes, and his son from no to yes.

Another fella who is leaning toward yes has taken it away for a read. I'd be surprised if he doesn't move toward a likely yes.

I'll save the unionist comeback on this like "inaccurate" "propaganda" "campbell doesnae have a vote" with a solid couldnae give a f**k. Sure it's "propaganda", but for a side of things barely touched upon elsewhere. It's effective and popular. 8)

I've just had a look at the site for the first time tonight. I was really impressed. I mean it's clearly partial, but the sources are really good.

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I've just had a look at the site for the first time tonight. I was really impressed. I mean it's clearly partial, but the sources are really good.

Unionists hate him. Which tells you how good the guy is.

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Last night my son said he was definitely voting yes. Not sure what changed his mind - he was a very firm 'no' weeks ago. I certainly haven't influenced him.

Why not? do I have to do them all? ffs!

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I've been taking the softly softly approach with one of my best mates who I've thought was a lost cause(dad is a lib dem councillor), but he told us tonight that his No is softer than it's ever been and he thinks he'll bottle it in the polling booth.

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The only people I have seen that have gone from undecided to no are the ones that keep on getting trotted out on the TV. I know of nobody in the flesh that has done this. Not saying it doesn't happen mind, just saying it's a little odd that the telly can find so many of them yet nobody on the street will admit to it.

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The only people I have seen that have gone from undecided to no are the ones that keep on getting trotted out on the TV. I know of nobody in the flesh that has done this. Not saying it doesn't happen mind, just saying it's a little odd that the telly can find so many of them yet nobody on the street will admit to it.

Spoke to someone tonight that I never thought would vote YES in a month of Sundays, ended up showing me Sheridan videos. :lol:

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Just like all those anonomyous business leaders who are apparently brave enough to risk their mortgages but shitting themselves in case they upset the "separatist government" despite NO evidence whatsoever of intimidation or bullying.

This was quite funny. "It's XXX number of businesses, but... but... there are loads more... we can't say who... because... em, well... you know... they are frightened". :D

At least after the 19th we won't be subjected to any more indiscriminate shit throwing.


You think? Just look at the way the Labour party imploded into a frenzy of shit flinging and desperate attempts to cost the Scottish taxpayers millions of pounds to prove a political point, when they were kicked out of Holyrood.

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On holiday just now, me and 9 others, whilst were waiting on transport back to the airport tonight we were chatting about our votes.

Currently it stands at

5 yes

2 no

3 undecided

2 of the undecided have said they are more than likely to vote yes after we explained why a yes vote is impediment. One changed to yes after the Tory pm changed to UKIP yesterday

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