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FAO No Voters


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Jumping in having read half a discussion here...

I have only ever been the victim of intolerance in Aberdeen in a minor incident.

I think it would be fanciful to suggest that I won't be again. I don't think anybody is under any illusion that we have a lot of similar problems up here as there are in the rUK.

The political will is generally different though, no?

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The poor are suffering far more than any section of society because of austerity and welfare "reforms". Only pedantry allows you to deny that. Good for you.

My point wasn't really about whether the poor are suffering, it was the whole 'fact' pish that gets bandied about. Only a pedant would refuse to see that but because I'm a NAW I probably hate the poor (even though you have no idea of my status and may be poor but too proud to admit it).

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My point wasn't really about whether the poor are suffering, it was the whole 'fact' pish that gets bandied about. Only a pedant would refuse to see that but because I'm a NAW I probably hate the poor (even though you have no idea of my status and may be poor but too proud to admit it).

Hahahahahaha your argument most certainly is piss poor.

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This quote convinced me.....

Definition of a 'Country':

A nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory.

Definition of a 'Province':

A principal administrative division of a country or empire.

Every Country on earth has to deal with issues such as currency, defence, tax, health care etc....

The independence debate is clouded with these issues. Issues which over time are debated and changed independent or otherwise. Scotland has little say in any outcome of any debate as part of the UK. Just like Scotland has virtually no say in who currently governs.

The debate should be simplified and the questions are simple:

Do you want Scotland to have its own Government or continue to be an administrative division?

Do you want Scotland to be a Country or a Province. ....

Yes or No?

Great quote!
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My point wasn't really about whether the poor are suffering, it was the whole 'fact' pish that gets bandied about. Only a pedant would refuse to see that but because I'm a NAW I probably hate the poor (even though you have no idea of my status and may be poor but too proud to admit it).

And I invited you to point out which part of my fact was incorrect so I could remedy it. Poor and vulnerable people didn't cause austerity. But they are being punished for it. Simply because they're poor and vulnerable.

It's undeniable. And therefore a fact.

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And I invited you to point out which part of my fact was incorrect so I could remedy it. Poor and vulnerable people didn't cause austerity. But they are being punished for it. Simply because they're poor and vulnerable.

It's undeniable. And therefore a fact.

Sorry, its still not a 'fact', a fact could be that there are poor people, or even X% of people are poor if you have a baseline on how to define poor, it could be argued (not by me, I'm purely playing Devils advocate) that the poor have their part to play in the current austerity issues because of all the hand outs they receive, it really does come down to how you see things. Being picky but you did also use the term "for the crime of being poor" which really isn't a 'fact'.

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Sorry, its still not a 'fact', a fact could be that there are poor people, or even X% of people are poor if you have a baseline on how to define poor, it could be argued (not by me, I'm purely playing Devils advocate) that the poor have their part to play in the current austerity issues because of all the hand outs they receive, it really does come down to how you see things. Being picky but you did also use the term "for the crime of being poor" which really isn't a 'fact'.

Chop it any way you want. Whatever helps you lay your little No voting head on your pillow of an evening.

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However, is it any surprise that if you were to meet racism it would be in either Aberdeen or Edinburgh. The two cities that have the biggest influx of English and foreigners.

No, I don't think these people were racist through osmosis as a result of being near English people. There is racism in Scotland. There is racism in rUK. I don't think either side is in a position to take a moral high ground over the other.

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No, I don't think these people were racist through osmosis as a result of being near English people. There is racism in Scotland. There is racism in rUK. I don't think either side is in a position to take a moral high ground over the other.

Sorry that last statement was missing a ;). It was a throwaway line intended as banter. Of course racism is not an issue you should try and take the high ground on (although lets be honest there *is* a high ground available) and yes there is racism in Scotland to deny that would be daft. My assumption is that it is less prominent than South of the border and this is borne out by the voting patterns; BNP, UKIP, EDL, etc.

Unless of course you are BerwickMad who seems to think that wanting a Yes vote equates to extremist and racist views.

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Is this the sort of person no voters want on their side? http://wingsoverscotland.com/bigots-together/#more-60016

And a wee update:


Not stopped: Hama time
Posted on August 18, 2014 by Rev. Stuart Campbell

Earlier today we highlighted some rather ugly tweets from the No campaign’s latest “grassroots” star, Yvonne Hama of Airdrie, apparently a fan of the BNP’s Nick Griffin and the idea of hanging Catholics from trees.

Within hours of the revelations her Twitter accounts had all been deleted and her blog on the “Better Together” website and Facebook page removed, with a BT spokesman telling The Drum magazine that “views like this are completely unacceptable”.

So we imagine there were red faces all round when this happened just hours later.

Yvonne Hama is the woman who appears three times in 22 seconds in the above clip, with scraped-back hair and wearing a white shirt with blue butterflies on it (the same one, we think, that she wore when speaking alongside No campaign chairman Alistair Darling in Coatbridge at the weekend).

(Also featured several times is “ordinary mum” and Scottish Labour shadow cabinet member Clare Lally, along with an awful lot of recycled footage from BT’s first-ever campaign film over two years ago. We can’t be sure how many of the people filmed are Labour activists, but the No camp is clearly short of fresh faces. We don’t know what they’re spending all their millionaire Tory donors’ money on, but it’s clearly not videos.)

It’s difficult to imagine that – with the furore over Hama’s comments having first blown up last night – “Better Together” didn’t have time to hastily edit her out of the broadcast and patch in a few more seconds of the 2012 clip, or just leave it a few seconds short.

So the only supportable conclusion that can be drawn is that they were happy to be represented by someone they themselves had described the very same day as “completely unacceptable” - someone they’d obviously never bothered to vet, as Hama’s offending Twitter account had fewer than 60 tweets on it, and could have been checked out in two minutes.

When you’re desperate, it seems anyone who’ll parrot your message will do.

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As I have been at pains to point out, yet have been roundly insulted for doing so, the No campaign can ONLY succeed when it is an (un)holy alliance of the parties of hatred. The Orange Order, the BNP, the SDL and UKIP. These hate filled political imbeciles are the ones that prop up Darlings and co at Bitter Together, but hey, the No camp is quite happy about that.

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Desperate stuff from better together over on twitter. Tweeting that an independent Scotland would have to pay to watch the BBC!

Yeah I didn't understand why they would say that either,maybe they like looking stupid.

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Desperate stuff from better together over on twitter. Tweeting that an independent Scotland would have to pay to watch the BBC!

Yeah I didn't understand why they would say that either,maybe they like looking stupid.

They can stuff their BBC up their arse. I don't want it.

I will be quite happy to see everyone at BBC Scotland out of a job.

Strong words, I know, but *uck em. That's what their saying to me.

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