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FAO No Voters


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Sorry that last statement was missing a ;). It was a throwaway line intended as banter. Of course racism is not an issue you should try and take the high ground on (although lets be honest there *is* a high ground available) and yes there is racism in Scotland to deny that would be daft. My assumption is that it is less prominent than South of the border and this is borne out by the voting patterns; BNP, UKIP, EDL, etc.

Unless of course you are BerwickMad who seems to think that wanting a Yes vote equates to extremist and racist views.

Wanting a Yes vote isn't an extreme or a racist view. I didn't even mention racism for a start, and didn't link a Yes vote to either extremism or racism.

However, claiming Afghanistan was an illegal war and saying you guarantee an independent Scotland wouldn't get involved in a similar kind of war in the future is at best extreme, and at worst totally and utterly idiotic.

You don't speak on behalf of people who want independence, so don't link me criticising you and your ridiculous views with me criticising anyone who supports independence. .

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