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People who have changed from Undecided/Yes to No


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Not once have I ever really felt like debating it on this forum and to be fair both sides have the vicious, shout you down types, I guess it is inevitable given the anonymity of the internet which gives people a platform to act in this way.

I am still undecided, virtually all of my fears for independence have been overcome (almost) but I still have this nagging doubt, this and my stereotypical Rangers minded persona of course :rolleyes:

Yes, that's always going to be a serious handicap for you unfortunately.

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"There's just not enough information out there...."

Eh, aye there is actually. Literally thousands upon thousands of pages of information in fact.

Agree with this.

Both sides have plenty information out there, so there really isn't an excuse. Maybe the people peddling out this line haven't had a canvasser out to personally deliver the message and they can't be arsed otherwise.

If someone were to say there is a lot of conflicting information and they're not sure who to trust, that's fair game. There are many legitimate concerns regarding who is right/wrong, but to say there isn't enough information, especially in this day and age, simply isn't true.

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Not once have I ever really felt like debating it on this forum and to be fair both sides have the vicious, shout you down types, I guess it is inevitable given the anonymity of the internet which gives people a platform to act in this way.

I am still undecided, virtually all of my fears for independence have been overcome (almost) but I still have this nagging doubt, this and my stereotypical Rangers minded persona of course :rolleyes:

Read up on both sides,look at the arguments and make up your own mind...............and vote yes obviously(last part is tongue in cheek)

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Thats really frustrating because there is bawbags on both sides. On the STV page on Facebook when they put up the photo of the Scottish guy at the Uruguay-England game some dame commented 'Well if this is what Independence means I will now be voting NO'. :unsure:

Idiots have well and truly been outed thanks to this referendum.

Some of the remarks made about that lad at the England game make me sick.

He went to the game like that.

He never only put it on because England had lost.

He would still have been dressed like that if England had won.

Is it only Scotland fans that are not allowed to get dressed up for a world cup game now?

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On topic, my dear old maw has been an SNP activist all of her puff. At Christmas dinner the topic came up, and she is apparently not sure it would be a good idea now.

Old people, what can you do.

Crisis averted, turns out she's been attending those secret Jim Sillars meetings and has a massive Yes banner ready to hang on the side of her house.

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