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Racist Ulster Loyalists fly KKK flag in east Belfast

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I see a statue of the virgin mary has been stolen from a memorial to a suicide victim and placed atop a bonfire on the Shankill

Stay classy Loyalism

That photo is fake.

Infact it's been doing the rounds for 2-3 years.

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Search for facebook remarks of new belfast city councillor

I note you had enough sense not to deny the fact that unionisms leader backed racist protests in east Belfast or that he rowed in behind behind a hate preacher

I note things too squire.

I note that you once tried to link a tragic murder to Linfield.

I note that you never came back reference earlier remarks on this thread - because you were talking bollocks as usual.

I note that you're no longer using the apparently fake "statue on a bonfire" story.

I note that you continually post on, "Big bad unionist", threads, but rarely, if ever, anywhere else.

I note that you're now insinuating that I am tacitly approving the DUP when I've never voted for them in my life and don't approve of them.

Stay classy Kevin.

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Was it faked last year when the statue was photographed atop the bonfire before being returned to the church it was stolen from?

The same statue was stolen twice?

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I see a statue of the virgin mary has been stolen from a memorial to a suicide victim and placed atop a bonfire on the Shankill

Stay classy Loyalism

Oh dear Kevin. Oh dear.

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In 832, Angus MacFergus defeated King Athelstane from Northumbria in a great battle.

I'd like to commemorate this momentous achievement. Can anyone tell me how I can shut off roads, disrupt and wake up every person on a late shift / wanting a lie in - and in general, inconvenience and intimidate anyone near to the march I'm planning?

I've lined up my pissed-up clueless neds already, so I don't need any help on that front.

In all seriousness, what would happen if you did apply to do this? Would councils refuse? If so, what justification would they have for refusing?

Also, my take on the parades is simple. Have one annual event where all of the loyal orders get together and have one delightful day of loyalist celebration rather than 200 wee walks that piss folk off.

Why not take it a step further - we can have one day called Parade Day. Everyone gets to march that day; Orange Order, Sikh marches, Republicans, Gay Pride, The National Front, EDF, Socialist Workers Party, Free Tibet, Anti-Fascist League, whoever.

Everyone starts and finishes in the same place, and we get it all over with on one day.

Being as these things are always described as either a "celebration" or a "peaceful demonstration" by the groups in question, I can't see there being any problems. The only reason there would be any difficulties is if any of the participants weren't there to celebrate their culture or peacefully demonstrate, but that can't be the case.

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She did distance herself from her remarks. Did you read the Belfast Telegraph link? Suspect she is being cut some slack because she wasn't that old when she posted this stuff and because TUV is the political equivalent of The Flat Earth Society, so it's not exactly shocking that one of their councillors turns out to be a bit of a lunatic. It's a bit like when UKIP candidates on the mainland turn out to be a few of cards short of a full deck. Nobody is hugely shocked.

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But win she did and she didnt disown her remarks nor was she asked too by her party and no unionists on BCC called her out on them

Just as well these comments weren't publicised before the election or she would have won by more...

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In all seriousness, what would happen if you did apply to do this? Would councils refuse? If so, what justification would they have for refusing?

Assuming that he wanted to hold the march in Athelstaneford where the battle happened

East Lothian Council would ask for a risk assessment form to fill in and a period of notification during which people could complain. But if his eminence get the paperwork sorted and nobody objects then it's on.

Objections can only be on the grounds laid down by statute (Public safety, Public Order, Damage to property, Disruption of the life of the community) and even then they're weighed up against the right to assembly.

The whole policy is here


Given that there's a tourist attraction devoted to the battle (where the Scottish Flag originated) I think they'd probably be quite glad of the Cardinal raising their profile further.


Given that East Lothian let this reenactment of the Battle of Prestonpans go ahead I can't see there being a problem

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