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Those who vote 'No' have no place in Scotland post-ref..

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But this is H_B trolling. It is only a 'walloper' who can't see that.

It's just another example of BT supporters' deceit in their attempt to portray Yes voters as fascists.

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I find it hard to believe that people cannot grasp this very simple concept.

The analogy is this. A friend continually telling you that you aren't good enough to get that job, aren't good enough to ask that girl out, aren't good enough to play that sport, learn that musical instrument or do any number of other things that would make a difference to your life. Well that just isn't a friend at all, and you shouldn't consider them so. It's the no voters who are telling the Scots we are not good enough to control our own political, ethical and social destiny.

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I find it hard to believe that people cannot grasp this very simple concept.

The analogy is this. A friend continually telling you that you aren't good enough to get that job, aren't good enough to ask that girl out, aren't good enough to play that sport, learn that musical instrument or do any number of other things that would make a difference to your life. Well that just isn't a friend at all, and you shouldn't consider them so. It's the no voters who are telling the Scots we are not good enough to control our own political, ethical and social destiny.

I like the passion, but you are being far to aggressive trying to get your points across.

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I like the passion, but you are being far to aggressive trying to get your points across.

That, and they don't believe a single word they're typing.

Of course, they'll be along no doubt to try and say that this is nonsense. To try and keep the obvious trolling not so obvious for just a while longer.

Can't understand why people are even giving this fucking idiot the time of day to be honest. Let them stew on their own pish.

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That, and they don't believe a single word they're typing.

It's generally irrelevant whether you believe me or not, although you are wrong, however the question probably has to be raised why you have such trust issues. I'm guessing you were abandoned at some point.

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Do we have the right to a Scottish passport? What about the National team? Can we still support them?

You have the right to whatever you want flower. The rest ot them can f**k right off. x x

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Do the No voters who are endulging an obvious troll with questions here, feel that they're vindicating their position by standing toe to toe against a vicious cybernat?

No voters much more keen and active in arguing with a pantomine troll than they've been in any of the "why are you voting No" threads. I don't get it.

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Do the No voters who are endulging an obvious troll with questions here, feel that they're vindicating their position by standing toe to toe against a vicious cybernat?

Oooooh, hark at her. I'm a vicious cybernat, and not just a vicious cybernat but a vicious cybernat.

Perhaps I just think that those who wish to hold back a whole population for either delusion and fear or selfish reasons should reap the benefits when that population decide to move forward.

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I find it hard to believe that people cannot grasp this very simple concept.

The analogy is this. A friend continually telling you that you aren't good enough to get that job, aren't good enough to ask that girl out, aren't good enough to play that sport, learn that musical instrument or do any number of other things that would make a difference to your life. Well that just isn't a friend at all, and you shouldn't consider them so. It's the no voters who are telling the Scots we are not good enough to control our own political, ethical and social destiny.

I agree about the type of people you're talking about, but let's not tar everyone who's voting no with the same brush.

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I agree about the type of people you're talking about, but let's not tar everyone who's voting no with the same brush.

I certainly don't tar all NO voters with the same brush but the constant put downs coming from No should trigger some sort of fight against them from the majority of the population who feel even remotely Scottish.

NO will only won this referendum if they've triggered the flight switch in the heads of enough voters, that would be very disconcerting to someone like myself who believes that Scotland actually has more than it's share of people with a propensity for flicking the fight switch.

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If it turns out to be a No vote, it's because not enough people wanted independence enough to vote for it. Never mind bullshit excuses. It's up to individuals to make their own choices and they're the ones to be held responsible, much like Yes voters as well.

Will I be disappointed? Of course. But I won't go pointing fingers and making excuses.

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