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Of course you could look at the other side with Darling criticising the removal of the knighthood from Goodwin.

In fact if you were to look at those who had power at the UK Treasury; namely Darling and Brown - both of which are ardent Unionists, you could pretty much declare there is no high ground to be taken by anyone. Not that it'll stop the revisionists within the No camp, mind.

So, we have one politician who shouldn't have helped in a badly judged move regarding a banking takeover, or two men who presided over the worst financial crisis in the world in modern banking history and which has resulted in poverty and austerity for millions of people.

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So, we have one politician who shouldn't have helped in a badly judged move regarding a banking takeover, or two men who presided over the worst financial crisis in the world in modern banking history and which has resulted in poverty and austerity for millions of people.

Alastair Darling is a lawyer, not an economist.

Salmond is allegedly an economist to trade. Just clearly not a very good one.

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It's laughable that any unionist feels they can take any ground never mind the high ground on the banking crisis, millions of people in the UK are being hammered due to the self serving incompetence of New Labour, the dafties might lay the blame for austerity at the feet of Scotland or The Coalition, I don't.

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Alastair Darling is a lawyer, not an economist.

Salmond is allegedly an economist to trade. Just clearly not a very good one.

Not something that I'd highlight given the performance of yourself and the wonderkid.

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Alastair Darling is a lawyer, not an economist.

Who was the Chancellor of the Exchequer during the financial crisis, who succeeded his boss, Brown who was PM at the time.

Tell me HB, out of the 3 men; Salmond, Brown and Darling, who had the most power to wield in terms of financial policy?

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Who was the Chancellor of the Exchequer during the financial crisis, who succeeded his boss, Brown who was PM at the time.

Tell me HB, out of the 3 men; Salmond, Brown and Darling, who had the most power to wield in terms of financial policy?

Sturgeon, Swinney and Salmond.

Brown and Darling had absolutely nothing to do with our financial meltdown never mind entering an illegal war or conning the British electorate.

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There it is folks. All the patronising facts that you need to make a decision. All 3 of them.

I draw you to the last sentence. if Salmond's promises.... Not when, if.

Good to see the opposition is so confident of their own policies.

The other side had a picture of a scary monster on it.

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That leaflet couldn't contain more ambiguity and errors if it tried. Well it might, but it'd be a tough call.


"more decisions are guaranteed to come" .. does that even make sense? I guess they mean "more powers are" but even then that's lies, there is no such guarantee.

"For example we get £1200 more per person in spending" .. Well this is baseless. More per person in what context? In relation to whom?

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What a bizarre comment. It's almost as if you didn't understand the context. Either that or you're a bit simple. I'll be kind and assume it's the former, although you are a No voter so the latter is equally if not more likely.

Mind you, going by this response, it probably is just a case of you being a bit simple.

Clearly the LSE were not at fault, the Treasury were at fault. More FUDdery from South of the border by the Westminster elite. That said you do love a bit of lapdogging don't you Rob. Who's a good boy? Eh? Eh? Who's a good boy? YOU ARE! Yes, you are. Clever Rob.

Honestly what’s with some of the posters on here? We can disagree on an internet forum but why do you feel the need to try and belittle other posters with your condescending pish? It’s almost like you can’t stop yourself from writing anything without some barbed spiteful footnote.

It just paints a picture of what sort of person you really are, clearly seeking to compensate for something that’s sadly lacking in your character perhaps?

I wonder what people who know you, really think of you?

Nah scrub that, I think I know the answer.

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So no more from H_B on blaming Salmond for the banking crisis without mentioning Brown and Darling or is his silence now evidence of his humiliating climbdown?

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So no more from H_B on blaming Salmond for the banking crisis without mentioning Brown and Darling or is his silence now evidence of his humiliating climbdown?

If you honestly think Salmond would have been tougher in terms of banking regulation then you truly are living in cloud-fucking-cuckoo land.

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If you honestly think Salmond would have been tougher in terms of banking regulation then you truly are living in cloud-fucking-cuckoo land.

It's always funny when someone joins into a conversation half way through without a fucking scooby at what is actually being discussed.

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If you honestly think Salmond would have been tougher in terms of banking regulation then you truly are living in cloud-fucking-cuckoo land.

That's not the point. Who wielded more influence at the time? Brown/ Darling or Salmond?

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