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What happens after a NO?


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Especially from some website run by a self-ordained minister sitting in Bath.


Eh? I directed him to 'Yes Scotland' not 'Wings over Scotland'. Main office for 'Yes Scotland' is in Hope st. Glasgow.

Yes Scotland run the official campaign and are the very people that 'thepundit' was claiming had not supplied any answers to the important questions. I directed him to where those answers were published and he refuses to look. I look at everything published by the BT campaign - looking at both sides of an argument, is afterall, how reasonable people make informed decisions and in truth, most of the No stuff is unavoidable as it is given masses of coverage by the mainstream media anyway.

The Yes side of the argument is -as we all know - not given the same coverage and is why we are hearing people claiming that there is no substance to the argument. The answers have been given, they are just not published daily by the newspapers or featured on radio/tv news. 'thepundit' and many like him, refuse to look for them, even when given easy to follow directions. Who's the ass with fingers in his ears shouting lalalalala?

How does the old proverb go again? You can lead a thick fud to the fountain of knowledge but.....

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How does the old proverb go again? You can lead a thick fud to the fountain of knowledge but.....

The Yes Scotland website has been factually wrong in the past.

It claimed there would be a currency union, before this was torpedoed. They've since amended this.

They also published in answer to questions about EU membership the utter fail the SNP used to tell people until the White Paper came out.

If you want knowledge, I wouldn't go looking for it from Yes Scotland.

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The Yes Scotland website has been factually wrong in the past.

It claimed there would be a currency union, before this was torpedoed. They've since amended this.

They also published in answer to questions about EU membership the utter fail the SNP used to tell people until the White Paper came out.

If you want knowledge, I wouldn't go looking for it from Yes Scotland.

Yes, but you're a fucking idiot.

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The Yes Scotland website has been factually wrong in the past.

It claimed there would be a currency union, before this was torpedoed. They've since amended this.

They also published in answer to questions about EU membership the utter fail the SNP used to tell people until the White Paper came out.

If you want knowledge, I wouldn't go looking for it from Yes Scotland.

Of course, absolutely nothing claimed by the BT or UKG has turned out to be anything other than absolute gospel :rolleyes:

thepundit claimed the Yes campaign/Scottish Government had failed to provide answers. I directed him to their site, where he could find and read their answers and he refused to look, on the basis that their answers would be bias. Funny? Sad? Both?

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Eh? I directed him to 'Yes Scotland' not 'Wings over Scotland'. Main office for 'Yes Scotland' is in Hope st. Glasgow.

Yes Scotland run the official campaign and are the very people that 'thepundit' was claiming had not supplied any answers to the important questions. I directed him to where those answers were published and he refuses to look. I look at everything published by the BT campaign - looking at both sides of an argument, is afterall, how reasonable people make informed decisions and in truth, most of the No stuff is unavoidable as it is given masses of coverage by the mainstream media anyway.

The Yes side of the argument is -as we all know - not given the same coverage and is why we are hearing people claiming that there is no substance to the argument. The answers have been given, they are just not published daily by the newspapers or featured on radio/tv news. 'thepundit' and many like him, refuse to look for them, even when given easy to follow directions. Who's the ass with fingers in his ears shouting lalalalala?

How does the old proverb go again? You can lead a thick fud to the fountain of knowledge but.....

Yes, but you're a fucking idiot.

I'm all out of Charles Greens.

I owe you one each, lads.

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Of course, absolutely nothing claimed by the BT or UKG has turned out to be anything other than absolute gospel :rolleyes:


You'll no doubt be along shortly to explain the point of this whataboutery.

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thepundit claimed the Yes campaign/Scottish Government had failed to provide answers. I directed him to their site, where he could find and read their answers and he refused to look, on the basis that their answers would be bias. Funny? Sad? Both?

And I said I had already heard the answers from Jenkins, Salmond and Sturgeon.

The implication being I have no need to go to the Yes Scotland site to read their, what I deem unacceptable, answers.


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And I said I had already heard the answers from Jenkins, Salmond and Sturgeon.

The implication being I have no need to go to the Yes Scotland site to read their, what I deem unacceptable, answers.


Specifically what questions did you seek answers for and what answers did you get from Jenkins, Salmond & Sturgeon?

I have a feeling, much like another outspoken No poster on here, you won't answer this as it doesn't suit your agenda.

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And I said I had already heard the answers from Jenkins, Salmond and Sturgeon.

The implication being I have no need to go to the Yes Scotland site to read their, what I deem unacceptable, answers.


Specifically what questions did you seek answers for and what answers did you get from Jenkins, Salmond & Sturgeon?

I have a feeling, much like another outspoken No poster on here, you won't answer this as it doesn't suit your agenda.

Unfortunately there are many like him. I've personally met loads and whilst infuriating, they are really not worth messing with the blood pressure. Too much 'tradition' to break through. Short-sighted morons to a man and regardless of what anyone says, it is no coincidence that most of this type support the one senior Scottish FC to register overwhelming support for NO in fans' forum polls.

I'm voting Yes having looked at all argument from both sides and concluded that it is the sensible and correct thing to do. I have not based my decision on what would be best for my own immediate future but rather for the over-all greater good of the Country. Regardless of how things pan out, I know my decision has been made using logic, rational and reasoned thought.

If people vote on this issue, for purely selfish reasons or indoctrinated tradition belonging to a bygone era, then they should be ashamed.

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I'm voting Yes having looked at all argument from both sides and concluded that it is the sensible and correct thing to do. I have not based my decision on what would be best for my own immediate future but rather for the over-all greater good of the Country. Regardless of how things pan out, I know my decision has been made using logic, rational and reasoned thought.

If people vote on this issue, for purely selfish reasons or indoctrinated tradition belonging to a bygone era, then they should be ashamed.

This is my train of thought precisesly.

I have a wife, 2 kids, a full time job, a mortgage and a pension.

This decision is far too big to base it on personal circumstances, it will affect my kids, their kids, and so on and so on.

People who vote, either based on hatred of Alex Salmond/ SNP or based on their personal circumstances, should absolutely be ashamed.

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I'll be proud when I put my cross on that ballot paper.

Good and well informed too, I hope. The information is readily available from both sides, for all of us to evaluate. Anyone choosing not to access this information and make their decision according to reasoned thought processes, should simply abstain.

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This is my train of thought precisesly.

I have a wife, 2 kids, a full time job, a mortgage and a pension.

This decision is far too big to base it on personal circumstances, it will affect my kids, their kids, and so on and so on.

People who vote, either based on hatred of Alex Salmond/ SNP or based on their personal circumstances, should absolutely be ashamed.

Dont be so fucking stupid.

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Dont be so fucking stupid.

In a vote which affects an entire country and it's indefinite future, I would suggest allowing personal circumstances to be the overriding factor in making your decision "fucking stupid".

As you were, Grandad.

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Good and well informed too, I hope. The information is readily available from both sides, for all of us to evaluate. Anyone choosing not to access this information and make their decision according to reasoned thought processes, should simply abstain.

That would lose the Yes campaign a lot of votes though, would it not?....

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That would lose the Yes campaign a lot of votes though, would it not?....

How did you come to that rather outlandish conclusion? You'll have to be very specific, as I believe your love for team and country has thwarted even the slightest desire to look into reasons for independence...

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How did you come to that rather outlandish conclusion? You'll have to be very specific, as I believe your love for team and country has thwarted even the slightest desire to look into reasons for independence...

A Yes supporter asking me to be "very specific"???

All of a sudden you want proper answers?

Well done. Now use this sudden need for enlightenment to really investigate whether a Yes vote is the correct decision for Scotland. :)

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That would lose the Yes campaign a lot of votes though, would it not?....

:lol::lol: Naw mate, don't hink so naw a dinny. :shutup

A Yes supporter asking me to be "very specific"???

All of a sudden you want proper answers?

Well done. Now use this sudden need for enlightenment to really investigate whether a Yes vote is the correct decision for Scotland. :)

It is but like H_B you are beyond hope. You'll be pleased to know, I won't be putting any effort into 'turning you' you fully belong where you are. Hope you find that Wales is all you expect it to be.

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