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Can anyone who cares about this explain it to me?

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Because there is hype and a focus on it that doesn't exist at other times. It puts a spotlight on sports that often don't get much or any mainstream focus.

I always enjoy the sports I don't often get to watch at Olympics, e.g. Snowboard Cross at the last Winter Olympics and Archery at the London Olympics. Not much chance I'll be sitting on an average night caring about Archery at any other time, but I really enjoyed it during the Olympics.

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I used to live in Llangollen, a small town/village in North Wales that hosts the International Eisteddfod once a year, and a Fringe Festival a week or so later. You get some decent acts on for the Fringe, and some well known ones for the main event. The Eisteddfod is mostly children from around the world trying to dance or sing, or whatever, and some adults trying to resurrect their operatic careers. The fringe can be pretty good. But the main event is the youths of all the local villages coming into town for a square go on the last Saturday of the Eisteddfod. Meanwhile the sensible, slightly more open to others, youth have been shagging the foreign talent rotten for a week. You also get musicians from all over the place doing impromptu sets around the pubs. Not sure if this translates to Glasgow at all?

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I know some people like cycling, athletics etc but can any of the people who don't care about this stuff 99% of the time but get all buzzing for the Olympics/Commonweath Games, explain what it's all about?

I just don't get it.

The sort of people who get excited about the Commonwealth Games are the same sort of people who woke up at 3:30am and stood for hours in order to be one of the first ones on a tram.

The sort of people who repeatedly text in votes for the X Factor.

The sort of people who post "IF U CANT HANDLE ME AT MY WORST U DONT DESERVE ME AT MY BEST" pictures on Facebook.

Awful people.

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The sort of people who get excited about the Commonwealth Games are the same sort of people who woke up at 3:30am and stood for hours in order to be one of the first ones on a tram.

The sort of people who repeatedly text in votes for the X Factor.

The sort of people who post "IF U CANT HANDLE ME AT MY WORST U DONT DESERVE ME AT MY BEST" pictures on Facebook.

Awful people.


Fucking hell.

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Because there is hype and a focus on it that doesn't exist at other times. It puts a spotlight on sports that often don't get much or any mainstream focus.

I always enjoy the sports I don't often get to watch at Olympics, e.g. Snowboard Cross at the last Winter Olympics and Archery at the London Olympics. Not much chance I'll be sitting on an average night caring about Archery at any other time, but I really enjoyed it during the Olympics.

Taking the hype and focus element, who would've watched football games (some at 11pm) between the likes of Greece and Ivory Coast and Ecuador and Honduras were they not in the World Cup?

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Taking the hype and focus element, who would've watched football games (some at 11pm) between the likes of Greece and Ivory Coast and Ecuador and Honduras were they not in the World Cup?


I can't say I'm excited for the games, but when it is on it will be a good watch no doubt.

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The sort of people who get excited about the Commonwealth Games are the same sort of people who woke up at 3:30am and stood for hours in order to be one of the first ones on a tram.

The sort of people who repeatedly text in votes for the X Factor.

The sort of people who post "IF U CANT HANDLE ME AT MY WORST U DONT DESERVE ME AT MY BEST" pictures on Facebook.

Awful people.

Mmm, much better to be a cynic who takes no enjoyment out of anything other than dryly laughing at what the stupid people enjoy.

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I'm not particularly excited about the whole thing per se, but walking through Glasgow today in the glorious sunshine and seeing lots of different people from all over the world walking about the city was pretty cool. Everyone seemed to be in a jovial mood and there's lots of colours and a general excitement about the place.

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Taking the hype and focus element, who would've watched football games (some at 11pm) between the likes of Greece and Ivory Coast and Ecuador and Honduras were they not in the World Cup?


When the stakes are higher the drama is more compelling.

And drama is one of the things we watch sport for.

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Sport is exciting because of the stories behind the events themselves. The Commonwealth Games and other major competitions and tournaments shine a light on sports that don't get mainstream attention and allow people to get involved in the stories of the athletes that compete. No one really cares about curling most of the time but during the Winter Olympics it gets great viewing figures. There is an interest either in the nation competing or the athlete or you just really enjoy watching the sport.

To just dismiss the Games when they're happening in our backyard strikes me as confusing and rather ignorant but to each their own.

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Sport is exciting because of the stories behind the events themselves. The Commonwealth Games and other major competitions and tournaments shine a light on sports that don't get mainstream attention and allow people to get involved in the stories of the athletes that compete. No one really cares about curling most of the time but during the Winter Olympics it gets great viewing figures. There is an interest either in the nation competing or the athlete or you just really enjoy watching the sport.

To just dismiss the Games when they're happening in our backyard strikes me as confusing and rather ignorant but to each their own.


Random example from the Olympics: Jade Jones in Taekwando.

I've no interest in Taekwando and doubt I'll ever see a bout (if that's what it's called) between Olympics. But it gripped you with her story, the action and the country's medal being at stake.

Ditto that lass who won at Judo.

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